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Israel orders 186 new East Jerusalem settlements


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Israel approves 186 new East Jerusalem homes | The Times of Israel

Israel moved forward Wednesday with plans to build another 186 new homes in occupied East Jerusalem, according to a Jerusalem city councilor.

The plans would see construction of 4 illegal settlements in Palestinian East Jerusalem and 146 in EastJerusalem , both of them settlements built on territory occupied by Israel.

The move comes as the United States is pressuring both the Israeli and Palestinian sides to accept Secretary of State John Kerry’s framework for peace and extend negotiations beyond the April deadline previously agreed upon.

The chief Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat, said Tuesday that PA President Mahmoud Abbas had presented US President Barack Obama — during a meeting in Washington on Monday — with a “very ugly map” depicting Israeli settlement construction throughout the West Bank.

According to Erekat, over 10,000 housing units were built on Palestinian-owned territory since the US-brokered peace talks commenced last year, the Guardian reported.

“We put a map to President Obama, showed him the extent of what happened since we began [negotiations] in July,” Erekat said during a speech at the Wilson Center think tank in Washington Tuesday, displaying what was apparently Abbas’s map.


Peace loving people....:disagree:
Youth killed by IDF as he and two others attempted to sabotage security fence near Hebron.

Maybe if he was in school instead of trying to carry out attacks against Israelis, he'd still be alive.

You have a corrupt society which loves death and teaches it to their kids as soon as they are out of the womb.
Youth killed by IDF as he and two others attempted to sabotage security fence near Hebron.

Maybe if he was in school instead of trying to carry out attacks against Israelis, he'd still be alive.

You have a corrupt society which loves death and teaches it to their kids as soon as they are out of the womb.

BS, he tried crossing the fence and was fired upon without warning and murdered. In Palestinian land where your pariah state should not be at all.
As a long as oven bait like you post in the European section then fine

You bought this hatred on yourself the moment you sided with the same west that has been so indifferent to jew suffering for centuries and decided to oppress muslims in Palestine you made it into an issue for all muslims

As long as you occupy Palestine, we will be after you
Youth killed by IDF as he and two others attempted to sabotage security fence near Hebron.

Maybe if he was in school instead of trying to carry out attacks against Israelis, he'd still be alive.

You have a corrupt society which loves death and teaches it to their kids as soon as they are out of the womb.

"Why don't those damn Palestinians go to school and work instead of retaliating against our apartheid policies and settlement expansions!"

Israel is making the binational one-state solution more inevitable.

The PA might as well dissolve itself and allow Israel to annex the West Bank. This way it will have to become a binational state unless any ethnic cleansing occurs. Gaza will stay a state on its own, it has its borders, it's own central government, it's military, etc....

Israel has to accept the reality that Hamas is the legitimate governing body in Gaza and they might as well recognize them and loosen restrictions from the siege.
So i was right or should i say most of neutral observers were right that Israel is not interested in peace. Israel is land hungry and is slowly wiping out the Palestinian identity. Human rights? screw human rights, they don't apply when the ''chosen people'' are wiping out the unworthy Palestinians.
The PA might as well dissolve itself and allow Israel to annex the West Bank. This way it will have to become a binational state unless any ethnic cleansing occurs. Gaza will stay a state on its own, it has its borders, it's own central government, it's military, etc....

Israel has to accept the reality that Hamas is the legitimate governing body in Gaza and they might as well recognize them and loosen restrictions from the siege.

I dont think Israel will be able to do large scale ethnic cleansing anymore. They would if they could off course, but the dynamics are different.
They are under the scope and is today seen by the world as the Goliath. At least by most nations except US, Canada...
Besides, Palestinians in West Bank are several millions. They would put up fierce resistance (much more violent intifada than ever) and Israel would find itself in an uncontrollable situation.

I agree that it is time to dissolve that PA/Fatah.
They are worse than animals, because they are emplloyed by Israel and essentially is a subcontractor for the Israeli occupation.
So i was right or should i say most of neutral observers were right that Israel is not interested in peace. Israel is land hungry and is slowly wiping out the Palestinian identity. Human rights? screw human rights, they don't apply when the ''chosen people'' are wiping out the unworthy Palestinians.

This is just one instance, if you want to see more I regularly post updates on Israeli violations of Palestinian rights in the 'Palestines struggle for freedom' sticky thread. :)
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