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“Israel has no problem developing a fighter aircraft – the problem is money”

Whilst Israel certainly has the technological ability to develop a fighter, it got to this stage by heavy aid and funding from Western capitals after the Second World War. This country still receives billions of aid from many Western capitals. Many Western countries and their multinational companies support the Israeli state through economic and technological means. People who think that Israel is some sort of a desert miracle are mistaken. No country can develop at such a rate without the assistance of outsiders.

Having said that, Israel won't be allowed to build a fighter. Uncle Sam will make sure of that.
its not just help from uncle sam and support of western nations but the 'seige mentality' and will to stay alive at all costs that has made israel what it is today
its not just help from uncle sam and support of western nations but the 'seige mentality' and will to stay alive at all costs that has made israel what it is today

Surely, but without the massive financial and moral support of the West Israel would never be where it stands today. Let's not kid ourselves. Israel is far from a desert miracle.
Surely, but without the massive financial and moral support of the West Israel would never be where it stands today. Let's not kid ourselves. Israel is far from a desert miracle.
point is what do you call a miracle K look at your nation and israel got independence at the same time and both on basis of a specific religion but for last 68 years even you had all the support of USA & western nations & GCC states against USSR but you being overtly flamboyant and adventure's used that help to pin pric india and make your 'aetamy salaiyat' while israel which inherited a blood feud and desert used that support to make its industrial and educational and R&D infra and to educate its people and prepair them for a constant siege atmosphere and kept all the ever agressive and hostile arab naighbors well within there limits while you had inherited worlds best canal and irrigation setup but dint invest in single water mangement project after independence while israelies made a desert full of cultivate able lands through knowledge and hard work if that is not a miracle then what is
Surely, but without the massive financial and moral support of the West Israel would never be where it stands today. Let's not kid ourselves. Israel is far from a desert miracle.
Saying that all what Israel is today because of the west is ridiculous, fact is US only started to support Israel military speaking in the 70's.
Israel stood against the odds in many occasions, where no one thought it would survive.
Israel invented many inventions, that without them , the world wouldn't be same as it is today.
some of which are : First Anti Virus, First cellphone invented in the Israel, instant text messages,and so many others.
And in that time Israel fought numerous wars against many arab nations that surround it and still with population of 8 mil (today) it manage to become what it is today
The pressure from the US eliminate alot of options for Israel, so it does follow the JV path, but with the US.
for example, the amounts of upgrades that Israel did in the american aircrafts are hundreds if not thousands.
Moreover, Israelies are installing their own systems onboard the american fighters, they may look the same from outside, but completly different than any other variant of those fighters and get yearly upgrades.
The F35I("I" stand for Israel) is being developed right now and the wings and the helmet are made by Israeli companies.
I think this article, is trying to describe the knowlege that Israel posses and the ability to create an aircraft, but US won't let it happen for obvious of reasons.
While US has the F22 as air superiority aircraft, Israelies are "stuck" with F15, ofcourse their are modern versions of F15, but they're no equal for newly made planes.

My GOD!!

Those poor Israeli's, totally defenseless and at the mercy of their neighbors with just those F-15's and F-16's to protect them! The evil Americans have no heart at all!
My GOD!!

Those poor Israeli's, totally defenseless and at the mercy of their neighbors with just those F-15's and F-16's to protect them! The evil Americans have no heart at all!
Reply to the thread or don't reply at all.
I didn't say US isn't Israel's ally, cus US is the best Israeli ally today.
What I did say however, that cus pressure from the united states for obvious reasons, they wouldn't let Israel develop it's own planes.
However, I'm sure F15SE(I) is being considered & F35I will join next year to the Israeli Air Force inventory will be enough for the time being
point is what do you call a miracle K look at your nation and israel got independence at the same time and both on basis of a specific religion but for last 68 years even you had all the support of USA & western nations & GCC states against USSR but you being overtly flamboyant and adventure's used that help to pin pric india and make your 'aetamy salaiyat' while israel which inherited a blood feud and desert used that support to make its industrial and educational and R&D infra and to educate its people and prepair them for a constant siege atmosphere and kept all the ever agressive and hostile arab naighbors well within there limits while you had inherited worlds best canal and irrigation setup but dint invest in single water mangement project after independence while israelies made a desert full of cultivate able lands through knowledge and hard work if that is not a miracle then what is

By the same token, look at your own nation and Israel for a comparison. India is still after its independence struggling to feed its massive below the poverty line population despite the rich getting richer in recent years.

Having said that, comparing Pakistan with Israel in relation with the West is like comparing apples with oranges. Do you even know the population size of these countries?

First, there is no comparison between the aid that Pakistan received or still receives as opposed to Israel. You can do the math for yourself. It is like comparing peanuts with massive sized oranges. Secondly, Pakistan doesn't receive the comparatively little aid because it has suffered mass casualties during a major war and has to police a region for the Americans. Let's face it, neither do the Israelis get this money for charity or because they are liked. They receive the money and affection because they were victims of war brutality at the hands of people that collectively feed them. The Western world feels obliged due to guilt feelings amassed during the Second World War. In comparison, Pakistan receives the tiny aid because the Western world dictates it to tow their interests which is no secret.

Israel is at best a police state which can thank its survival to the massive support it enjoys from the Western world. It is also partly responsible for the hostility it creates among its neighbor Palestine. Israel has no intention in resolving the conflict with the Palestinians. Hence the hostility and feeling of fear from others.

Once we put these things into perspective it certainly isn't that hard to imagine why a tiny strip of land has devolped that rapidly. It has the backing and blessing of multinational companies and strong countries.
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By the same token, look at your own nation and Israel for a comparison. India is still after its independence struggling to feed its population basic three meals a day despite the rich getting richer in recent years.

Having said that, comparing Pakistan with Israel in relation with the West is like comparing apples with oranges.

First, there is no comparison between the aid that Pakistan received or still receives as opposed to Israel. You can do the math for yourself. It is like comparing peanuts with oranges. Secondly, Pakistan doesn't receive the little aid because it has suffered mass casualties during a war and has to police a region for the Americans. Lets face it, the Israelis don't get this money for charity or because they are liked. They receive the money and affection because they were victims of war brutality. The Western world feels obliged due to guilt feelings amassed during the 2nd World War. Pakistan receives the aid because the Western world dictates it to tow their interests which is no secret.

Once we put these things into perspective it certainly isn't that hard to imagine why a tiny strip of land has devolped that rapidly. It has the backing and blessing of multinational companies and strong countries.
Private companies choose where to go according to their interests and they don't give a dime about jews or not.
As for aid, Israel did recieve aid in the start but today the aid we're gettin is in order to buy US made weapons and for our multilayer anti defense systems.
US started to shift it's policies toward Israel in the 70's after it saw what success Israel achieved against the soviet armed arab states, and Israel provided US soviet technology and weapons it achieved during it's wars.
Comparing Israel's population and Pakistan population is like comparing "apples to oranges".
Israel was under existential threat for many years, and was out numbered and had fewer weapons than it's rivals and still had the upper hand.
Alot of international companies can be found in Israel for the purpose of creating new inventions and making money, nothing else.
Israel is creating cyber cities, hi tech cities and inventions are made on daily basis.
It's not about the aid we're gettin, it's about what we emphasis - strong local industry, strong education system
India should invite Israel and Japan into the amca project!!
If they are able select American engine for the project....then I don't think US will be a problem!!

Stratergic bomber is a outdated idea....we have advanced missiles for the job!!
All we need is a stealth fighter to sanitize our airspace!!

Highly problamatic. If we are to conduct a nuclear blast tomo, US and Japan will back off. Only Israel will stick with us for a time being. Israel will be pressurized by USA to ward off.
We can try entering into a deal with France. For AMCA that's the best bet.
Highly problamatic. If we are to conduct a nuclear blast tomo, US and Japan will back off. Only Israel will stick with us for a time being. Israel will be pressurized by USA to ward off.
We can try entering into a deal with France. For AMCA that's the best bet.
Lol...Why would France enter jv with us?
It doesn't need us for r&d or money!!
On the other hand Israel us cash strapped...and we have good experience with them with jv....and Japan shedding its pacifist approach....is the ideal candidate for us to engage in jv!!
And why would India conduct a nuclear test again?
Israel is creating cyber cities, hi tech cities and inventions are made on daily basis.

It's not about the aid we're gettin, it's about what we emphasis - strong local industry, strong education system

a jet ahead of its time. I cant help but think if this project went ahead then Israel might have established itself in the elite fighter jet club producer and supplier.


hats of to all those who faced the persecution over the centuries but still contributed to modern science. the Jewish contribution to science and technology is impressive. its hard to ignore this fact although science has no religion but this community over centuries has been always among the elites of Scientific minds. claiming it runs on American money is an ignorant comment and missing the point we are celebrating the Israeli ingenuity and its technological wonder of that time.
wish we could defer the religion and politics aside for a moment.
Lol...Why would France enter jv with us?
It doesn't need us for r&d or money!!
On the other hand Israel us cash strapped...and we have good experience with them with jv....and Japan shedding its pacifist approach....is the ideal candidate for us to engage in jv!!
And why would India conduct a nuclear test again?

Israel is still funded by USA. That's a fact. Its yearly military fund, atleast some part of it, also from US. F35 for Israel is subsidized. Will it risk all those for an JV which might become an competitor to its own?
France on the other hand might get an good 5th gen ac.
Israel is still funded by USA. That's a fact. Its yearly military fund, atleast some part of it, also from US. F35 for Israel is subsidized. Will it risk all those for an JV which might become an competitor to its own?
France on the other hand might get an good 5th gen ac.

France had alltogether droped any idea of developing any 5th gen ac, rather going for the 6th Gen aka Stealth Combat UAV. As far as Israel is conserned they will continue to develop the subsystems and they are also a big contributor to the US weapons systems.

My GOD!!

Those poor Israeli's, totally defenseless and at the mercy of their neighbors with just those F-15's and F-16's to protect them! The evil Americans have no heart at all!

Then you don't have any idea about these israeli. I was in J&K, when 4 israeli jews tourists 2 women and 2 male were abducted by 3 terrorist when they were in the House boat in Dal lake, Srinagar. Those 4 women and men decided to strike back and in the end, all 3 Pakistani terrorist got killed, with 1 israeli dead and 1 seriously injured. They did the right thing, otherwise all of them would have been killed. Moral of the Story all Israeli citizens are well trained, and have guts to face the extreme situations and highly motivated. Just to impress the Muslim voters, India should not have delayed the recognition of the Israel, and I feel proud that our country India, is the only country where anti-Semitism has never been allowed to come up, where Jews have never suffered and have lived as an integral part of our society. There was a time in the city of Mumbai that Hebrew was officially taught in the university and even one of the mayors of Mumbai city was from a Jewish family. Meyer Nissim, Former Jewish Mayor of Bombay.
Apart from this there is A Jewish war hero & General J. F. R. Jacob who led Indian army to victory in 1971.
No not a indenginous designs but a copy of mirage series with the Israeli avionics

The official story is that an almost complete set of drawings for the Mirage V was aquired (stolen) by Israel,
but there are also rumours that France sent complete Mirage V kits for assembly in Israel,
so it is not even a copy.
The Kfir was the Mirage V with the engine from a Phantom II, and other additions like the canard.

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