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Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

Sir, I am aware that your country might not sanction programmes to specifically assault and persecute any community. That is understood and expected from any government of a country in 2010. However, the blame is attached due to the inability of a government to react to such situations that is what creates problems and often puts a black-mark.

Fair enough, it does speak of the government's inability to safeguard it's minorities and their interests.

It is not just the Arabs, sir. Central Asian states have something similar like this too. This is about any ethnicity specifically hating another community but rather the mindset of a large section of a faith that seems to have been mistaken and therefore gives a bad name to the good followers of the same faith. It is common in all communities, but is getting dangerously high in your northern and western regions. That's all.

I cannot agree with you more as far as the CARs are concerned, the Taliban practices such as amputations, cutting of ears, gouging of eyes and be headings do show Uzbek influence and that is because many Uzbek fighters have joined their ranks and have had a visible impact on the Talib Dogma of world domination and intolerance towards non-Muslims. Another reason is that the Taliban's closest ally is the Islamic Movt of Uzbekistan and so it can easily be said the CARs are being slowly devoured by the evils of fanaticism, racism and religious extremism.

The thing that you mentioned here is about Arabs. Perhaps yes, but other countries don't classify you on the basis of nationalities or ethnicities and rather community. Whether one is an Arab, a Somali, a Chechen or a Pashtun, his discriminative approach towards another faith or action will be seen from the lens of his own faith and not because he belonged to an ethnic background in specific.

Indeed, all these places were troubled and found solace in blaming others and carrying out violent reprisals against anyone who stood in their way. The Pushtuns however are now committed to wiping the Taliban out of existence, they have had enough of this hatred oriented bull crap and are willing to move ahead with their lives.

Most unfortunately, a very minuscule section of people think as far sighted as you, my friend. People as I see in this forum are quick to accuse West or any community in specific for all ills that take place in your region or even in Middle East but take little time to make a self assessment.

Had more people been thinking like you, the world would have been a less hostile place and better sense would prevail all those who are currently engaged in hostilities.

Most of my people tend to react faster than they can think but they will eventually come about and realize that the Muslims have brought his upon themselves.
We ourselves our responsible for this, we have brought this upon ourselves, our image has been tarnished by ourselves, Muslims living in Europe in trying to keep their faith alive, end up over doing it and become extremists...if overseas Muslims don't change their attitudes and accept that they themselves have chosen to live life in a non-Muslim country and should now respect local norms, I can see mass deportations in the near future.

...we have to learn to become more flexible.
So what you are saying is that many "overseas Muslims" - and maybe non-overseas, too? - need a new paradigm. What do you have in mind, exactly?
1- Muslims come to other states as economical refugees, receive all the benefits that these gullible seculars give them and then stab them in the back, bomb their cities and try to kill them.
2- Muslims lie whenever the truth can’t get them what they want. They lie about their loyalty to their host countries; they lie about the history of Islam; they lie about their intentions in the West and so on. They are here waging a war against their hosts through deception.
3- Muslims come to non-muslim countries; pledge their allegiance to the country; swear to uphold the constitution and to be loyal to the flag, but in secret they try to overthrow the democratic governments and make Islam dominant. This is treachery.
Islam and democratic Constitution cannot merge. They cannot mix. The oil-and-water analogy would be the easiest to make, but the more accurate one, in the case of Islam and the Constitution, is that of a parasite and host.
As it has done with other cultures, Islam uses religious tolerance—which is codified in the “free exercise clause” of our Constitution—first as an entrance point to insinuate itself, then as a protective cyst while it feeds on the host and grows and spreads.
There are more than a few examples in history. Zoroastrian Persia, Buddhist Afghanistan, Hindu Pakistan, and Christian Egypt all extended tolerance to Islam. All have been metamorphosed into Islamic nations. Their pre-Islamic past is all but wiped out. No one really knows the many achievements, contributions, and heritage of these once great civilizations.

In Yugoslavia, after a thousand years of co-existence, Slavic Muslims there wanted their own country, and so was born Bosnia.Similarly, The Hindu civilization today is half of what it used to be. After a thousand years of living in an undivided India, in 1947 the Muslims there wanted their own country, and so was born Pakistan.
America and Europe certainly will suffer the same fate of these past civilizations if effective action is not taken.
Islam is not merely a personal faith like Buddhism and Christianity. It also is a complete political ideology and legal system, and that is Sharia law. It asserts the universal supremacy of Islamic law over every religion, every nation, and every other system of law and government. Those who do not share its ideology are dismissed as inferiors: “infidels.”
Right now, today, western banks have succumbed to Islamic insistence on separate banking terms for Muslims. Sharia forbids Muslims from paying interest, so Muslims do not get mortgages with interest. They get a loan that has a “fee” instead. Of course liberals, who are Islam’s water-carriers, defend this blatant discrimination that is based solely on religion, while speaking out the other side of their mouths about “equality for all.”
In 2008, the United Kingdom officially sanctioned Sharia courts to rule on Muslim civil matters. In much the same way that Muslims use the “free exercise” clause of our Constitution as a bludgeon against us to extort special concessions and privileges, Muslims in England found in the British Arbitration Act an entrance point to the host and a cyst to protect itself while it slowly, methodically grows and feeds. It will consume the host unless and until the British people remove it from their system.
Islam exists peacefully and quietly in such circumstances only until it is in a position of strength to change the circumstances and conquer: to take control of the host. Islam always seeks to become a state-within-a-state wherever it makes inroads, with the ultimate goal of replacing the entire law and entire civilization of any nation with Sharia law, and with the Quran as the only acceptable constitution. In short, Islam fully intends for all nations to become Islamic nations.
That is precisely what Saudi Arabia is: the pinnacle of Islamic societies. The Quran is its only constitution. Sharia is its only law. Islam is its only acceptable religion. That is not “Radical Islam;” that is the pure orthodoxy of Literal Islam. That is what Islam wants to enforce upon every nation, every culture in the world, by any means, by any strategy, by any tactic. Those methods of fighting include willful deception, infiltration, terror, violence, propaganda, psychological warfare, and demographic saturation.
So what you are saying is that many "overseas Muslims" - and maybe non-overseas, too? - need a new paradigm. What do you have in mind, exactly?

I believe I was pretty clear in my first statement but I will elaborate.
The overseas Muslims are not mixing with the local population, they are being annoyingly stubborn and are not accepting the customs and laws of the countries that have allowed them citizenship, thus earning themselves a bad name, leading to the election of parties who promise to reserve migration for non-Muslims only.
1- Muslims come to other states as economical refugees, receive all the benefits that these gullible seculars give them and then stab them in the back, bomb their cities and try to kill them.
2- Muslims lie whenever the truth can’t get them what they want. They lie about their loyalty to their host countries; they lie about the history of Islam; they lie about their intentions in the West and so on. They are here waging a war against their hosts through deception.
3- Muslims come to non-muslim countries; pledge their allegiance to the country; swear to uphold the constitution and to be loyal to the flag, but in secret they try to overthrow the democratic governments and make Islam dominant. This is treachery.

Ranting will get you no where, talk facts not fiction.
All your ranting is based on speculation and personnel beliefs and has nothing to do with reality.
As I have said multiple time before, there are 1.6 billion Muslims, only a couple of thousand of them are extremists giving the minority weight age over us will not prove any of your points, rather, it will make you look like a fool.
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I am no expert in Islamic law..but maybe some other knowledgeable posters here can answer. What is the first loyalty of a Muslim..is it to the nation or to the ummah. Because if it is to the ummah then there is a huge problem in every country where Muslims are in a minority because it goes against the whole idea of the nation state.
I am no expert in Islamic law..but maybe some other knowledgeable posters here can answer. What is the first loyalty of a Muslim..is it to the nation or to the ummah. Because of it is to the ummah then there is a huge problem in every country where Muslims are in a minority because it goes against the whole idea of the nation state.

like i said earlier , one cannot serve two masters at the same time.

one cannot be loyal to democracy as well as the islam at the same time.

being loyal to islam obviously means to establish sharia law and destroy democracy.
u dont need much knowledge to see this.
like i said earlier , one cannot serve two masters at the same time.

one cannot be loyal to democracy as well as the islam at the same time.

being loyal to islam obviously means to establish sharia law and destroy democracy.
u dont need much knowledge to see this.

You are a deluded man, the muslim state was the first democratic state in the world, where all of the world was ruled by monarchs who were free to rule their countries as neglectfully as they chose to, Islam presented the idea of voting for a leader and that is how the Caliphs were selected, each person came and pledge allegiance to the Khalifa. Anyone who didn't want to, wasn't forced to.
I am no expert in Islamic law..but maybe some other knowledgeable posters here can answer. What is the first loyalty of a Muslim..is it to the nation or to the ummah. Because if it is to the ummah then there is a huge problem in every country where Muslims are in a minority because it goes against the whole idea of the nation state.

Minus the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, our allegiances our to our nation first and to the Ummah later, to tell you the truth, the muslim ummah is too divided for such a feeling.
You are a deluded man, the muslim state was the first democratic state in the world, where all of the world was ruled by monarchs who were free to rule their countries as neglectfully as they chose to, Islam presented the idea of voting for a leader and that is how the Caliphs were selected, each person came and pledge allegiance to the Khalifa. Anyone who didn't want to, wasn't forced to.

ok lets say im deluded.

can u please tell me what are the characterstics of a democarcy in a islamic state..??

and dont give me these false history stories spoonfed to u in ure textbooks.
(debate over history is futile , becoz muslims would never accept the truth.)

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