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Islamophobia Industry, its worldwide reach & Shahbag movement in Bangladesh


Jan 4, 2009
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United States
Years ago I used to know about an ex-Muslim called Ali Sina and his website faithfreedom.org. That was my first exposure to this group of people who have taken hate speech against Islam and Muslims as their profession. Then I found out that Daniel Pipes was connected with their effort. The more recent events such as the movie Innocence of Muslims, the mass killings by Anders Breivik and their connection with well known Islamophobes Pam Geller, Robert Spencer et al have been uncovered. What is not well known is that how the recent bloodshed of around 150 people against an atheist led movement called Shahbag movement is connected to this Islamophobia Industry. The key to this puzzle is this website:
Mukto-mona (???????? ) : A Secular site for Bengali humanists & freethinkers

Now I will post some material that will make the link crystal clear:

The American Muslim (TAM)

Who are the real players behind anti-Muslim films?

Posted Sep 30, 2012
by Sheila Musaji

As I was updating the articles Extremist Christians Produce Anti-Muslim Film Blame Jews and The tragic consequences of extremism about the tragic murders of our Ambassador and embassy staff in Libya, and the protests around the world, and the anti-Muslim film that seemed to have sparked much of the unrest, there were a couple of statements and oddities about the film and its producers that bothered me. At the back of my mind was an idea that something about this film sounded familiar.

What sometimes makes it difficult to remember particular connections, and to then research the sources, is that the individuals and organizations, and events of the Islamophobia industry are called by different names. Many of the individuals use various pseudonyms, the organizations frequently change their names, etc.

Here is a passage from my article on the film. It is long, but necessary to see all of the connections:

Based on all of the reports that have come out in the last few days, here is a summary of what we now know about the film and its producers. (see The Tragic Consequences of Extremism for details, references, links to sources, etc.)

The film called “Innocence of Muslims” (after having been called “Desert Warrior” and “Innocence of bin Laden”) was originally identified by AP as produced by Sam Basile. AP interviewed him by telephone. The person identifying himself as Sam Basile claimed to be an Israeli American and Jewish,and to have raised $5 million from 100 Jewish donors to make the film. He said that the trailer of the film available on YouTube was part of a 2-hour film. He said that he made the film “to help his native land by exposing Islam’s flaws to the world”, and he called Islam “a cancer”. After the terrible events in Egypt and Libya, and after the story about the film became a news item internationally, he was reported to have gone into hiding in fear for his life.

It appears that Sam Basile was invented to cover the activities of at least four individuals - Steve Klein, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, Morris Sadek, and Joseph Nasralla Abdelmasih. Klein is an extremist Evangelical, and Nakoula, Nasrallah, and Sadek are extremist Copts. So, extremists Christian Islamophobes engaged in an elaborate subterfuge, creating a non-existent Sam Basile and providing Basile with a biography that falsely represented him as an Israeli Jew whose film was financed by 100 other Jews to help Israel against the “cancer of Islam.” The film was produced by Media for Christ at the Blue Cloud studios in California.

The problem is that they made a hateful anti-Muslim film designed to provoke a response, promoted it in English and Arabic, and then engaged in a hateful scheme to blame their handiwork on Jews. Egyptian political extremists used the film to stir up the masses to promote their political agenda. The extremist political organization Al Qaeda used the film as a pretext for their terrorist attack on the U.S. Embassy in Libya, as well as using the film as further “proof” of their propaganda effort to say that the U.S. is at war with all Muslims to gain support for their cause.

The identity of Sam Basile is clearly Klein/Nakoula/Sadek/Nasrallah*


The Islamophobia Manifesto referred to above is Overselling the Meme produced by Edward May aka Baron Bodissey of Gates of Vienna (referred to by Pamela Geller as “one of my favorite bloggers”) claims to be a practical step-by-step guide for “counter Jihadists”. It was published in January of 2011. Here are a few key points:

He discusses particular memes that “activists in the CounterJihad cause” might want to promote, and defines their aim as being “propagandists” to “move multiple memes”. He says they must proceed “more stealthily” and “insert many, many memelets into common discourse”. Some of the memes he suggests: “Mohammed the pedophile”, and “Islam is not a religion”. He says “As a propagandist, my task is to spread the meme and not to sweat the nuances. Nuances can be argued about and nailed down by scholars in the centuries after Islam — as a culture, a political ideology, and a religion — is totally destroyed. We don’t have the luxury for such finicky scholasticism right now.”


Because I have spent so many years countering Islamophobes, there are a lot of bits and pieces of information that sometimes take a little while to connect. I knew that in one of the profiles I had done for the Who’s Who in the Islamophobia/Arabophobia Industry, one of those individuals had mentioned planning a film about Prophet Muhammad. It took me awhile, and then I remembered that the individual was Ali Sina who runs Faith Freedom Int’l, and is a board member of the hate group SIOA which was founded by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.

In January of 2012 the formation of a new coalition was announced Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) and Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE) joined together in a coalition called Stop Islamization of Nations (SION), and Ali Sina is named as one of the board members.

In February of 2012 Ali Sina had posted an article A Movie about Muhammad: an idea whose time has come. He also posted an article including an interview with himself done by the Citizen Times: Interview with Ali Sina about his planned Muhamma biopic.


Here are relevant points from Ali Sina’s article:

... To get rid of Islam we need to reveal the truth about it. The Internet was godsend to critics of Islam. However, sites that are critical of Islam are blocked in Islamic countries and even if they were not, the great majority of Muslims don’t read. We need to get our message to the masses. ... If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is the worth of a motion picture? We need to make a motion picture about Muhammad – a biopic that reveals the details of his life. ... The true story of Muhammad is untold. It is available in the books of Siras. But those are voluminous books. Combined, they are thousands of pages. I read them all and have condensed them in a script. ... The other good news is that I have been promised a substantial angel financing. .. The seed is now sown. Now it’s time to nurture it. What I need is an experienced executive producer, someone who shares my values, to make it happen with professionalism and missionary zeal. ... I am not thinking of a high budget movie, but given the subject matter, it can become one of the most seen motion pictures ever. ... I don’t think this movie will require much investment or promotion. People in the movie industry know that nearly half of the budget of a film is spent on advertising and on marketing. We won’t need any of that. We have an army of millions strong who will promote this movie for free. ... Just as the Internet allowed us to spread our message to millions of people, with this movie we can spread the same message to hundreds of millions. When the world discovers the truth about Muhammad, Islam’s days will be numbered.
... When I know about the budget and the legalities are in place, I will give a chance to those who might be interested, to invest in this project. If you have questions you can email me to faithfreedom2 at gmail.com. In the subject box please write Movie Investment. ...


UPDATE 9/22/2012

Justin Raimondo has written an interesting article The ‘Pro-Israel’ Network Behind the Innocence Video noting many of the same points raised above and adding some interesting thoughts:

If someone had planned to upend US foreign policy — to utterly destroy the very basis [.pdf] of all our diplomats (and military personnel) have been working to achieve in the Middle East and throughout the Muslim world — they couldn’t have done a better job of it than whoever put together Innocence of Muslims.

As violent protests spread, the consequences continue to roll in: the suspension of joint US-Afghan military operations, the suspension of US aid talks with Egypt, the rapid decline of US prestige in the region, and the growing influence of the radical Islamist movement US support for the “Arab Spring” was designed to counter. The Obama administration’s effort to split the Islamist upsurge and lend its support to “moderates” has been stopped cold.

Was the release of the video a random event, one of those unpredictables that can arise at any moment to foil the best-laid plans? Perhaps. Yet one is hard-pressed to explain what the makers of Innocence sought to accomplish, if not precisely what has occurred…

... The idea that these vermin, who deliberately set out to make a “movie” that would inflame the Muslim world, are “free speech” heroes is worse than nonsense: it is valorizing villains. We don’t yet know where the money, or the impetus to make the film, came from, but what we do know is this: the driving force behind Innocence was a desire to create an international incident that would bring discredit on the United States, and empower radical Islamists who hate America and everything it stands for. And the promoters of this garbage pose as “patriots”!

... Defense of the Jewish state is a major theme of the Islamophobe network: they use it as a shield to deflect criticism. A key leader of this network is former New Leftist and Black Panther groupie David Horowitz: his “David Horowitz Freedom Center” (formerly the Center for the Study of Popular Culture), sponsors Spencer’s “Jihad Watch.” Horowitz’s “Frontpage” site — ablaze with stories decrying the “betrayal” of Israel by the American government and the perfidy of all things Islamic — recently speculatedInnocence was created by the very Salafists now leading the protests. Since the video sprang from the same bigoted milieu of which Frontpage is the online Jerusalem, this “theory” isn’t merely ironic — it’s a moral obscenity.

All of this adds credence to Justin Raimondo’s speculation about an Israeli connection behind at least some of these films.


“Innocence of Muslims”: Film and International Crisis (TAM article collection) The American Muslim (TAM) for an extensive collection of articles on this crisis

First published 9/15/12 8:37 a.m.

The American Muslim (TAM)

A Who’s Who of the Anti-Muslim/Anti-Arab/Islamophobia Industry - updated 10/15/12
Sheila Musaji

Posted Oct 15, 2012 •Permalink • Printer-Friendly Version
A Who’s Who of the Anti-Muslim/Anti-Arab/Islamophobia Industry

by Sheila Musaji

The American Muslim (TAM) has collected information about these individuals in this easy to use format. Just click on the links provided to go to in-depth articles and backgrounders on these individuals. There are a number of other individuals who should be included here, and they will be added, and this will be updated as time permits.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali - see TAM Responses collection

Al-Mutarajjam aka Al-Mutarjim and Translating Jihad *

American Enterprise Institute **

Zachariah Anani *

David Barton *

Glenn Beck (media) - see TAM Responses collection

Eliana Benador *

Rev. Flip Benham and Operation Save America *

Bonni Benstock-Intall and Bare Naked Islam *

Baron Boddisey (aka Ned May, aka Edward May) of Gates of Vienna: Islamophobia Manifesto Clearly Lays Out Plot Against Muslims **

Ret. Gen. William Boykin **

Ergun Mehmet Caner *

Capitol Congressional Ministries **

David Caton and the Florida Family Association **

Aubrey & Joyce Chernick and the Fairbrook Foundation (financier) *****

Phyllis Chesler *

The Clarion Fund ***

Ann Coulter (media) - see TAM Responses collection

Nonie Darwish (aka Nahid Hyde) and Former Muslims United *

Rev. Maury Davis and the Cornerstone Church *

Alan Dershowitz - see TAM Responses collection

So big to read.. Kalu summarise the article in some 10-15 points...
Again blaming the shahbag movement on others is a insult to bangladeshi youths who participated in the protest

And majority of people want killers of freedom fighters killed. its just to protest in streets
Bangladeshi connection to this Islamophobia Industry and how a distinguished Bangladeshi tried to refute one Bangladeshi hate monger and a member of this Islamophobia Industry:


Habib Siddiqui responds on allegations of incongruity:

Tuesday August 30 2005 13:26:07 PM BDT

Habib Siddiqui , USA

Under mundane circumstances, I like to avoid arguing on subjects that turn out to be meaningless exercises. In his piece on “Incongruity of Habib Siddiqui is a cause for concern,” Mr. Shabbir Ahmed, however, made some wild and unfounded accusations against me in various websites (e.g., NFB, vinnomot and mukto-mona, see: http://www.mukto-mona.com/Articles/shabbir/habib_land_grab.htm; Yahoo! Groups) that require response from me. His remarks deal with three major areas that I have written about: land-grabbing, neo-conservatism and ethnic cleansing and Bangladesh politics. I shall deal with these in that order.

1. Land-grabbing:
There is an old proverb in the Bible that says that when a fool keeps his mouth shut, he may possibly be thought to be wise, but when he opens his mouth, he removes all doubt.
In his write-up, Ahmed admits to reading ‘a part’ of my interview in the NFB and then goes onto making sly remarks about our property, which I wish he had not made. His doubts and inquiries would have found answers if he had read my entire interview (including the concluding part) plus my replies to others, esp. Dr. Jaffor Ullah, that were all published in the NFB.

Ahmed accuses me of cowardice in not naming the name of the BNP politician, responsible for our land-grab. I thought I have provided enough clues for anyone with slight intelligence and cognizance about the politics in Bangladesh to understand who was meant from reading my interview. [I got dozens of letters from our readers before even concluding part got posted in the NFB. Not a single one of them had the problem identifying the politician.]

I like to believe that Ahmed (a research engineer) is no fool, and, therefore, encourage him to read the concluding part or at least the last page of my interview to find out the identity (http://bangladesh-web.com/news/view...&hidType=OPT&hidRecord=0000000000000000054000).

But my questions to him are: what good will that identification serve and what he or his buddies want to do with that knowledge? Or is it all excitement for nothing?

2. Controversy over Muslim ‘neo-cons’:
Picking the thread of exchanges on the subject of neocons, Ahmed went on to accuse me of calling Muslims apostates, a charge that I deny. What I was referring to in my statement about the so-called Muslim neocons was the mere fact that some of the persons portrayed by Daniel Pipes as his neocon supporters themselves at occasions have stated that they didn’t belong to the Islamic faith. I was not inventing such but merely stating facts.
For example, see the statement of Nonie Darwish in the FrontPageMagazine.com (FrontPage Magazine - PBS Shame On You) where she begins with the statement: “I am a former Moslem, born and raised in the Middle East.” [For thread on this issue, see the original posting in the New York Sun, April 21, 2003 “Muslims for Pipes” (Daniel Pipes “The publication Pakistan Today, for example, reported last week that, "Many moderate American Muslims, frustrated by and angry at the extremist policies of militant Islamist organizations in the U.S. and their efforts to portray themselves as the sole voice of Islam, have welcomed the nomination of Daniel Pipes."

The article quoted a Washington-based writer, Jamal Hasan; a medical student, Khurshid Ahmad; a scholar of Islam, Khalid Duran; the president of the Council for Democracy and Tolerance, Tashbih Sayyed; Khurshed A. Chowdhury of Washington; Younus Mansour; and Nonie Darwish — all supporters of the Pipes nomination.” [See also: http://www.israelnn.com/article.php3?id=2554]

As you may know Khurshed A. Chowdhury is none other than the person who writes under the penname Syed Kamran Mirza, who has in many occasions (see the websites: Mukto-mona and Faith Freedom International for proofs) claimed that he was an ex-Muslim.

I have been against the Pipes-nomination to the USIP. And I cited my reasons (see, e.g., Why Daniel Pipes is a wrong choice for the U.S. Institute of Peace? Media Monitors Network, April 23, 2003).

3. Ethnic Cleansing and Bangladesh politics:
Now let me come to the more serious side of his write-up where he makes libelous accusations against me. He says, “I remember his outspoken rhetoric against the writers (in Mukto-Mona and other forums), who used to criticize the goons of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Jamaat-i-Islami for their heinous attacks including killing, land grabbing, raping, etc. against minorities. In fact, he wrote voluminous articles to counter the criticism of the liberal-freethinking writers against the fundamentalist goons of BNP and Jamaat-I-Islami.”

All my life I have hated bigotry and worked towards creating an environment of religious harmony. Those who know me will testify to this fact. Unfortunately, what the aforementioned forum was doing was reprehensible – a vicious attack on Islam and its adherents. In the post 9/11-period, it virtually transformed itself into a conduit that would encourage bigotry against Islam and its prophet (S). That is a misuse of the term freethinking!

I abhorred such hostility towards my faith and wrote against the sadistic attacks against my faith and my people. [The moderators of the aforementioned website sometimes did not publish my responses, and at other times, deliberately delayed posting such pieces. Well, they have the rights to do that.

But I did not find the user-group conducive for an honest dialogue, nor for reducing bigotry against my faith. I found it to be extraordinarily hostile and biased against Islam. In utter frustration and with great dismay, I left the user-group, in spite of Mr. Fatemolla’s request not to do so.] Truly, the agenda of the user-group seemed to be hijacked by Muslim-haters, mostly from Hindu fanatics and VJP/RSS-supporters/sympathizers or Hindutva-pujaris.

As to Ahmed’s claim, let me say that nowhere in my write-ups (or lectures) did I ever support the BNP or its Jamat alliance. I challenge him to show a single article of mine supporting such an assertion. I am not affiliated with any party – neither here in the USA nor there in Bangladesh.

I have tried to maintain my neutral standing, no matter how politically incorrect at times such a position could be. As a columnist, my essays and articles have appeared in various newspapers and magazines in the last 25 years.

As to how I viewed the emergence of Bangladesh, its debate around father of the nation, military rule, refugee problem, minority issues, and law and order situation I have not shied away from sharing such. [See, e.g., my comments on “Who is a traitor?” – published in the Al-Ittehad Journal, March 1981, to read my position on some disturbing questions about Bangladesh’s origin. See also my comments on: “The Debate Around the ‘First Caller’ for Independence of Bangladesh,” published last year at this time in the NFB and Bangladesher Dak.] None of these or other articles in various newspapers or in the Internet would ever give anyone the impression that I am a partisan to any Bangladeshi political party.

This, in spite of the fact that my father, a Calcutta University graduate, in his college days, had lived next door to Sk. Mujib in the Baker Hostel, Calcutta, whom he befriended, and that he was the vice president of the city unit of Awami League in Chittagong during the Pakistan days. When very few were willing to help the party in its troubled days during Ayub Khan’s dictatorship, he was one of the very few supporters who had financed Awami League.

So, if I were to be identified politically for my family, it would rather have been Awami League and not BNP or Jamat. [Then again, the youngest brothers of PM Madam Zia and former president Ershad have also been my classmates!] None of these considerations have stopped me from saying or writing what I felt strongly about.
Obviously, my unfaltering stance for human rights and dignity of our people has confused some bigots and fanatics of Hindutva and other fascist ideologies to now wrongfully assert that I am pro-BNP or Jamat.

Ahmed in his write-up cherry-picked some passages from my comments on the speculative claims by Rahul Gupta of ethnic cleansing against Hindus (that were published in the NFB and MM) to opine that I was trying to ‘cover up the incidences of killings, land grabbing, and torturing of minorities just to protect the image of Bangladesh.’

He wrote, “Mr. Siddique was so anxious for not embarrassing the fundamentalist goons now in power. He exerted all his energy to counter those who critiqued the communal government that empowered the fundamentalists and the communalists (even the land grabbers) of Bangladesh. In the name of protecting the image of Bangladesh, he served the interests of the fundamentalist coalition government.”
This remark is libelous and absolutely wrong. I was not trying to cover anything for anyone, but merely stating facts. A reading of my posting on the above subject would clear any confusion as to where I stood. [Other NFB readers have also confronted Gupta’s ludicrous charge of ethnic cleansing in Bangladesh.]

Ethnic cleansing, if one may realize, is the practice of systematically eliminating or marginalizing individuals with whose skin color, national origin, culture, language, or religion a nation-state disagrees. Bangladesh, in spite of its flawed record on protecting lives and properties of its citizenry, does not practice ethnic cleansing. I post the original writing in its entirety below.
Dear Moderator,
I came across the inflammatory articles by Mr. Rahul Gupta and the chief editor of Mayer Dak. I beg to differ with their analyses and conclusion. I am also sorry to observe that the (Mayer Dak) website is being used - not for impartiality but for serving the BJP agenda (much in common with LK Advani & Co.) against Muslims in Bangladesh.
Did it ever occur to these writers that Bangladeshi Hindus convert more to Christianity than to Islam? Just a statistical sampling analysis around Bangladeshi Christian population abroad would be sufficient to prove my point here.

Five years ago, I did a personal (nothing too rigorous) analysis myself while visiting/touring hundreds of villages near Mangla, Khulna. Due to NGO and foreign missionary activities, village after village had converted to Christianity among the people there who had erstwhile been Hindus, mostly from the fishing and farming occupation. Not a single of them I encountered had converted to Islam. I challenge them to take a similar initiative and find out on their own if they have problem with my findings.

Well, if one goes to CHT, one could see the same kind of effort by Christian missionaries to win over converts among the minorities. And this is not a new phenomenon. As far as I remember from my days (when going to primary schools) in the '60s in that part of the world, you could always see Christian missionaries there doing their work. Such activities actually started much earlier, during the British period.

Ours is a country, which is, sadly, economically deprived. As Sher-e-Bangla AK Fazul Hoque had once put it, "The politics of Bengal is in reality the economics of Bengal." What he so aptly said, some 6 decades ago, is, unfortunately, still true in Bangladesh. I am told by my friends, some of whom are Professors of Economics in universities in Bangladesh (and track such trends in population), that in the last two decades a growing number of indigenous people (including even some Muslims) have converted to Christianity because of NGO activities and a number of other reasons (not so all noble sometimes – like the opportunity to immigrate to the western world). That is a fact, no matter how we may be shocked.

There is yet another factor that we should not lose thought of. That is the tendency among educated people to find better opportunities for them and their extended families wherever such opportunities exist. Just look around you. A great proportion of foreign students from our part of the world, which could be considered economically disadvantaged (including India, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan), do not return to their native places of birth.

And once settled, they bring the rest of their families. Hindu students always represented a sizable percentage in science, medicine and technology in most major universities in Bangladesh. So, it is not difficult to fathom that a significant proportion of them may seek higher studies outside the country and then opt for settling there. After all, when a die-hard pujari of Hindutva from India and a molla from Bangladesh could opt for settling in the western world in preference to their native homes, I don't see a problem with my analysis above.

Something must be said about the census process. Unlike the western world, this system has not evolved to a level that is error-free in our part of the world. A good proportion of economically disadvantaged population is always left off from such accounting. Just a mere two years ago, while interviewing several rickshaw pullers in Chittagong and Dhaka, I noticed that more than 50% did not know anything about census. Most of these low-income generating people are Muslims. The situation for census taking in rural areas is still far worse than that in urban centers. As to Indian census, I am not in a position to know how accurate it is.

But I am sure that it is not error-free either. It is true that all these former colonies of Britain definitely have made much progress in all sectors, including census. However, census is far from being accurate, and the situation was worse in 1947 or 1951 or 1961 than it is now. So, when the measurement system is inaccurate, one truly cannot say for sure how the proportions of minorities were or are now. First fix the measurement system and then use the data to analyze and draw conclusion. That is how the system works for reliability and accuracy in information. The whole impetus on six sigma activities round the globe is based on this proven notion. Anything short of that will only lead to possibilities, ifs and buts, doubts and pains!

As to making a big fuss about Hindu priest Goswami's murder (in Mayer Dak), I think it is an ignoble, criminal and politically biased propaganda to blame all such murders to a process of ethnic cleansing. Bangladesh never had and still does not have such a policy. Compared to India, Bangladesh, quite frankly, has been an oasis of tolerance among various religious communities (up to the time of last election) and we all pray (and should work hand in hand) that it should remain as such for all times to come. Last year’s sad and criminal episode around the election time is an exception to the rule and should be treated as such.

All Bangladeshis, irrespective of religion, creed, language or ethnicity, condemn such and should work towards making our region free from all forms of violence directed against any of its members. The criminals should be hunted down and punished. No compromise there. If our government fails to punish those culprits, it would be a shameful act and disservice to our nation’s image. The fanatics of Hindutva in India will use this tarnished image to carry out their pogroms (much like what they did against Muslims recently in Gujarat) against other minorities, to ethnically cleanse Hindustan of everyone who is not a Hindu.

Much that we deplore, I must also remind the fact that the sad event of targeted harassment during the last election in Bangladesh was no different than what many Indian Muslims had endured and faced during the election times in India. Violence against Muslims was and still is a routine thing so that Muslims vote for a particular party and not others. As is true anywhere, it is the slum dwellers who are more affected than those who are better off financially. It is a shameful tactic that political scoundrels often use against vulnerable communities. Such should be deplored and stopped at any cost.

Personal and other kinds of disputes (involving wealth, land, women, etc.) have killed more people than anything else in Bangladesh. And in the last 10 years, add to this list - political rivalry and affiliation. If someone was known to be an AL supporter, he or she was abused by those who hated AL, and vice versa. All the major political parties have their cadres among students. In Bangladesh, it is more lucrative to remain a student affiliated with a student organization than to graduate and work legally in an office or a company. These guys with their weapons are ready to commit any violence that money would buy for them. That is the sad reality in Bangladesh, and I am as much, if not more, shocked by this downward trend in morality and basic human traits as you are.

You see how the political parties use students for political control and they in turn terrorize each other and other innocent bystanders in our country. I may like to remind you about the fact that quite a few college and university student organizations, belonging/affiliated to either major parties, are led by Hindu students. Some of the top terrorists in Bangladesh are/were also minorities (this is very much expected in a mixed population sample).

Now in an ensuing battle between rival student groups, who act more like Mafiosi than anything else, if a Hindu got killed, and you were to cry foul that it was ethnically motivated - that would be simply unfair. Criminals don't have any religion, nor even party - they are like ****** who could be bought and sold for a price, usually to the highest bidder.

To talk about student terrorists, let me share with you something that is very personal. My parents' home in Chittagong was terrorized for a number of years by local (student) miscreants, who at one time had belonged to BNP and then switched allegiance to AL (when the latter came to power nearly five years ago). The notorious Mamunur Rashid (affiliated with the party of Mayor Mohiuddin of Chittagong), was behind the scene.

Thanks to the AL government of Sheikh Hasina that this mafia boss was eventually put into the prison (and still is) during Nasim's tenure as the Home Minister. However, Mamun's arrest did not slow down his chellas from the Omar Ghani College to virtually create a hostage-type situation. Their mere presence in our compound was a sad reminder of how helpless we have become. They would come at any time of the day and night, roam about freely as if the house belonged to them and that my parents were at their mercy.

No calls to police stations or mayor's office in Chittagong would stop them from their almost daily routine. A number of times when the police raid took place to arrest these low-lives, they had vacated the property, thanks (presumably) to some insiders in the corrupt police department. No personal plea would deter these miscreants. Only with the fall of AL in the last election, they moved out (i.e., vacated the property).

The interesting thing is that all this trouble to our family took place when everyone in our locality (including these local thugs) knew about my father, who was a close friend of the founder of the nation, the late Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and his many a humanitarian contribution before, during and after the liberation war. (He had distanced himself from politics soon after the liberation.) Now if all these troubles could happen to our family in the hand of political touts, I could very well imagine how terrible things were and have been with the rest of our Bangladeshi people.

A country that cannot provide security to its people is no place for one to live. And that is where, I think, Bangladesh has failed to live up to the dreams of all those who got martyred during the war of liberation. It is a shame to their memory. We ought to expect better from our government officials to protect and secure the lives of our people - Bangladeshis of all races, genders, languages and religion.

I have written in the past about my feelings on how I saw Bangladesh in some major newspapers in Bangladesh. For example, The Weekly Holiday had a full-length piece just a few years ago. I would not, therefore, lengthen this any further. I hope that Mayer Dak and Mr. Gupta would take my criticism of their biased analysis in a positive sense.

There is no benefit in polarizing one community against another. Much in contrast to ethnic-violence prone territories in India, the people of Bangladesh have lived peacefully for almost a millennium now. Religion has always been a personal thing and that is great. We should not abuse religion nor use it to demean, abuse, hate, molest, or harm others, neither physically nor through hate-mongering websites that try to divide our world.

With best regards,
Dr. Habib R. Siddiqui.
I hope Mr. Ahmed would desist from making libelous claims that he won’t be able to defend.

Ref: http://bangladesh-web.com/news/view...&hidType=OPT&hidRecord=0000000000000000055843
So big to read.. Kalu summarise the article in some 10-15 points...
Again blaming the shahbag movement on others is a insult to bangladeshi youths who participated in the protest

And majority of people want killers of freedom fighters killed. its just to protest in streets

Shahbag movement organizers are connected to world wide Islamophobia Industry. Some links of this connections are:

Anders Breivik the Islamophobe and mass murderer
Pamella Geller
Robert Spencer
Innocence of Muslims by Sam Basil the Egyptian Copt.

In OP, Sheila Musaji describes in detail how the Islamophobia Industry is connected and how Ali Sina's desire for an anti Islam movies years back resulted eventually in financing and creation of the movie called Innocence of Muslims by an Egyptian coptic Christian. In post 3, a Bangladeshi elderly man from distinguished family addresses a vilification effort by a Bangladeshi Islamophobe at the atheist Islamophobic website Mukto-Mona. This Mukto-Mona website is one of a vast set of websites world wide that targets Muslim countries and encourage them to leave Islam. Some others are:

Unfortunately Awami League govt. in Bangladesh, a country of 90% Muslim majority have sponsored a well known world wide anti-Islam and anti-Muslim hate group to create a movement using 1971 war crimes issues as an excuse, while the real target was to attack Islam in Bangladesh. The result is the death of more than 150 people.
If that is true(which doesn't looks like as its from conspiracy poster,new world order theorist) ,+1 for it

hail faithfreedom for their good job \m/
By extending this brilliant logic, it fair to conclude jamatis did a great job in 1971 when they murdered and raped hundreds of thousands of islamophobes.
Too Long; Didn't Read

But I will say this
There is no denying that there a group of people in the west who make a career out of Islamophobia and spreading hate.
These people include Daniel Pipes, ayaan hirsi ali, etc
In fact, it's so blatantly obvious that even the mainstream media has talked about it.

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Too Long; Didn't Read

But I will say this
There is no denying that there a group of people in the west who make a career out of Islamophobia and spreading hate.
These people include Daniel Pipes, ayaan hirsi ali, etc
In fact, it's so blatantly obvious that even the mainstream media has talked about it.

Give it another try, I cut out most of it.
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Who cares what a bunch of little people living in another part of the world say? Move on.
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