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Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.


May 3, 2009
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The anti-Islam vote in the Netherlands elections


The enormous success of the right wing anti-Islam party in the recent elections in the Netherlands indicates a widespread schism within the Dutch and wider European societies where the presence of the Muslims as equal participants of society is disputed.

“Stop migration from the Muslim countries! Block the building of mosques or Muslim schools! Stop subsidising the multicultural programs,” were prominent slogans of Geert Wilders, head of Freedom Party (PVV) during the election campaign in the Netherlands. His party obtained 1.5 million votes and increased its number of seats from 9 to 24 in the parliament. It is probable that the PVV may enter into a coalition with the mainstream

liberal party VVD to form a government. This can lead to an extremely xenophobic and an anti-Muslim government in western Europe.

The anti-migrant propaganda of Wilders appealed to certain quarters within the Dutch society. The old working-class neighborhoods that traditionally supported the Labor and Socialist parties got disillusioned with the presumed ‘elitist’ attitude of these parties. With increasing unemployment, economic downfall, changing neighborhood demographics – with more migrants, caused a feeling of isolation among these groups (“this is not my street” is a complaint heard often).

The migrants are easy targets of such socio-economic isolation. Add to this the fast integration of Europe that increased distance between the people and decision-makers, thus ‘evaporating our national symbols’, as neo-nationalist like Wilders will argue for.

The traditional polarisation of the Dutch political scene further added to the election win of the PVV. Wilders chided the traditional political parties for ignoring the worries of ‘common man’ on burning issues of migration, criminality and security. Afraid of loosing their vote bank the other political parties, the traditional parties did not present a clear opposition to Wilders’ accusations. In the process they lost to Wilders’ sentimental political ploy on such issues.

The success of parties like the PVV is a dangerous development with respect to the future of democratic values in Europe. Wilders’ party does not follow the rules of a traditional political party: it does not have a membership or party hierarchy or hold any party elections. In this sense it is mere a ‘movement’. Wilders successfully avoided any questions about bringing democracy within his own party.

For the PVV, Wilders is a party ideologue, he formulated his party’s election program, chose the candidates and acts as the main media person of the party. An acceptance of such one-man demagogy within the Dutch political system shows an approval of certain undemocratic tendencies within a society that projects itself as a tolerant one.

This is even clearer if we look at Wilders’ ideas and his political program. In the past he advocated to “ban the Quran” and he likes to declare “Islam as a fascist ideology.” Such a theme is also reflected in the film ‘fitna‘ that he produced about the negative aspects of Islam. In his election campaign he asked for banning migration from the Muslim countries, and deporting the ‘criminal’ Muslims to the country of their origin.

His anti-Islam program is based on the notion that European civilisation is founded on ‘Jewish-Christian tradition’ thus denying any role of the Muslims in the recent history of the country. Moreover he even asked for ‘ethnic registration’ of non-white population thus importing the kind of practices that the Nazi-German applied to its subjects.

Even more worrying is that Wilders’ political agenda was received without a broader outrage within the Dutch public space. It indicates a clear indifference, if not an implicit support, within the broader public space about Wilders’ program. The political win of the PVV nonetheless present a dangerous tendency within the Dutch society where the majority of voters elected a group that tries to usurp the democratic rights of a minority.

The win of Wilders in the Netherlands cannot be seen without taking into account the broader debate about Islam and Muslims in the European countries. Whether it is debate about banning of hijab in public spaces in France and Belgium or the issue of height of minarets in Switzerland, Islam has become a politicized subject in Europe. These reactions to the Muslim presence however indicate non-acceptance of the emerging realities within the Dutch or European societies.

The Dawn Blog Blog Archive The anti-Islam vote in the Netherlands elections
They wan't Muslims to leave Europe obviously.

No wonder Turkey can't join the EU.

And unfortunately, we're taking some heavy fire over here as well:

Sounds like Fascism is rising again in the word.We have a nazi like regime in Israel then new facists/racists rising up in England (BNP) then Terrorists movements rising up in Pakistan/Afghanistan and trying to topple Islamic Countries Government.
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Maybe they just want to keep their culture and their countries christian? Mass immigration can change a country and people don't like that.

If they wanted to they should not have started Immigration program in the first place and renamed their country to Christian Kingdom of Netherlands and unmask themselves from their fake secularism and democracy that other human beings who belong to this planet too should think 100 times before going to Netherlands.
Maybe they just want to keep their culture and their countries christian? Mass immigration can change a country and people don't like that.
Well Your Point has a merit but it's much better to tighten screws on immigration program.People feel surprise when Western Countries people do something crazy because they're supposed to be democratic free countries giving freedom of religion and speech to everyone.
Xdrive..if that is the case christian missionary must stop going to African/Muslim Nations..come to Pakistan check out Sialkot full of them preaching free.

funnily Muslims don't have magic to revert/convert christians in sweden to their religion. Talk about culture many aussies are in love with indian culture.

Lastly mass migration if could change Germany would have been a Jewish State or muslim state because of the turkish population. :) doesn't work this way.
Maybe they just want to keep their culture and their countries christian? Mass immigration can change a country and people don't like that.

Than why ur country is going head over heel's to bring outsider's in.

Almost every website as AD about immigration to Australia or canada.
Than why ur country is going head over heel's to bring outsider's in.

Almost every website as AD about immigration to Australia or canada.

Australia is not an Issue over here neither Australians seem to be "As Racist and conservative as Dutch in Netherlands".

Immigration is not the issue the issue is the mentality and Islamophobia- all of those living in netherlands are Dutch after all but what is wrong with them is their religion - pathetic.
This is not about immigration, this is simply racisim, these european's hide there black faces behind white democracy, i am happy that low lives like, Geert Wilders r doing good in election's, they will expose the true face of EU. :cheers:
☪☪☪☪;952539 said:
Sounds like Fascism is rising again in the word.We have a nazi like regime in Israel then new facists/racists rising up in England (BNP) then Terrorists movements rising up in Pakistan/Afghanistan and trying to topple Islamic Countries Government.

Sounds like battle preparation to me!! :sniper:
Yeah no doubt World War 3 will happen within this century.
They have their own fear. Everyone knows how minorities are treated in muslim majority countries.
A lot of people have pointed fingers towards Muslim Countries.Well for starters strict Muslim countries like Saudis NEVER claim to be democratic or any such thing. Every person who goes to Saudi Arabia (especially Westerners) are specifically told about the Saudi laws and instructed to follow them and take them seriously. It's any person's choice after that if he/she chooses to go there. On the other hand, all we hear about West is "Democracy", "Freedom" and other such punchwords that they use. When you actually get there, the reality is not quite what's "advertised".It's a turning point for the Western Countries now. They have to decide whether they want to be like how they have been for past some 50 years or less (i.e. democratic and free) or do they want to be like us (i.e. muslims)? Apparently, the problem is that westerns are turning away from their "multiculturalism" and moving more towards "either adapt our values or leave us" which is the stance adopted by Muslims here in Muslim countries.
☪☪☪☪;952616 said:
A lot of people have pointed fingers towards Muslim Countries.Well for starters strict Muslim countries like Saudis NEVER claim to be democratic or any such thing. Every person who goes to Saudi Arabia (especially Westerners) are specifically told about the Saudi laws and instructed to follow them and take them seriously. It's any person's choice after that if he/she chooses to go there. On the other hand, all we hear about West is "Democracy", "Freedom" and other such punchwords that they use. When you actually get there, the reality is not quite what's "advertised".It's a turning point for the Western Countries now. They have to decide whether they want to be like how they have been for past some 50 years or less (i.e. democratic and free) or do they want to be like us (i.e. muslims)? Apparently, the problem is that westerns are turning away from their "multiculturalism" and moving more towards "either adapt our values or leave us" which is the stance adopted by Muslims here in Muslim countries.

Thats fine. My point is problems created when muslim population increases. then they want rule like saudi arabia in that area.

Bottom line: Once muslim population takes over to native people in a area. Do they obey multi cultural and liberal to minority?
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