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Israel and Turkey agree to normalize the relationships

Rubbish. Israel apologized for mistakes that led to loss of life during the raid. Not for the raid itself.

A mistake is when you make an error due to judgement or otherwise. The raid was planned and a boat's category of occupants targeted and executed. The Israelis wanted to send a strong message, and they did just that...
Obama had no impact whatsoever, he has just stated his failures to solve the Israeli/Palestinian question. His trip has no impact on the US national security...The US is the only superpower...wonder who is in the right mind to tangle with them.

I disagree with you too. I think you should direct your advice to Saoudi Arabia and tell them to refrain from creating chaos in the Arab world and to mind its own business. I am sure the monarchy will have plenty to do in solving its citizens problems instead of meddling in affairs of others.

Well, like I said Obama did a good job for at least for now.

Forget about the two state solution the Israelis won't compromise over east Palestine ,period. And it won't disappear so stop acting like Nasrallah and be realistic.

LoL the Royals don't kill their people :p ,but Bashar did:/, Hopefully you will get the same treatment in near future.
Forget about the two state solution the Israelis won't compromise over east Palestine ,period. And it won't disappear so stop acting like Nasrallah and be realistic.

where did you see I addressed the two state solutions, I talked about Obama speech where he stated his failure and is powerless to bring an end to Palestinian Israeli problem. Comparing me to Nasrallah, is a little like the kettle calling the pot black. I abhorre anything veiled weither by a beard or a hijab. A hidden face cannot be trusted Period.? But I am with you on the idea of the 2 states solutions...The only Palestinian state I see, will be carved from JORDAN.

LoL the Royals don't kill their people

I agree with you on that too, but the killing in Syria is their doing and the last attack on the Algerian gas processing plant of Tigentourine, In Amenas, was funded by Saoudis!
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