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Islamic states threaten Australia with sanctions over 'disputed E.Jerushelum' narrative.


May 3, 2009
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Over 30 Muslim states have threatened Australia with trade sanctions unless it clarifies its position over occupied east Jerushelum which it regards as 'disputed'. EJ is globally regarded as an 'occupied' zone.
Over 30 Muslim states have threatened Australia with trade sanctions unless it clarifies its position over occupied east Jerushelum which it regards as 'disputed'. EJ is globally regarded as an 'occupied' zone.
Good step we need to now take clear stand on Jerusalem and Palestine and put pressure on Israel than either the solve the issue in next 5 years or prepare for other things
Abbott really dropped the ball on that concession. Not even the USA is willing to recognize East Jerusalem as de jure Israeli territory. Did he even get anything in return?
@rapheal l Muslims are learning to gang up to sort out our issues. As our economic power grows we would be able to use it to our advantage. Abbot govt has accepted that 'There is an Israeli occupation' on EJ, but they are searching for an 'appropriate' word. Abbot himself is a religious bigot :D
@rapheal l Muslims are learning to gang up to sort out our issues. As our economic power grows we would be able to use it to our advantage. Abbot govt has accepted that 'There is an Israeli occupation' on EJ, but they are searching for an 'appropriate' word. Abbot himself is a religious bigot :D

Muslim economic power (if there is such a bloc) is certainly not growing.

That being said, good job Abbot, who else remains for him to piss of?
Australia has been trying to outdo the US as the staunchest supporter of Israel.

Julia Dullard was bad enough. Now Abbot the Incompetent is getting in on the action.
Muslim economic power (if there is such a bloc) is certainly not growing.

That being said, good job Abbot, who else remains for him to piss of?

On Purchasing Power Parity, Islamic World stands around $14 trillion+ ...and that is when we are performing at our "worst"....

Do you realize how big of a market this is?

PS, Islamic bloc (or Arab bloc whatever) dominates THE most precious/valuable commodity sector of the planet: The oil and gas sector

Powers of the "Islamic World" were the global superpowers of the world from 7th to as recent as mid 17th/18th century. Geographic presence of Muslims are on some of the most strategic/critical locations of the global supply chain (Thanks to the history of remaining dominating powers of humanity for like a 1000+ years...almost all the "critical points" of (old) world were conquered by Islamic Powers..)

A country like Australia, Israel, or even smaller European nations can't stand a chance against a united Islamic front...but then again, there is no islamic bloc to begin with

Muslims are going through their *worst* at this point...totally fallen off from their position of global leadership...So even with all the "tools" available, we can't do much..................................as of now.
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There is no Islamic bloc.

The Muslim countries will stab each other in the back to please the whites.
Heck, the Arabs will stab each other in the back to please the whites.

True that.
@kbd-raaf l Qatar's per capita income is almost twice the size of Australian per capita income.that too tax free. There are 3 Muslim countries in G-20, 7 out of 11 Next Eleven economies are Muslim countries, 15 out of current top 50 economies are Muslim countries. Greater economic integration in the Muslim world is underway with D-8, GCC, ECO like organization, so your argument is invalid.
On Purchasing Power Parity, Islamic World stands around $14 trillion+ ...and that is when we are performing at our "worst"....

Do you realize how big of a market this is?

PS, Islamic bloc (or Arab bloc whatever) dominates THE most precious/valuable commodity sector of the planet: The oil and gas sector

Powers of the "Islamic World" were the global superpowers of the world from 7th to as recent as mid 17th/18th century. Geographic presence of Muslims are on some of the most strategic/critical locations of the global supply chain (Thanks to the history of remaining dominating powers of humanity for like a 1000+ years...almost all the "critical points" of (old) world were conquered by Islamic Powers..)

A country like Australia, Israel, or even smaller European nations can't stand a chance against a united Islamic front...

But then again, as I said, Muslims are going through their *worst* at this point...totally fallen off from their position of global leadership...So even with all the "tools" available, we can't do much..................................as of now.

International purchasing power isn't dictated by PPP numbers.

The Arab bloc do control much of the oil and gas in the world. Agreed. But the influence wielded by such is most likely decreasing and most certainly NOT increasing, as was my point.

There has been only one global superpower in human history and that is the USA. The Ottomans are the closest that there was to a Islamic superpower.

Honestly, I'm not sure what you're trying to prove? The economic power of the semi-existent 'Islamic Bloc' is decreasing. I couldn't care less what happened 13573285 years ago. Israel still exists and is going strong, much to most of the Islamic world's chagrin.

@kbd-raaf l Qatar's per capita income is almost twice the size of Australian per capita income.that too tax free. There are 3 Muslim countries in G-20, 7 out of 11 Next Eleven economies are Muslim countries, 15 out of current top 50 economies are Muslim countries. Greater economic integration in the Muslim world is underway with D-8, GCC, ECO like organization, so your argument is invalid.

The N-11 is a joke. 3/20 is 15%. 15/50 is 30%.

Beyond that, the fact remains that the power is not growing. In fact with the growth in renewables, crashing costs in the solar sector, oil producing Arab nations could be said to have decreasing influence. Which is a point that both of you seem to have completely missed.

Western Australia has a higher per capita GDP than Qatar without the abundant oil resources.

Even if all that weren't true, being Muslim certainly isn't an uniting factor. In fact most Muslim countries have more problems with each other than anyone else.

And the fact remains that the world has changed since the 7th Century. There was a time when the scientific method was celebrated in the Islamic world (quite unlike Europe at the time). It is no longer the case and in fact becoming less and less prevalent in Islamic countries. Observe realities pls.

Has Abbot pissed us Indians off yet?

He'll be a fan of Modi. He's visiting India later this year if I remember correctly.
lol Qatar GDP/capita.

Don't we all know where it comes from and to how many it needs to be distributed. And why it is distributed. :lol:

Oh and, the oil and gas countries and the pressure they can exert.
Their elites are sold to the west. A dirty arrangement, of "you keep us in power, we deliver oil/gas, and in return refund you back some through weapons purchases".

I think this skewing of power got so far that it's unimaginable today to have an oil crisis like in the 70's when OPEC closed the taps a bit. Today, governments and kings would fall in days.
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International purchasing power isn't dictated by PPP numbers.

But local market potential is. Big markets hold their own value in international economic market-place.

The Arab bloc do control much of the oil and gas in the world. Agreed. But the influence wielded by such is most likely decreasing and most certainly NOT increasing, as was my point.

Over-all economic umbrella of OIC is "increasing" and not "decreasing"---even if oil is decreasing..

There has been only one global superpower in human history and that is the USA. The Ottomans are the closest that there was to a Islamic superpower.

Superpowers are judged with reference to their own time-period in history.

Rome, Persia, Abbasids, Ummayids, Ottomans, Mongols, British, etc. were all superpowers of their time. The greatest single power of their time.

Honestly, I'm not sure what you're trying to prove? The economic power of the semi-existent 'Islamic Bloc' is decreasing. I couldn't care less what happened 13573285 years ago.


Israel still exists and is going strong, much to most of the Islamic world's chagrin.

Nobody cares about Israel's existence.

Israel's colonization of other people is the problem.
Abbott really dropped the ball on that concession. Not even the USA is willing to recognize East Jerusalem as de jure Israeli territory. Did he even get anything in return?

oh no wait few more months and our Harper will leave Abbot behind.
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