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Islamists clash with Pakistani Nationalists in the UK during Independence celebrations (Must Watch).

I don't know why European countries provide shelter to terrorists.
To succeed socially, political, and economically you can not intermingle politics and religion together. The combination will result in regression of the nation as a whole. National policies can not be based off the Qur'an or Bible. Under Ayub Khan, Pakistan was a liberal paradise and economic model. Karachi was seen as an economic role model, and there was much praise for the way its economy was progressing, with many countries who sought to emulate Pakistan's economic planning strategy. South Korea, with Park Chung-hee's first 5-year Economic Development Plan- the foundation upon which South Korea's 'Miracle on the Han River' was built- actually copied directly from Karachi's second "Five-Year Plan". Under Zia brought the radical Islamization of Pakistan. The economy and social life were emulated off the Qur'an and Shira Law. Zia introduced many laws that took Pakistan back in time, Blasphemy Laws, Ramadan Ordinance (minorities were arrested for eating in public), and degrading women in Pakistani society. He moved away from policies of Bhutto, who stressed the importance of being self-efficient, and used foreign aid from western nations to make Pakistan heavily dependent on foreign assistance. The spread of madrasas were a ticking time bomb. No modern nation has been successfully operated with policies based on religion. Saudi Arabia is only able to survive from its vast oil wealth and backing from Uncle Sam, without oil Saudi Arabia is just another Yemen. Treatment of women and human right abuse is another story. Just my opinion, I may be wrong I just thought i share my thoughts with you guys.
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No bro, according to one radical islamist sympathiser on here our intelligence services are behind these crazy scums. As i told you before, these extremists muslims crazies are always the first to cry of oppression when they are in a non muslim country(never mind that their own muslim ummah countries/government treats them like shit) look at China/Russia etc and they will always blame all their ills on the evil west/U.S or any other kafir government under which they happen to live under no matter what, just look at the middle east. When anything goes wrong they either blame the west ir the zionisys with conspiracy theories and stuffs. Its never their own fault, always foreign kafirs infidels. Lool these people are really confused. :pop:

Here-in lies the biggest problem. It's an epidemic. They can literally do no wrong and everything bad is because of others. A pathetic loser mentality.
Kinda disappointed, I did got get to see the blood on the faces of these so called defenders of Islam..
Wow fakhre mirpur what ridiculous statement is it? I always do. U havent read those posts of mine? Whoelse was it talking 2 u abt bahais persecution by khomeinis. ??

These ppl only looked like bunch of attention seekers. But then how violent they cud get one never knows. Anyways, like how is it their business to call pakistan a kufar state? So y they are living in a kufar state themselves that is UK.

Uk is really seeing rise in this extremism and i have seriously felt their gov is intentionally not doing anything abt it. And honestly iwas getting the feeling there must be ppl in higer echelons in uk who wud be enjoying this clash/drama.

But then this footage shud be aired everywhere to show ppl ,that see pakistanis were always accused of being this extremisty type, as these extremist men in the video, but this video shows how different pakistanis and the other group is.
Mullahgardi murdabad

I have taken great relish in confronting these morons during the Brelvi v Takfiri wars during the 90's. Sadly now I have to take into account my job and position, otherwise I wouldn't hesitate to do far worse.
Disgusting, unwashed filth. They make me sick.

lol@ the Hajis giving them a few punches and kicks hahahah. Being beaten by elders, it can't get any worse.
These airheads defame the braki community
ISIS mentality,
The disturbing part is that the UK is allowing these goons inside them to prosper.
Damn i chose the wrong day to come back
If they had said that crap to my face they would all be in Hospitals -.-
I don't give a shit if your the richest person on the planet or the military general of a state if you say shit about my country get ready for a beating
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