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ISPR issued the order in May 2020 but released the song one month before that.

Fun Fact: 12.39 million PKR spent on a 5 minutes song which ISPR released in April 2020. However order to prepare this motivational song was issued in May 2020, one month after the release of the song :what: .

Lets debunk this propaganda against ISPR and Pakistan Army.

As per my amateur search, ISPR did not release any song in April, 2020.

There were songs in Feb, 2020 and then there was a gap of March and April. Then a song on covid was released on 10th May, 2020.

For cross-checking facts, visit this last song of ISPR on their official youtube channel, you will find an entire list of songs on your right side of the screen; follow their dates of release- not a single song was released in March and April.

@PanzerKiel @HRK
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Why not just license to use a certain singer if they think it fits their narrative.

What is this budget to buy all equipments and contract people to create a song.

The DG ISPR seriously needs introspection. Pakistan’s taxpayer simply cannot afford this.
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