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Israel ambassador's speech to UN Incitement to Terror Conference

Islam probably enabled Arabs to steal the credit of inventing soap.

When was soap invented?

The history of soap dates back to almost six thousand years. Around 2800 B C E, excavations of ancient Babylon revealed cylinders with inscriptions of making soap. Later, in 1500 B C E, records from Egypt revealed how animal and vegetable oils were mixed with alkaline salts to prepare soap.

Although no one really knows how the soap was actually discovered, however there are many legends surrounding the invention of soap. According to the Romans, soap gets its name from Mount Sapo. Animals were sacrificed on Mount Sapo. Rains washed the fat of the sacrificed animals along with the alkaline wooden ashes from the sacrificial fires into the Tiber River. This mixture helped people in cleaning their clothes.

This recipe stayed for many years and Americans also started collecting and cooking animal fat and mixed it with an alkali called as potash solution that was found in the accumulated hardwood ashes used for winter fire.

Even the Europeans prepared soap by using olive oil and named it as castile soap. Around 19th century, commercialised version of soap became widely available in the market.

It is unfair that we decide who gets a state for what when we ourselves are a colonial creation!

On Topic:

A few countries while claiming no hands in international terrorism menace should still be bought to accountability for the prejudice, intolerance and indoctrination they practice at home which result it ideological export of terrorist mentality. It takes small efforts for something to move from ideology into practice - the result of which we see in Pakistan today.

Throwing away large amount of money and awarding positions of authority to incompetent bunch having dedicated their entire lives to religion misleads entire nations and leads them to destruction. The mullahs and ayatollahs are pipers of devil!

Ahmedinejad should mind his own business, Iranian economy is in shambles and millions are poors..in any event Israel is far ahead of Iran.

I mever claimed inventing soap, it was popularised by A-tabs during the crusades
they probably are saving the cowed Jewish minority at home for last, that's antisemitic enough for me - though I suppose you are perfectly fine about that?

An ignorant/deceptive and weak response, as it is the mullahs of Iran and not Christians or Hindus that claim the motivation and seek the power to wipe out non-Muslims.

This is where your unique ability, to judge others before understanding them, comes into play. Just because I differentiate between Israel and Judaism doesn't mean that I would be fine about persecution of people based on language or beliefs.

And you are only saying what you want to believe. Nobody wants to wipe out more than 3.5 billion people who happen to be non-Muslim. But if you choose to take a fraction of the population as the sole representatives of an entire community then racism is the American forte, hating Islam is Israel's, Nazi-ism is Germany's and goons like Modi are India's.

You can either accept all or none; No pick and choosing. Just as there's no pick and choosing in free-speech vs. hate-speech.

Ahmedinejad should mind his own business, Iranian economy is in shambles and millions are poors..in any event Israel is far ahead of Iran.

Actually he is minding his own business as the political face of Iran. Rhetoric goes a long way in maintaining a support-base plus Iran being cornered makes his rhetoric natural.
I don't know how to shape my thoughts into words but @Solomon2 and @Umair Nawaz, i do admit one thing...what you will explain him he will never understand and what will he to us, we will never understand...
I'm sorry, but poor-quality English I don't understand. Please try again.
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Look who is talking, a dog face pig. A country which has illegally occupied Palestine & are terrorizing the Palestinian people daily is talking about terrorism. This will only please the Indians on this forum as they have illegally occupied Kashmir & they are terrorizing the people of Kashmir daily. So we will see full Indian support to the Israel here. Well as a matter a fact one maggot is already talking.

Illegally occupied...Wow, So whether annexing a part of Kashmir by sending invaders who plundered and raped Kashmiri women were legal in a perfect world?
This is where your unique ability, to judge others before understanding them, comes into play.
I judge a person's or persons' actions in context. By "understanding" do you refer to a person's sanity or some other/additional concept?

Just because I differentiate between Israel and Judaism doesn't mean that I would be fine about persecution of people based on language or beliefs.
That's what most of the Arabs are about, and Pakistanis choose to side with Arabs, either out of perceived self-interest or shared values - and whether an Israeli is unjustly killed due to his religion or his nationality makes little difference to him and his family, yes?

And you are only saying what you want to believe. Nobody wants to wipe out more than 3.5 billion people who happen to be non-Muslim.
I'm not so sure. The more power a Muslim leader accumulates the more gross and cruel he tends to become, yes? Look at A.Q. Khan, he says that if Pakistan had nukes in 1971 E. Pakistan would never have broken off. Is he talking about nuking 500 million Indians or 100 million Bangladeshis or both?

But if you choose to take a fraction of the population as the sole representatives of an entire community -
If you don't speak up then you are letting other people speak for you. In America lots of people speak about racism, we've had laws effective at alleviating such things for generations, and of course the fact our elected president is a "man of color" speaks volumes itself.

...hating Islam is Israel's, Nazi-ism is Germany's -
Don't know about "Modi" but have n't you considered that "hating Islam" is merely a logical response to Islam's active combat and murder targeting people of other religions? As the Israelis point out and everyone agrees, if the Arabs put down there weapons tomorrow there would be no more war, but if Israel put down its weapons tomorrow there would be no more Israel. Show us the love, and we'll love you back - the hatred taught in Muslims' textbooks in Pakistan, Europe, the Middle East, and even America is proof positive that the quest for peace has to begin in Muslims' hearts, not kaffirs.
Look who is talking, a dog face pig. A country which has illegally occupied Palestine & are terrorizing the Palestinian people daily is talking about terrorism. This will only please the Indians on this forum as they have illegally occupied Kashmir & they are terrorizing the people of Kashmir daily. So we will see full Indian support to the Israel here. Well as a matter a fact one maggot is already talking.

it depends upon how you see it , Israel was country from ancient times it was arab and Muslims who occupied it Jews took back .
I'm sorry, but poor-quality English I don't understand. Please try again.

Hey mister I am communicating with you in your language this is enough for me--or else let me remind you that English is not my language:omghaha:

And second I haven't said anything which is too poor or difficult for you to understand..i only said that you guys will never understand each other..!!!

Below is the full text of the speech delivered by Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, on February 28th 2013 on the subject of Incitement to Terror and Violence, at a United Nations Conference.


Ron Prosor, Israel's ambassador to the UN. Photo: UN Multimedia.

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is an honor and a privilege to welcome you to this important conference. This event is an extraordinary opportunity for us to meet in the halls of the United Nations – and share our collective insight on combating global incitement.

First and foremost, I would like to thank the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs for organizing this conference. I’d especially like to thank Ambassador Dore Gold for leading our discussion this morning. Dore not only has nerves of steel when it comes to diplomacy, but also a gold standard when it comes to peace and justice.

I’d also like to welcome Yossi Kuperwasser, Director-General of Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs, who is not only a great strategist, but also a dear friend.

Finally, I’d like to welcome Ambassador Alan Baker. As his name implies, Alan has a true gift for baking the right amount of charm and legal thinking to form the perfect recipe for diplomacy.

Ladies and gentlemen,

64 years ago, the United Nations ratified the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The convention was written with the horrors of the Holocaust still fresh in the mind of the international community. One of the Convention’s key provisions made it a crime to “directly and publicly incite” to commit genocide.

Last August, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad went on public television and insisted that (and I quote), “the very existence of the Zionist regime is…an affront to all world nations.” He called on “all human communities to wipe out the Zionist regime from the forehead of humanity.”

One does not need the analytical skills of a literature professor to detect the incitement to violence in these statements.

Yet, in the face of this explicit cry to destroy a UN member state, the UN barely said anything. And most of the world did not even utter a single word.

Their silence is deafening. And it is because of that silence that we are here this morning.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Terrorism does not begin with an attack on a bus or a raid on a village. That is how terrorism ends.

Terrorism begins when its perpetrators are indoctrinated with words and thoughts of hate.

It begins when prominent sheikhs claim that that it is a “sacred duty” to slaughter Christians – and that it is “not a taboo” to rape Christian women.

It begins when Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi-Amoli, a cleric based in Iran, tells his students that homosexuals are subhuman, inferior to even dogs and pigs.

It begins when people like Maulana Fazlur Rehman, a prominent Pakistani imam, tells his thousands of viewers on public television, (and I quote), “When the Jews are wiped out, the world will be purified, and the sun of peace will begin to rise.”

This is the kind of incitement that is poisoning the hearts and minds of the next generation, day in and day out. In classrooms, textbooks, and houses of worship across the globe, children are being taught hate instead of peace; violence instead of tolerance; and martyrdom instead of mutual understanding.

As technology evolves, so does the threat of incitement. Twenty years ago, Hutus in Rwanda used radio stations to label Tutsis “cockroaches” – and identify individual Tutsis to be publicly slaughtered.

Today, as we speak, Al Qaida splinter groups are publicizing terror attacks on Twitter – and turning their perpetrators into ji hadi celebrities.

In the new millennium, we face a new frontier of terrorism. Extremist groups have exploited the internet and viral videos to spread the virus of incitement.

Yet, while our enemies have embraced the technology of the future, our thinking about terrorism remains mired in the past.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for an update.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, counter-terrorism does not just mean combating terrorists wherever they seek to strike. It does not just mean dismantling terrorist infrastructure – and going after those who finance and support it.

True counter-terrorism means disrupting the ecosystem of extremism in which terror thrives. It means advancing education that teaches coexistence and peace. It means speaking out against clerics who preach bigotry and intolerance, even when it is politically inconvenient.

And most importantly, it means recognizing the danger inherent in simple statements of prejudice. In the right hands, these words can be as dangerous as a sword or a suicide belt. The Jewish people know all too well that before a nation is dehumanized by the barrel of a gun, they are dehumanized by words and thoughts of hate.

Just as the international community has an obligation to bring terrorists to justice, it must also pursue those who build the foundations of terror by teaching children to detest and despise.

We have already lost an entire generation to incitement. Today, those of us here proclaim, loudly and clearly, that we cannot afford to lose another.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Israel knows full well how indoctrination can poison the well for peace.

Just south of Israel’s border, in Gaza, the Hamas government has created an atmosphere of extremism that vilifies Israelis and Jews to the next generation.

Gaza Kindergarten graduations feature “terrorist dress-up,” where five-year olds stage plays that glorify jihadists and suicide bombers.

Families in Gaza watch public television sermons featuring Hamas ministers like ‘Atallah Abu Al-Subh, who recently claimed that (and I quote) “the Jews are the most despicable and contemptible nation to crawl upon the face of the Earth.”

Incitement is no less prevalent under Abbas in the West Bank as it is under Hamas in Gaza. Under the PA, students learn history from textbooks that glorify terrorists – and learn geography from atlases that erase Israel from the map.

Sports facilities, streets, and public buildings are named after terrorists, such as Dalal Mughrabi, a woman who led an attack on a bus that killed 38 Israeli civilians – including 13 children.

Imagine if the Norwegian government named a playground after Anders Breivik – or if the US named a park after Charles Manson. What kind of message would it send to the children who play there?

Official PA television—the PA’s PBS—airs programs that feature children as young as six reciting anti-Semitic and violent poems. Just months ago, for example, a little girl recited a poem that claimed, (and I quote) “[Christians and Jews] are inferior, cowardly, and despised.” Three days earlier, on a different program, another young girl insisted that (and I quote), “Our wars are for the Al Aqsa Mosque, and our enemy, Zion, is a Satan with a tail.”

This is apparently what passes for “educational television” under the Palestinian Authority.

From cradles to kindergarten classrooms; from the grounds of summer camps to the stands of football stadiums, messages of extremism are everywhere in Palestinian society.

In the international community, there is no shortage of individuals to lecture Israel about what it must do for peace. Yet these same “human rights advocates” stutter, mumble and lose their voices when it comes to criticizing Palestinian incitement.

Ignoring words and thoughts of hate does no favors to the Palestinian people. It does no favors to families who seek to build better lives for themselves and their children. And, perhaps most importantly, it does no favors to Palestinian leaders who advance the language of peace instead of the dogmas of hate.

Laying the groundwork for a stable peace in our region will not happen overnight. But those who would like to foster better relations between Israelis and Palestinians must start by speaking out against incitement in Palestinian society. The next generation—both Israeli and Palestinian—deserve no less.

Ladies and gentlemen,

An ancient Jewish proverb teaches (and I quote):

מָוֶת וְחַיִּים, בְּיַד-לָשׁוֹן

“The instruments of both death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

We have clearly seen how extremists use words to create a culture of death. It is now time for those of us in this room to create a testament to life.

Lies, myths, and half-truths assume a life of their own if they go unchallenged. Their repetition is like Chinese water torture. Drop after drop after drop, ideas that were once considered unthinkable become mainstream. All of us have a responsibility to publicly and vocally challenge these statements.

Today, we commit ourselves to speaking out against incitement.

Today, we proclaim that the best weapons against words of hate and discord are words of tolerance and understanding.

Today, we insist that silence cannot be an option in the face of expressions of extremism across the globe.

For the only way to dismantle an ecosystem of terror is to show zero tolerance for the indoctrination that causes it to thrive.

I want to thank you all for joining us today. Together, let us combat incitement and bigotry in all its forms – and replace words of hate with words of coexistence, mutual understanding, and peace.

Thank you.

Source: The Algemeiner

If we take a look at speech, it seems very nice. It would have been great if he really mean it but on the contrary the statistics tell an other story where many innocent Palestenians are being killed by Israeli forces. I am against any innocent killing regardless of religion or any discrimination. responsibility comes with power and Israel bears more responsibility to properly use that power but again it is being misused. It is like an oppressor is saying he is being oppressed and humiliated by poor victim very funny.. So you Israelis are killing innocent palestanians because some lunatic Mullah sitting in Pakistan, giving hate speech against you that is strange and very illogical. May Allah help us all to live in peace with each other otherwise if it continues our end is vey near.
Beautiful speech...I wish majority of my fellow Pakistani brothers learn to coexist with each other. Intolerance has ruined the lives of Ahmedi and Shia minorities in Pakistan, it has made 3000 Pakistani Jews to go to Israel in self exile since the 1960s....May God Bless Pakistan..may Allah guide my fellow countrymen to be tolerant towards all religions/sects/ethnicities...and may Allah teach those who have gone astray to care about Humanity....the person who planted the bomb inside the Hazara community settlements in Quetta...did it precisely because he was brainwashed just as Israeli ambassador said in his speech.
I do understand many Pakistani members here are speaking against the post just because it has been posted by a pro Israeli member and the fact that speech is by the envoy of Israel to UN, they are cursing/showing intolerance without focusing on the details of the speech. May Allah guide them, to care about Humanity as a whole and not divide it on the basis of religions and nationalities.

actually brother many of our members consider this man as hypocrite, and nobody listens to such man who favours murderers, who cash religious laws and play with their public's emotion for the sake of their benefit!!!

This man is speeching on one side and on other side........


A Palestinian man was shot during the clashes and transferred to a medical clinic. An Israeli soldier removed a Palestinian woman's veil after she prevented a settler from photographing her. Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest site in Islam. Israeli violations at the site are a major source of anger for Palestinians. An Israeli officer attacked female Palestinian students inside the mosque and desecrated a copy of the Holy Quran, Al-Aqsa Foundation for Endowment and Heritage reported on Sunday. "One of the Israeli officers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque courtyard attacked two students from a girls' school near Buraq Mosque next to the Mughrabi Gate," foundation media chief Mahmoud Abu Atta said. The officer tried to chase the girls away to stop them reciting the Quran. When they refused, the officer kicked and walked on the religious book, Abu Atta said. A number of men and women gathered near the Mughrabi Gate to condemn the crime, he added. Al-Aqsa Foundation condemned the "heinous crime" against the students, blaming the Israeli occupation forces for what might happen as a consequence. The foundation called for prompt action to defend the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Hey mister I am communicating with you in your language this is enough for me--or else let me remind you that English is not my language
I understand. It's not like I would understand a work of Urdu or Sindhi.

...I only said that you guys will never understand each other..!!!
And why would you think that?
...the statistics tell an other story where many innocent Palestenians are being killed by Israeli forces.
Don't be so sure that you can judge innocence and guilt via statistics. Many more Germans died in WWII than Americans - did that mean the Germans were good guys worthy of your sympathy?

I am against any innocent killing regardless of religion or any discrimination. responsibility comes with power and Israel bears more responsibility to properly use that power but again it is being misused.
When Jews are weak they were judged harshly because they were "despicable" and "whiners"; when they are strong they are judged harshly because they are held to a higher moral standard than their opponents. Yet even by the latter measurement it's easy to CLAIM that Israel is "misusing" it's power but very, very tough to prove it. Diplomats shy away from discussing examples in detail because they disprove the claim.

A better measure of your conditioning is this: have you ever tried to advocate matters from the Israeli point of view? Not some viewpoint you've invented, but the real thing? I have yet to meet more than one Pakistani who can do anything other than gape or gabble in answer to this question.

....So you Israelis are killing innocent palestanians because some lunatic Mullah sitting in Pakistan, giving hate speech against you that is strange and very illogical.
Have you ever thought of the impact that "some lunatic Mullah" in Pakistan would make if he loudly and publicly proclaimed that Palestinians should accept that they should not seek to destroy Israel but learn to live in permanent peace with their Jewish neighbors? For it is the Arabs' who are immersed in a milieu of Jew-hatred and taught to kill innocents, not the Jews who are taught to kill innocent Arabs. (You do know that an Arab fighter who uses a civilian as a shield is guilty of a war crime and bears the moral and legal guilt if the civilian gets injured, right?)

May Allah help us all to live in peace with each other otherwise if it continues our end is vey near.
Americans classify such statements at the typical Muslim excuse for doing little or nothing.
I judge a person's or persons' actions in context. By "understanding" do you refer to a person's sanity or some other/additional concept?

Was referring to you having already decided that perhaps Jews getting killed would be fine by me. I don't need to prove anythinng to anyone, but my views on murders are very clear.

That's what most of the Arabs are about, and Pakistanis choose to side with Arabs, either out of perceived self-interest or shared values - and whether an Israeli is unjustly killed due to his religion or his nationality makes little difference to him and his family, yes?

No. You are again being hasty in deciding how people (Arabs and Pakistanis) are. Anyone being killed unjustly under any excuse, is an act that our societies do not value or appreciate. But if you refuse to believe this then it is your own choice.

I'm not so sure. The more power a Muslim leader accumulates the more gross and cruel he tends to become, yes? Look at A.Q. Khan, he says that if Pakistan had nukes in 1971 E. Pakistan would never have broken off. Is he talking about nuking 500 million Indians or 100 million Bangladeshis or both?

I'm guessing you're talking about the Inquisition. Sadly though, they weren't Muslim.
Plus AQ.Khan is not a Muslim leader and he was talking about preventing/minimizing India's role in that conflict.

Don't know about "Modi" but have n't you considered that "hating Islam" is merely a logical response to Islam's active combat and murder targeting people of other religions? As the Israelis point out and everyone agrees, if the Arabs put down there weapons tomorrow there would be no more war, but if Israel put down its weapons tomorrow there would be no more Israel. Show us the love, and we'll love you back - the hatred taught in Muslims' textbooks in Pakistan, Europe, the Middle East, and even America is proof positive that the quest for peace has to begin in Muslims' hearts, not kaffirs.

So Modi's act is unknown to you and yet you seem to know so much about Islam ? And what is "Islam's active combat"? You are once again relating Islam to the actions of a few. This is the main flaw in your perception of Muslims and Islam. If we go by your methods, then the Arabs are right in showing mistrust towards Israel too, since actions of a few represent the entire nation, don't they ? How do you expect peace when both sides have made up their minds ?
No. You are again being hasty in deciding how people (Arabs and Pakistanis) are. Anyone being killed unjustly under any excuse, is an act that our societies do not value or appreciate. But if you refuse to believe this then it is your own choice.
I understand that Muslims proclaim they are acting justly while often refusing to investigate their own convictions closely and critically.

Plus AQ.Khan is not a Muslim leader -
He was picked to lead the bomb program by Z.A.B. and knows full well that in 1971 the evils the Pakistani Army committed in E. Pakistan were limited only by its ability to commit them, rather than any moral restraint.

You are once again relating Islam to the actions of a few. This is the main flaw in your perception of Muslims and Islam.
You don't think you have any responsibility for the acts of the leaders of your country, do you? If so, what is it?

If we go by your methods, then the Arabs are right in showing mistrust towards Israel -
And this has what to do with terror, exactly?

what is "Islam's active combat"?....How do you expect peace when both sides have made up their minds ?
No "both sides" about it. Go read the Hamas charter: link

The hardest thing for a Pakistani to accept in this matter is that everything in the Israeli-Arab conflict is that Arabs and Muslims are 100% responsible for both the conflict and its continuance. Yet I think it's the denial of the Jews' rights in Palestine that is the root of Pakistan's ills today, not the Hindu-Muslim conflict: denying the Jews' rights came first, so after that barrier was jumped hating Hindus/Ahmadis/Shias etc. became very easy.
As they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Hate speech must be countered by exposing it to sunlight and arguing against it logically.

If you start restricting free speech and imposing blasphemy laws then that is a slippery slope.
I understand that Muslims proclaim they are acting justly while often refusing to investigate their own convictions closely and critically. [1]

He was picked to lead the bomb program by Z.A.B. and knows full well that in 1971 the evils the Pakistani Army committed in E. Pakistan were limited only by its ability to commit them, rather than any moral restraint.

You don't think you have any responsibility for the acts of the leaders of your country, do you? If so, what is it? [2]

And this has what to do with terror, exactly?

No "both sides" about it. Go read the Hamas charter: link [3]

The hardest thing for a Pakistani to accept in this matter is that everything in the Israeli-Arab conflict is that Arabs and Muslims are 100% responsible for both the conflict and its continuance. Yet I think it's the denial of the Jews' rights in Palestine that is the root of Pakistan's ills today, not the Hindu-Muslim conflict: denying the Jews' rights came first, so after that barrier was jumped hating Hindus/Ahmadis/Shias etc. became very easy. [4]

1- Again, calling all Muslims as your enemies will make them your enemies. The people who kill others using religion as a shield have been disowned by Islamic society. But Israel's labelling system ensures that these killers achieve support from those whose lives have been affected by Israel's formation and its policies. If your words are anything to go by, then it becomes obvious that Israel is suffering from its own mistakes of making enemies out of all Muslims, regardless of whether they've harmed Israel or not.

It's not hard to understand that actions have reactions. Take their land away, use excessive force against civilians, place them in a blockade and then expect no response is folly.

2- Still doesn't make sense why you named A.Q.Khan as a Muslim leader. What Zia did is history now and he's dead. Responsibility belongs to Israel too for ensuring disproportionate responses are not carried out against Palestinian civilians. Killing civilians is an unreasonable crime, goes for terrorists and Israeli military policies.

3- This has a lot to do with terror. If you name all Muslims as enemies, then it is a natural reaction for them to think of Israel as unfreindly. So, in reality, there are "both sides" to think about.

4- How are Arabs and Muslims responsible? Opposing a claim to Palestine based on religious text makes it their fault? And bringing Pakistan into this proves what exactly. Those who support aggression against Pakistan's minorities are the same as those supporting Israeli aggression against Palestinian civilians.
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