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Islamophobia Industry, its worldwide reach & Shahbag movement in Bangladesh

Who cares what a bunch of little people living in another part of the world say? Move on.

the problem comes when these people start to "train" police and politicians like the one in my video.

If these people had their way they would exterminate every single Muslim and they represent a real threat because they are the ones talking to politicians.
Who cares what a bunch of little people living in another part of the world say? Move on.

I disagree with you on this one. I think you underestimate the power of propaganda and their end result. I would ask you why do you think Islamophobia Industry in the US created this website for Indonesians and watch how popular this forum is:

Faith Freedom International - Forum Indonesia

I don't know the exact extent of the connection of Mukto-Mona, Faithfreedom (Ali Sina) and Daniel Pipes, but I think the root goes back to Zionists and Neocons, who have tons of readily available funds and people who are willing to put out work to get to these funds, including some Bangladeshi's who have eventually showed up in Shahbag. Hindutva followers have also found common cause in this Islam and Muslim bashing with this group. It is alarming that they are using AL need for political theater using 1971 war crimes issue to gain popularity and use this opportunity in Shahbag movement for their Islam bashing and promotion of atheism in Bangladesh.
Abbaiii @Loki when did you become our resident BD MOD ! :azn:

You rascal now wheres the party ? :partay:

Well bro, I turned even more awesome quite some days ago :D

the problem comes when these people start to "train" police and politicians like the one in my video.

If these people had their way they would exterminate every single Muslim and they represent a real threat because they are the ones talking to politicians.

Now how would those "civilized" people do that? Hmm....? :lol:

In my opinion, it is best not to talk about such matters to random Westerners or any unworthy non-Muslim for that matter. Especially random Westerners.

They are a Democracy, and can have their say. All at random regardless of how dumb it sounds.

However, only individuals who are knowledgeable enough and with the power are the ones who can have the ultimate effect on a particular issue.

But you know, there's a lot of noise going on regarding Shahbagh. Several conservatives say that is being used as a stage for anti-Islamic propaganda. And some of the participants and apparently the original organizers indeed are. Google Thaba Baba and check BD Defense.

I say it's rather unusual for a country like Bangladesh to have such. This war crimes trial appears to be making the nation's sociopolitical environment go out of control.

Ali Sina and his ilks can yell all they like. It's their right. But that doesn't change the reality in the nation. And the US certainly hadn't taken sides as far as the current problems in Bangladesh are concerned.

However, there is one particular country in the world that had taken sides on the issue. Guess? :lol:

I disagree with you on this one. I think you underestimate the power of propaganda and their end result. I would ask you why do you think Islamophobia Industry in the US created this website for Indonesians and watch how popular this forum is:

Faith Freedom International - Forum Indonesia

I don't know the exact extent of the connection of Mukto-Mona, Faithfreedom (Ali Sina) and Daniel Pipes, but I think the root goes back to Zionists and Neocons, who have tons of readily available funds and people who are willing to put out work to get to these funds, including some Bangladeshi's who have eventually showed up in Shahbag. Hindutva followers have also found common cause in this Islam and Muslim bashing with this group. It is alarming that they are using AL need for political theater using 1971 war crimes issue to gain popularity and use this opportunity in Shahbag movement for their Islam bashing and promotion of atheism in Bangladesh.

I've always wondered where those middle-class boys get their inspiration from. Though, I'm not buying the funds part until I see proof of it.

The funds, logistics and security for Shahbag are in fact all provided by the government and some corporations such as Jamuna Group. Free biryani anyone?

Best not to take those half-a$$ed websites seriously. I mean, who does? Besides, their dignity cannot match that honor achieved of that of Dr. Yunus. And their works do not affect US policy formulation in anyway whatsoever.
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Most of the Islamophobe Bloggers in Bangladesh are actually Non Muslims, However Assassins are only assassinating Ex muslim Atheists who ridicule islam in a sick way ( not constructive criticism) ....
But you know, there's a lot of noise going on regarding Shahbagh. Several conservatives say that is being used as a stage for anti-Islamic propaganda. And some of the participants and apparently the original organizers indeed are. Google Thaba Baba and check BD Defense.

I say it's rather unusual for a country like Bangladesh to have such. This war crimes trial appears to be making the nation's sociopolitical environment go out of control.

Ali Sina and his ilks can yell all they like. It's their right. But that doesn't change the reality in the nation. And the US certainly hadn't taken sides as far as the current problems in Bangladesh are concerned.

However, there is one particular country in the world that had taken sides on the issue. Guess? :lol:

I've always wondered where those middle-class boys get their inspiration from. Though, I'm not buying the funds part until I see proof of it.

The funds, logistics and security for Shahbag are in fact all provided by the government and some corporations such as Jamuna Group. Free biryani anyone?

Best not to take those half-a$$ed websites seriously. I mean, who does? Besides, their dignity cannot match that honor achieved of that of Dr. Yunus. And their works do not affect US policy formulation in anyway whatsoever.

I would not call faithfreedom Indonesia half-a$$ed. It has almost 800,000 posts and 30,000 topics, all in Bahasa Indonesia.
I want the poster of this thread to educate us why Bangladesh, a Muslim country is going after Muslim groups. Why is it making such focused effort to remove Islam from government and society?
I want the poster of this thread to educate us why Bangladesh, a Muslim country is going after Muslim groups. Why is it making such focused effort to remove Islam from government and society?

Because that is Indian agenda with Bangladesh and pro-India govt. AL implementing Indian national policy in Bangladesh. There is a country called Bangladesh because of Muslim Bengali's who did not want to live in majority Hindu India. So essentially they are attacking the root ideology hoping that this will weaken Bangladesh as a state.
Its not islamophobia, its fundophobia.

Wherever islamists are given free hand it results in chaos, look at pakistan or somalia.

Bettet to stamp out islamists as done in chechnya amd xinjiang
So big to read.. Kalu summarise the article in some 10-15 points...
Again blaming the shahbag movement on others is a insult to bangladeshi youths who participated in the protest

And majority of people want killers of freedom fighters killed. its just to protest in streets

Right- that would mean he would have to be a Bangladeshi first( country first guy) before being a ' Muslim'. His POV's are always religion driven...
The police are going to take actions against four blog sites for violation of ICT Law-2006. These are somewhereinblog.net, amarblog.com, nagorikblog.com and istitionblog.com(??). Government found evidences that authorities of these blog sites having been financed from suspicious foreign sources have patronized anti-Islamic blogging.

চার ব্লগের বিরুদ্ধে ব্যবস্থা নেবে পুলিশ
০২ এপ্রিল,২০১৩

নিজস্ব প্রতিবেদক

ঢাকা: তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি আইন-২০০৬ লঙ্ঘন করে ইসলাম ও মহানবী মুহাম্মদ (সা.) এবং হিন্দু ধর্ম নিয়ে অবমাননামূলক ব্লগ লেখার সুযোগ করে দেয়ার অভিযোগে চারটি বাংলা ব্লগের বিরুদ্ধে ব্যবস্থা নেয়ার উদ্যোগ নিয়েছে পুলিশ।

ব্লগগুলো হচ্ছে সামহোয়ারইনব্লগ ডটনেট, আমার ব্লগ ডটকম, নাগরিক ব্লগ ডটকম ও ইস্টিশন ব্লগ ডট কম।

এ চারটি ব্লগে ধর্ম অবমাননামূলক ব্লগিং জড়িত থাকার অভিযোগে সোমবার তিন ব্লগার মশিউর রহমান বিপ্লব (ব্লগে নাম: শয়তান), রাসেল পারভেজ (অপবাক) ও সুব্রত অধিকারী শুভকে (সুব্রত শুভ ও লালু কসাই) জড়িত থাকার অভিযোগে গ্রেপ্তার করার পরে মঙ্গলবার এ তথ্য জানানো হয়।

মঙ্গলবার দুপুরে ঢাকা মহানগর পুলিশের (ডিএমপি) মিডিয়া সেন্টারে অনুষ্ঠিত এক সংবাদ সম্মেলনে ডিবির গোয়েন্দা ও অপরাধ তথ্য বিভাগের উপকমিশনার মোল্যা নজরুল ইসলাম গ্রেপ্তারকৃত তিন ব্লগারের ব্যাপারে সাংবাদিকদের কাছে ব্রিফ করেন।

তিনি জানান, গ্রেপ্তারকৃত মশিউর রহমান বিপ্লব ফেসবুকে আল্লামা শয়তান, সামহোয়ারইনব্লগে শয়তান, আমার ব্লগে নেমেসিস ছদ্মনামে লিখতেন।

রাসেল পারভেজ আমার ব্লগে রাসেল পারভেজ, সামহোয়ারইনব্লগে রাসেল... এবং অপবাক ছদ্মনামে লিখতেন।

সুব্রত অধিকারী শুভ সামহোয়ারইনব্লগে সাদা মুখোশ, আমার ব্লগে সুব্রত শুভ, নাগরিক ব্লগে আজাদ ও ইস্টিশন ব্লগে লালু কসাই ছদ্মনামে লিখতেন।

মোল্যা জালাল বলেন, ‘গ্রেপ্তারকৃত ব্লগাররা ‘প্রকৃতিবাদ’ নামক নাস্তিক ধর্মের বিশ্বাসী ছিলেন। তারা ইন্টারনেটের বিভিন্ন মাধ্যমে লেখালেখির মাধ্যমে ইসলামসহ বিভিন্ন প্রবর্তকদের বিতর্কিতভাবে উপস্থাপনের মাধ্যমে বিভিন্ন ধর্মপ্রাণ মানুষের অনুভূতিতে আঘাত করে আসছে।

তিনি জানান, যারা এদের লেখার সুযোগ করে দিয়েছে তাদের বিরুদ্ধেও ব্যবস্থা নেয়া হবে।

ডিবি সূত্রে জানা গেছে, ইতোমধ্যে অভিযুক্ত চারটি ব্লগসহ বাংলা ব্লগগুলোর মালিক ও পরিচালকদের তথ্য সংগ্রহ করা হয়েছে।

তাদের বিরুদ্ধে ধর্ম অবমাননামূলক ব্লগ লেখার সুযোগ দেয়া ও সন্দেহজনক বিদেশী অর্থায়ন নিয়ে ধর্ম অবমাননাকারী ব্লগারদের পৃষ্ঠপোষকতা দেয়ার তথ্য-প্রমাণ পাওয়া গেছে।

নানা সূত্রে তদন্ত করে সরকার জানতে পেরেছে ব্লগ মালিক ও পরিচালকরা প্রগতিশীল ও সরকারপন্থী হিসেবে পরিচিত হলেও তারা নির্বাচনের আগে আওয়ামী লীগকে অজনপ্রিয় করার বিশেষ মতলব সামনে নিয়ে মাঠে নেমেছে।

তারা সরকার সমর্থক পরিচয়ের আড়ালে গোপনে সরকারকে ধর্মবিরোধী হিসেবে পরিচিত করার চেষ্টায় লিপ্ত।

এ কারণে সরকারের শীর্ষ পর্যায় থেকে অবমাননাকারী ব্লগগুলোর বিরুদ্ধে ব্যবস্থা নেয়ার নির্দেশ দেয়া হয়েছে।

তবে বাংলাদেশের ইন্টারনেট ব্যবহারকারীরা আশঙ্কা করছেন, সরকার ধর্ম অবমাননা বন্ধের উদ্যোগকে শেষ পর্যন্ত বাক স্বাধীনতা নিয়ন্ত্রণে ব্যবহার করতে পারে।

??? ?????? ???????? ???????? ???? ????? | ??????? | Rtnn.net
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The guy was allowed to go once by this scum gov before on the condition that he won't criticize the gov.He was arrested then like now ,for hurting religious sentiments and attack on religion. BAL nourished these cult group and now doing eyewash when their game got exposed. Typical awami poodle.



Excellent article, thanks for sharing.

People who have doubt that these people have foreign connections with Islamophobia Industry, please look at this thread:


Indo-Awami nexus has been using these Islamophobic bloggers to attack Islamic consciousness of majority Bangladeshi's. Now Awami League govt. is trying to protect them from the wrath of an angry public. They should not have forgotten the fate of Taslima Nasreen, another celebrated Islamophobe and darling of the West, just like Salman Rushdie.

I bet these people are attention wh0res like Salman and Taslima and are out to make them famous like them, probably even fishing for assylum in the West to get a cushy life of giving lectures arranged by people in the Islamophobia Industry.
I would not call faithfreedom Indonesia half-a$$ed. It has almost 800,000 posts and 30,000 topics, all in Bahasa Indonesia.

Ali Sina does not even exist, it is multiple people pretending to be one person.
Can someone summarize please? i'm not reading that essay :drag:

the TLDR version they hold the belief that there is a world wide consiracy dedicated to attacking them and the only possible response it to kill random people i belive Paranoid schizophrenia: Symptoms - MayoClinic.com may be of help.

Signs and symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia may include:

Auditory hallucinations, such as hearing voices
Delusions, such as believing a co-worker wants to poison you
Emotional distance
Self-important or condescending manner
Suicidal thoughts and behavior
With paranoid schizophrenia, you're less likely to be affected by mood problems or problems with thinking, concentration and attention.

Key symptoms
Delusions and hallucinations are the symptoms that make paranoid schizophrenia most distinct from other types of schizophrenia.

Delusions. In paranoid schizophrenia, a common delusion is that you're being singled out for harm. For instance, you may believe that the government is monitoring every move you make or that a co-worker is poisoning your lunch. You may also have delusions of grandeur — the belief that you can fly, that you're famous or that you have a relationship with a famous person, for example. You hold on to these false beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. Delusions can result in aggression or violence if you believe you must act in self-defense against those who want to harm you.

Can someone summarize please? i'm not reading that essay :drag:

the TLDR version they hold the belief that there is a world wide consiracy dedicated to attacking them and the only possible response it to kill random people i belive http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/paranoid-schizophrenia/DS00862/DSECTION=symptoms may be of help.

Signs and symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia may include:

Auditory hallucinations, such as hearing voices
Delusions, such as believing a co-worker wants to poison you
Emotional distance
Self-important or condescending manner
Suicidal thoughts and behavior
With paranoid schizophrenia, you're less likely to be affected by mood problems or problems with thinking, concentration and attention.

Key symptoms
Delusions and hallucinations are the symptoms that make paranoid schizophrenia most distinct from other types of schizophrenia.

Delusions. In paranoid schizophrenia, a common delusion is that you're being singled out for harm. For instance, you may believe that the government is monitoring every move you make or that a co-worker is poisoning your lunch. You may also have delusions of grandeur — the belief that you can fly, that you're famous or that you have a relationship with a famous person, for example. You hold on to these false beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. Delusions can result in aggression or violence if you believe you must act in self-defense against those who want to harm you.
Islamophobia is indeed an industry used to protect various bearded criminals, in this case mass murderers of kaffir hindus in 1971.
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