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Israel issues tenders for new settler homes

fahd tamimi


New Recruit

Aug 25, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Israel said Friday it published tenders for 283 new homes in a West Bank settlement, just days after announcing its biggest land grab on occupied Palestinian territory for three decades.

The expansion of the Elkana settlement, in the northwest of the West Bank, was approved in January and the tenders published Thursday, Israel’s Land Authority said on its website.

It came after Israel announced Sunday its biggest land grab in the West Bank since the 1980s, saying it planned to expropriate 400 hectares (988 acres) of land in the south of the territory, between the cities of Bethlehem and Hebron.

That move drew international condemnation, even from ally the United States and some Israeli cabinet ministers.

The U.S. State Department urged Israel to “reverse this decision,” and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he was “alarmed” by Israel’s plans.

Israel’s settlement building, which is illegal under international law, is seen as an obstacle to any lasting peace with the Palestinians, who want their future state to be on land much of which Israel has annexed or built settlements on.
Doesn't matter, the worshipers of Satan(Zionists, Masons, Bilderberg, EU governments, etc..) will keep the world silent on these matters.

Israel is the only nation in the world which gets away with what it's done. The onus is on the worshippers of God to put injustice to an end.
more land grabbing=more distortion on faces of jews.

like following jew

his eyebrows have distorted and shifted from their original position and eyes have shrinked cause of daily lanat(curse) that comes on him
if you spread corruption in the land then you get this.


just like this swine.
his eyebrows have also changed the angle and his face has distorted.he now looks like a swine.just by his glare you can tell that he is a jamandru haramka


just like ozen rajneesh.he hypnotizes women during yoga and then touches them for sexual gratification.

his eyebrows have also changed their angle and have distorted.


just like this rabbi

curse(manhusiat) can be seen on his forehead and chin.also eyes have shrinked


just like this mushrik of hind whose eyes have shrinked and appearance is negative.

have i painted this picture or you have yourself painted this picture of your elder?

have i painted his shrinked eyes or you have yourself with your own hand and out of free will painted shrinked eyes of your elder?

just like mirza qadiani who is founder of jamat e ahmediyya cult.he was funded by jews.israel still hosts jamat e ahmediyya head quarters in occupied palestine and funds them.and uses them for spying purposes in different countries.

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