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Israel has nukes while Iran banned from nuclear energy

i don't know why Israel needs nukes. Israel already has edge over all of it's neighbors in military, than why Israel is doing stupid thing.

Israel must realize that USA cannot support Israel forever and the day USA turned it's back, it will be every hard for Israel to face it's Muslims neighbors.

Israel has nukes because it cannot afford to lose once. It actually is in a precarious scenario and pressure because it must always win in any conflicts. Any loss would push the whole country into the sea.
when Israel wanted to give all the land back taken since the 6 day war to Palestinians in 2000 if the new Palestinian state would recognize Israel. Arafat pondered but said no. No one in Isreal believe that Palestinians want peace.

give me the detail (link etc) of wat u are saying and then i will comment.
Ahmadinejad: Israel has nukes while Iran banned from nuclear energy

By DPA and Haaretz Service

Tags: Israel news

Israel's nuclear arsenal is safeguarded by the United States, while Iran is prevented from establishing its peaceful nuclear energy program, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said at the opening of the First International Conference on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation in Tehran, Iran's state news agency IRNA reported on Saturday.

Iran is already a nuclear state. What Iran seek is nuclear WEAPONS state status. If Iran is serious about nuclear energy, then the current Iranian nuclear technology level is more than adequate. The UN/IAEA inspectors are not fools.
when Israel wanted to give all the land back taken since the 6 day war to Palestinians in 2000 if the new Palestinian state would recognize Israel. Arafat pondered but said no. No one in Isreal believe that Palestinians want peace.

give me the detail (link etc) of wat u are saying and then i will comment.

I'd like to flesh out the detail on his behalf. All information below came from gush-shalom.org.

And this is what they have to say:

"The West Bank and the Gaza Strip, captured in 1967,
comprise 22% of pre-1948 Palestine.
When the Palestinians signed the Oslo Agreement in 1993
they agreed to accept only these 22% and recognise
Israel within the Green Line borders.
Conceding 78% of the land was a historical Palestinian compromise."

"But this compromise was not enough for Barak.
In his offer to the Palestinians, Barak wanted more:
69 settlements are included in this area,
where 85% of the settlers live.
It is clearly visible that The blocs create impossible borders, which severely disrupt Palestinian life in the West Bank."

"But this too was not enough for Barak.
more demands were on their way-
An invention called: 'temporary Israeli Control' ...

The 'Temporary Control' concept is unique.
It refers to sovereign Palestinian land that will remain
under Israeli military and civil control for an indefinite time.
This area too contains settlements, some of them are the most
extreme zealots. It is very unlikely that Israel will evacuate them
in, say, 50 years time."

"This left the Palestinians with what some people call:
'Barak's Generous Offers'...

This is Barak's Generous offer:
What appears to be territorial continuity is
actually split up by settlement blocs,
bypass roads and roadblocks.
The Palestinians have to relinquish land reserves essential
for their development and absorption of refugees.
They also have to accept Israeli supervision of borders
crossings together with many other restrictions."

Here is another take on "Barak's generous offer" ...

"The annexations and security arrangements would divide the West Bank into three disconnected cantons. In exchange for taking fertile West Bank lands that happen to contain most of the region's scarce water aquifers, Israel offered to give up a piece of its own territory in the Negev Desert--about one-tenth the size of the land it would annex--including a former toxic waste dump.

Because of the geographic placement of Israel’s proposed West Bank annexations, Palestinians living in their new "independent state" would be forced to cross Israeli territory every time they traveled or shipped goods from one section of the West Bank to another, and Israel could close those routes at will. Israel would also retain a network of so-called "bypass roads" that would crisscross the Palestinian state while remaining sovereign Israeli territory, further dividing the West Bank.

Israel was also to have kept "security control" for an indefinite period of time over the Jordan Valley, the strip of territory that forms the border between the West Bank and neighboring Jordan. Palestine would not have free access to its own international borders with Jordan and Egypt--putting Palestinian trade, and therefore its economy, at the mercy of the Israeli military.

Had Arafat agreed to these arrangements, the Palestinians would have permanently locked in place many of the worst aspects of the very occupation they were trying to bring to an end. For at Camp David, Israel also demanded that Arafat sign an "end-of-conflict" agreement stating that the decades-old war between Israel and the Palestinians was over and waiving all further claims against Israel."​

Let me know if I am remiss in my quotations, Mr. Faithfuldude ...

To be sure, Ehud Barak seems to me personally to be a decent and honourable fella overall given the circumstances ... dissection and scrutiny of his "generous offer" is by no means a repudiation of his character.
Ahmadinejad: Israel has nukes while Iran banned from nuclear energy

By DPA and Haaretz Service

Tags: Israel news

Israel's nuclear arsenal is safeguarded by the United States, while Iran is prevented from establishing its peaceful nuclear energy program, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said at the opening of the First International Conference on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation in Tehran, Iran's state news agency IRNA reported on Saturday.

The conference, meeting under the slogan "Nuclear Energy for All, Nuclear Weapons for No One," was kicked off early Saturday, and included 10 foreign ministers, 14 deputy foreign ministers as well as nuclear experts from 60 countries.

China is to be represented at the conference by a low-ranking Foreign Ministry official and Russia by a deputy minister.

The conference is focused on disarmament, but analysts said a main aim would be another effort by Iran to persuade the international community that its nuclear projects are solely for peaceful and civilian purposes.

Referring to Israel's alleged nuclear program, Ahmadinejad said that "the Zionist regime which has over 200 nuclear warheads and has waged several wars in the region is fully supported by Washington and its allies."

"This is while other states are prevented from making peaceful use of nuclear energy," the Iranian president added.

Addressing the conference's aims, Ahmadinejad said that "wars, aggressions, occupation, threats, nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction and expansionist policies of certain countries have made the prospect of regional and international security as unclear and ambiguous.

The Iranian president also criticized the performance of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), saying that the UN nuclear watchdog has been turned to a tool for exerting pressure on those countries which have no nuclear weapons.

"Expecting those countries which have the veto right and are big sellers of weapons in the world to establish security and to disarm other states is illogical," Ahmadinejad said according to IRNA, suggesting the formation of a new group that would supervise global nuclear disarmament.

"[That] group should suspend membership of those countries possessing, using and threatening use of nuclear weapons at the IAEA and its Board of Governors," the Iranian President said.

Also Saturday, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Islam forbade the use of nuclear weapons, saying that while the United States urged the reduction of the worldwide nuclear arsenal, it had takenno real steps toward achieving that aim.

In a statement read by aides at the opening of the nuclear disarmament conference headed by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Khamenei said that United States was still the only nation to commit what he called "atomic crimes."

Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Saeid Jalili, also criticized the United States for its double-standard approach to nuclear disarmament.

"The U.S. is itself guilty of having used atomic weapons in Japan and can, therefore, not be a supervisor of countries using peaceful nuclear technology," said Jalili, who is also secretary of Iran's National Security Council. "The world should not allow nuclear criminals to have a supervising role." :smitten:

Jalili blamed the U.S. and its allies for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and insisted that all nuclear projects by Iran were in line with the treaty and IAEA regulations.

On Friday, Iranian IRNA news agency quoted Lebanon's Foreign Minister Ali Shami International sa sayig that the pressure exerted by the international community on Iran's "peaceful nuclear program" could have "drastic impacts on the Middle East peace."

According to the IRNA report, Shami added that "contrary to Israel which has many nuclear arsenals, Iran seeks a peaceful nuclear program."

Syria FM: Israel's nukes are Mideast's gravest threat

Israel's nuclear warheads are the Middle East's biggest threat, IRNA quoted Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Al-Muallem as saying at the onset the nuclear disarmament conference in Tehran on Saturday.

Speaking to reporters, Al-Muallem said that Israel was the biggest nuclear threat in the Middle East, alleging that the "Zionist regime" had "been stockpiling nuclear warheads."

The Syria FM called the Terhan conference a "very good opportunity for countries to try to bring to life the mottos on the disarmament issue," adding he hoped "the meeting will create a firm will in the world on nuclear disarmament."

On Friday, IRNA quoted Lebanon's Foreign Minister Ali Shami International sa sayig that the pressure exerted by the international community on Iran's "peaceful nuclear program" could have "drastic impacts on the Middle East peace."

According to the IRNA report, Shami added that "contrary to Israel which has many nuclear arsenals, Iran seeks a peaceful nuclear program."

The Lebanon FM urged the international community to force the United Nations Security Council to pressure Israel to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, adding that Lebanon accepted "Tehran's invitation and will attend the highly important conference which will focus on nuclear disarmament worldwide."

Ahmadinejad: Israel has nukes while Iran banned from nuclear energy - Haaretz - Israel News

Like Iran, other countries should host such nuclear disarmament conference and point out boldly the ongoing western hypocrisy. This is at the heart of all disorder. Before preaching peace the west must dismantle its own nuclear arsenal and also the nuclear stock-pile of its illegitimate child Israel.
@Desi guy
i don't know why Israel needs nukes. Israel already has edge over all of it's neighbors in military, than why Israel is doing stupid thing.

Israel must realize that USA cannot support Israel forever and the day USA turned it's back, it will be every hard for Israel to face it's Muslims neighbors

^^^rich wants to become richer

powerful too wanna become more powerful

so israel will do watever to have substantial lead or edge

and as u said if USA turns its back then this lead will come handy

Iran is already a nuclear state. What Iran seek is nuclear WEAPONS state status. If Iran is serious about nuclear energy, then the current Iranian nuclear technology level is more than adequate. The UN/IAEA inspectors are not fools.

Strangely, people like you never mention Israel when talking of nuclear proliferation. This is seen as the height of hypocrisy by many but understandably it does not bother people like you. You have the audacity to speak your mind on forums thinking that it somehow convinces people.
Strangely, people like you never mention Israel when talking of nuclear proliferation.
Nuclear WEAPONS proliferation.

This is seen as the height of hypocrisy by many but understandably it does not bother people like you.
Does not bother me at all and I based that upon the FACT the despots in the ME are more worried about each other being nuclear weapons states than what Israel has.

You have the audacity to speak your mind...
Yes I do...Free speech must bother you quite a bit...???

...on forums thinking that it somehow convinces people.
Not at all. I could no more 'convince' you to my way than you could me. This is a publicly accessible anonymous forum. I do not care what YOU think. I only care that my opinions are allowed presentation. Am certain you are glad of the same privilege for you, no? Or does free speech bother you?
. . .
Iran should give up wipe-out-Israel-from-the-Earth propaganda.

D@rn right, Sino-Pak, darn right! However, let's not forget that a big chunk of this "propaganda" seemed to have been spun, blown up, and taken out of context (judging from a variety of sources) ...

Now why would those with "ulterior motives" spin this? That's what you need to ponder.

Otherwise, I agree with you. :coffee:
Nuclear WEAPONS proliferation.

Does not bother me at all and I based that upon the FACT the despots in the ME are more worried about each other being nuclear weapons states than what Israel has.

Yes I do...Free speech must bother you quite a bit...???

Not at all. I could no more 'convince' you to my way than you could me. This is a publicly accessible anonymous forum. I do not care what YOU think. I only care that my opinions are allowed presentation. Am certain you are glad of the same privilege for you, no? Or does free speech bother you?

By the way, the despots in the ME are all secular western bastards, Mubarak of Egypt is a very good example of that. Proliferation does not bother you anymore because somebody has mentioned Israel. Anyway, you can have your opinnion though uncle sam and its allies like Mubarak does not let others have it in many cases.
This is because Israel does not threaten to "wipe off" any country from the face of the earth. Iran does.

The worth for nukes is shown by behaviour.

i think they are wiping out the palestinians systematically everyday, what else do you need from them? unless you are loving israel with no condition and no matter what they do.
This is because Israel does not threaten to "wipe off" any country from the face of the earth. Iran does.

The worth for nukes is shown by behaviour.

the word "wipe off" was a misinterpretation made as an excuse to make propaganda. read this article:
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

plus, Israel has threatened other countries and has said several times that It would use its nukes if need be for her survival.

please don't generalize. Muslims can be Pak, India, Bangladesh, Iran, Afghanistan anything.

Israel can pursue anything cause its US's ally and US knows that these nukes wouldn't be used for fun.

Iran on the other hand is trying to build bombs and threatening US at the same time. Why would the US support Iran???

Also Iran won't let US know or take care of Iran's nuclear bombs. Who knows if Iran sells these bombs to some cray idiot who bombs NY some time in the future.

US us assured that Israel's nukes won't be used against any of US's ally. That is why US is relaxed about it.

Iran's nukes are a diff story and there's no reason why US should not be concerned about these, specially after 9/11.

I can see the depth of ignorance in this post. is it okay for you if Israel uses its nukes on a non-US ally country?

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