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Israel launches comm satellite from Kazakhstan

It is not observation satellite you idiots! it is commercial communication satellite owned by private spacecom, built by IAI and launched by Russians, end of story.
I didn't have time to hang out, but I did try out Iranian dishes, I love your rice BTW :) ..

I think the Saudi image of Iranians is politically fueled, similar to the Iranian image of Saudis.

What exactly did you do in Tehran and Mashad?
I didn't have time to hang out, but I did try out Iranian dishes, I love your rice BTW :) ..

I think the Saudi image of Iranians is politically fueled, similar to the Iranian image of Saudis.

Iranians respect guests/tourists. Indeed YZD, you are not the first to talk about this magical rice, every nation talks about this Iranian rice. It's funny :lol:

And yes most of "tensions" is just political.
I never had a problem with people in there, and I'm used to them as I have been stationed twice during Hajj. People were keeping themselves busy with the work they've got in hand :lol:
Iranians respect guests/tourists. Indeed YZD, you are not the first to talk about this magical rice, every nation talks about this Iranian rice. It's funny :lol:

And yes most of "tensions" is just political.

Yes, I like that Rice, I believe it comes in 4 flavor each one has its own color right?
I never had a problem with people in there, and I'm used to them as I have been stationed twice during Hajj. People were keeping themselves busy with the work they've got in hand :lol:

Yes, I like that Rice, I believe it comes in 4 flavor each one has its own color right?
Well the yellow colour is because of Saffron (also possible with Turmeric). However the other colours... ask the chef, but yes different colours are available! :bounce:
Some different kind of rice recipes: zereshk polo, baghele polo, kalam polo, keshmesh polo, sabzi polo, adas polo, shirin polo, loobia polo etc. Some times different recipes are mixed and colour added to it by herbs. Rice recipes are basic, most of time chicken, or fish, or lamb meat will be added either in kabab form or khoresht (stew) form. Well I think you've tried them all, if not, your advised to do so. Man I love food, I'm going to eat something :lol: take care
@Shapur Zol Aktaf
Well the yellow colour is because of Saffron (also possible with Turmeric). However the other colours...

You guys have got some rice in yellow, green, white, and red-mixed white, right?

Rice recipes are basic, most of time chicken, or fish, or lamb meat will be added either in kabab form or khoresht (stew) form. Well I think you've tried them all, if not, your advised to do so. Man I love food, I'm going to eat something

I love Persian Kebab, I guess it is the coolest of all.

We do have some Iranian restaurants in here :cheesy:
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@Shapur Zol Aktaf

You guys have got some rice in yellow, green, white, and red-mixed white, right?

I love Persian Kebab, I guess it is the coolest of all.

We do have some Iranian restaurants in here :cheesy:

Yes.. green "colour" is made possible bij "shewed" I think, yellow by safron, white (natural), red colour I dont know, but it's possible. :cheers:
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