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Israel goes under radar detection of BARAV-373

Russian first had no plan to enter this war, it started when some wanted Chechen fighters appeared in ISIS columns in Syria. That's when Russian special forces step in and later Putin started revival the alliances of its old allies and Syria was always a front line including Libya and Iraq. Otherwise ISIS almost took half Iraq and half Syria. But the fast surge of ISIS in Iraq made Saudi Arabia also worried, because they did't wanted ISIS close to its borders. Later ISIS killed 1700 Iraqi in one day, change the whole situation.
Plus Iran jump in after ISIS hit the holy places and bomb the tomb of grand daughter of Holy Prophet. But during 8 years of Iran-Iraq war only Syria supported Iran. Rest of arab countries stand behind Saddam and financially supported this war.

Five years on, still no justice for Iraq's Camp Speicher victims
Flawed trials and half-truths cannot bring justice for all those killed and forcefully disappeared at Camp Speicher.
Today marks five years since the Camp Speicher massacre, in which an estimated 1,700 unarmed cadets were executed by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), and hundreds more were arrested and disappeared by Iraqi government forces. For the victims' families, today is a stark reminder of the Iraqi government's consistent and overwhelming failure to determine their loved ones' fates and whereabouts, and to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Russia and Iran stepped in since Syria is strategic to them.
Israelis have a very capable airforce in terms of technology and training. Moreover, in practise, their military act with the mentality that their existence depends on their success of every mission, meaning they tend to get the job done if there is any loopholes available to allow them to do so. Their military planners use this concept of "trauma shapes behaviour of nations". Their trauma is the Yom Kippur war, they will do anything to prevent another surprise like that, especially given the outcome is not always guaranteed in their favour.

What Syria needs is a proper integrated air defence network. This will take time, not just in term of delivering the necessary hardware but also the training. Even the world's greatest systems will mean little if wielded in the untrained hands. Systems like Bavar-373 are used to impose a large no fly zones of enemy fighter jets, however by themselves they are very vulnerable if not protected by shorter ranged layers. Before we see systems like Bavar-373 arrive in Syria, the SHORAD and Medium ranged layers must first be implemented. By then, the next generation Bavar systems should be ready so there will be less reluctance to send the -373 version. Having said that, I believe the Sevome/3rd of Khordad system is a better candidate for Syria due to its higher mobility and lower footprint and thus we will see that before Bavar arrives (if it does). In the Syrian theatre, mobility and low footprint will be very important.
OP, kindly tell me which SAM will be used to protect Bavar from Israeli missiles. :-)
Let's see if Turkey or Israel will destroy this system first? But, i think no system will ever arrive in Syria. If they didn't send anything after getting pounded by IAF, they will not send anytime in the future.
Let's see if Turkey or Israel will destroy this system first? But, i think no system will ever arrive in Syria. If they didn't send anything after getting pounded by IAF, they will not send anytime in the future.
Im afraid next time youd need to send not only whole government to kiss Putins hands but whole your parliament and other officials too lol.
Well the OP is painting a picture as if now Israel will be doomed lolz. Iranian AD systems can at best be as good as second tier russian AD systems. Those are no problem for israel i guess.
The only way iran can scare or damage israel is by ground forces reaching its borders.
Well the OP is painting a picture as if now Israel will be doomed lolz. Iranian AD systems can at best be as good as second tier russian AD systems. Those are no problem

In terms of capability, only the Russian S-400 is currently more capable than the Bavar-373 in their arsenal, and that mainly in the missile range aspect. The Iranian Bavar-373 uses AESA radars whereas the S-400 uses non-AESA radars. Read below article for more details:


And this is the first version of Bavar. Upgraded versions are coming.
The treaty overall establishes an overt, official Iranian presence in Syria, till now Iran had no official presence but mostly worked covertly through proxies, this in practice meant that until now Iran didnt have to retaliate against Israel strikes in Syria because it wasnt there, but now it is.

Certainly a bold move, Iran must feel it has to incur a heavy cost on Israel after the recent explosions in natanz and elsewhere, let us hope the Iranian systems acheive what they are designed to do, It only needs to down 1 Israeli jet to severly damage the IAF image.
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