But you know, there's a lot of noise going on regarding Shahbagh. Several conservatives say that is being used as a stage for anti-Islamic propaganda. And some of the participants and apparently the original organizers indeed are. Google Thaba Baba and check BD Defense.
I say it's rather unusual for a country like Bangladesh to have such. This war crimes trial appears to be making the nation's sociopolitical environment go out of control.
Ali Sina and his ilks can yell all they like. It's their right. But that doesn't change the reality in the nation. And the US certainly hadn't taken sides as far as the current problems in Bangladesh are concerned.
However, there is one particular country in the world that had taken sides on the issue. Guess?
I've always wondered where those middle-class boys get their inspiration from. Though, I'm not buying the funds part until I see proof of it.
The funds, logistics and security for Shahbag are in fact all provided by the government and some corporations such as Jamuna Group. Free biryani anyone?
Best not to take those half-a$$ed websites seriously. I mean, who does? Besides, their dignity cannot match that honor achieved of that of Dr. Yunus. And their works do not affect US policy formulation in anyway whatsoever.