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Islamists impose sharia law in Timbuktu; 95 percent of Christians flee...


May 12, 2011
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BAMAKO, Mali — Mali’s crisis deepened Wednesday, as officials in the fabled northern city of Timbuktu confirmed that the Islamic rebel faction that seized control of the town over the weekend has announced it will impose sharia law.

Rebels in the country’s distant north have taken advantage of the power vacuum created last month when renegade soldiers in the capital of Bamako overthrew the nation’s democratically elected leader. In the chaos that followed the March 21 coup, they advanced on strategic towns in the north, including the ancient city of Timbuktu, located over 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) from the capital.

( Rukmini Callimachi / Associated Press ) - Soldiers stand guard at junta headquarters in Kati, outskirt Bamako, Mali Tuesday, April 3, 2012. With coup leader Capt. Amadou Haya Sanogo refusing to step down, surrounding nations have imposed severe financial sanctions on Mali, including the closing of the country’s borders and the freezing of its account at the regional central bank.

The ethnic Tuareg rebels included a secular faction fighting for independence, and an Islamic wing, Ansar Dine, whose reclusive leader called a meeting of all the imams in the city on Tuesday to make his announcement.

“He had the meeting to make his message to the people known, that sharia law is now going to be applied,” said the Mayor of Timbuktu Ousmane Halle, who was reached by telephone. “When there is a strongman in front of you, you listen to him. You can’t react,” he said, when asked what the reaction was of the imams of a historic town known for its religious pluralism and its moderate interpretation of Islam.

“Things are going to heat up here. Our women are not going to wear the veil just like that,” said the mayor.

Kader Kalil, the director of a communal radio station who was asked to cover the meeting and who later interviewed the Ansar Dine leader Iyad Ag Ghali, confirmed that sharia had been imposed.

He said in addition to the wearing of the veil, thieves will be punished by having their hands cut off and adulterers will be stoned to death.

In a show of force, the Islamic rebels on Wednesday drove through the town in a tank-like armored-personnel carrier, their ominous black flag flapping in the wind above the cannon.

More than 90 percent of the city’s roughly 300 Christians have fled since the city fell to the rebels on Sunday, said Baptist Pastor Nock Ag Info Yattara, who is now in Bamako. He said not one of the 205 people in his congregation, which has worshipped in Timbuktu since the 1950s, has stayed behind. “We cannot live like that,” he said.

Mali has effectively been partitioned in two ever since the rebel takeover. The fighters started their insurgency in January, but only succeeded in taking a dozen small towns before the coup. Then in a lightning advance, they took the three largest towns including the provincial capital of Kidal on Friday, the largest town of Gao on Saturday and Timbuktu on Sunday. What is worrying is that it is not yet clear which rebel faction has the upper hand.

Ansar Dine is believed to be allied with an al-Qaida faction, which has already kidnapped over 50 Westerners since 2003, including a Canadian diplomat in Niger and a British national, who was later executed.

“The problem for us is that we don’t know who is the master of our town,” said the mayor, who explained that the Islamist faction had taken over the city’s military camp, while the secular rebel group was stationed at the airport. “What I deplore is the departure of the Christian community. Many said to me that they are obliged to leave. And they are right. I cannot guarantee their safety. And these are people that have lived side-by-side with us for centuries.”

Islamists impose sharia law in Timbuktu; 95 percent of Christians flee, as Mali crisis deepens - The Washington Post

Radical Islam is becoming a religion of Death and Stagnation.
Can I be honest? It's this news like that scares the living day lights out of the world not X amount converted to Islam. We don't care how many convert, more power to you if they do- we just care what happens if they don't. Imposing of Islamic law is not going be looked as being wrong by any non indian muslim. how can it be- they have it in their country. taking secular country in constitution to being now Islamic will be cheered here. But what it does to others psyche?
I bet women in timbuktu are really enjoying the new sharia !!!!!!

btw afaik the meaning of word sharia itself is law hence no need to write sharia law.
Can I be honest? It's this news like that scares the living day lights out of the world

Glad to know.

But Timbuktu is just a small town, wonder what made them do that? Besides, most of Africa is lawless anyway, a little law in a small town, whatever it might be, is a good thing ;)
Glad to know.

But Timbuktu is just a small town, wonder what made them do that? Besides, most of Africa is lawless anyway, a little law in a small town, whatever it might be, is a good thing ;)

sure it is- as long you can sit in safety of a Judea Christian country that is secular and affords you democratic rights of a great democracy. everything is good as long as you don't have to follow it yourself.
Bomb that place and get rid of these islamic radicals making normal people's life hell and who lives on violence all day and night and say they are religion of peace

Timbaktu a great and magnficient place many years ago. A place where people of the surrounding countries used to go for Islamic and worldy education.
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