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Islamic State's rise in Afghanistan a concern for Pakistan, says Aziz

To everyone who are delusional,
ISIS is not an organization, it is an ideology.
Ideology cannot be eradicated. It only grows on conflict, like Communism did.
So don't waste your time defending ISIS is eradicated from Pakistan. It is not, yet.
To everyone who are delusional,
ISIS is not an organization, it is an ideology.
Ideology cannot be eradicated. It only grows on conflict, like Communism did.
So don't waste your time defending ISIS is eradicated from Pakistan. It is not, yet.

ISIS doesn't exist in Pakistan. ISIS is predominantly a Western/Middle Eastern phenomena and problem. This can be backed up by the fact that a majority if not all ISIS attacks are occurring in Middle Eastern and Western capitals. The fight against ISIS is being waged in Syria, Iraq and other parts of the Middle East. The latest Paris attack was also facilited by ISIS in Syria. In fact, most ISIS fighters are recruited from Western capitals. You need to stop muddling the facts.
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ISIS doesn't exist in Pakistan. ISIS is predominantly a Western/Middle Eastern phenomena and problem. This can be backed up by the fact that a majority if not all attacks are occurring in the Middle Eastern and Western capitals. The fight against ISIS is being waged in Syria, Iraq and other part of the Middle East. You need to stop muddling the facts.

Did you read about ISIS's future plans of expansion.
Though I would not acknowledge it, you need to know that ISIS's eyes are already upon your country. So does mine.
What is wrong in accepting it ? Cowardice doesn't maketh man.
If what I said was not true then why is Mr. Aziz so concerned ?
Did you read about ISIS's future plans of expansion.
Though I would not acknowledge it, you need to know that ISIS's eyes are already upon your country. So does mine.
What is wrong in accepting it ? Cowardice doesn't maketh man.

Stop reading Tom Clancy's fiction novels. It is an undeniable fact that the American failed occupation of Iraq created the ISIS problem. The entire world knows this. Now that the grapes are extremely sour and the West is unable to deal effectively with this problem they are looking for scapegoats as usual. You want use the world as cannon fodder for the problems that your governments created? Think again. Stop pretending and fantasizing like as if ISIS is Pakistan's problem. The Pakistanis have already sacrificed enough lives as it is. We are not going to fight your wars anymore. Just fix the problem and stop making up conspiracy theories. Thank God, Pakistan has already refused to join the Arab/US coalition against ISIS.

Mr. Aziz said Afghanistan and not Pakistan like you are so eagerly telling us. Besides, ISIS will sooner or later gain a foothold due to American presence in Afghanistan. This is exactly what Mr. Aziz is trying to point out. After all, ISIS has beef with the West and Arab monarchies. Which proves my point all the more regarding ISIS being a rather Western/Arab problem. At least get your facts right.

Don't lecture me about cowardice. Be a man and take ownership of your problems. After all, you reap what you sow.
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Most foolish and distorting argument.
What did I point to and what non-sense are you explaining ?
I never spoke of your internal affairs. Street crimes, FATA terrorism, one Pakistani eating another, I am not at all bothered.

What I said was every 'Sunni' Muslim (Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Nepali, Chinese, American, European etc) in the world is deeply moved by the ISIS. Pakistan is no exception. According to your countrymen, ISIS is like a savior and purer than the Taliban. You cannot deny people from your country being pulled by ISIS.

Which sunni Muslims you are talking about? Do you even know how many Sunni Muslim sect are there in Pakistan? Terorism is a wahabi/Salafist problem who hold extreme views on everything. In Pakistan Majority of People which which accounts for most of sunni population are hanafi sect followers. Rest include, Brelvi and many other muslim sects. I dont want to waste my time on an idiot who knows squat about Islam yet makes claims like he is a Goddamn scholar. Go do some research before opening your mouth.
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Stop reading Tom Clancy's fiction novels. It is an undeniable fact that the American failed occupation of Iraq created the ISIS problem. The entire world knows this. Now that the grapes are extremely sour and the West is unable to deal effectively with this problem they are looking for scapegoats as usual. You want use the world as cannon fodder for the problems that your governments created? Think again. Stop pretending and fantasizing like as if ISIS is Pakistan's problem. The Pakistanis have already sacrificed enough lives as it is. We are not going to fight your wars anymore. Just fix the problem and stop making up conspiracy theories. Thank God, Pakistan has already refused to join the Arab/US coalition against ISIS.

Mr. Aziz said Afghanistan and not Pakistan like you are so eagerly telling us. Besides, ISIS will sooner or later gain a foothold due to American presence in Afghanistan. This is exactly what Mr. Aziz is trying to point out. After all, ISIS has beef with the West and Arab monarchies. Which proves my point all the more regarding ISIS being a rather Western/Arab problem. At least get your facts right.

Don't lecture me about cowardice. Be a man and take ownership of your problems. After all, you reap what you sow.

Reap what you sow suits more to Pakistan.
You people never accept the truth until it explodes one fine day.
ISIS is a reality in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Or else Aziz wouldn't have sounded his concern.
Time will answer your national pride.

Which sunni Muslims you are talking about? Do you even know how many Sunni Muslim sect are there in Pakistan? Terorism is a wahabi/Salafist problem who hold extreme views on everything. In Pakistan Majority of People which which accounts for most of sunni population are hanafi sect followers. Rest include, Brelvi and many other muslim sects. I dont want to waste my time on an idiot who knows squat about Islam yet makes claims like he is a Goddamn scholar. Go do some research before opening your mouth.

Don't be a fool by denying reality.
Sunni muslims get pulled by ISIS. You don't need a scholar to understand that.
You know what ? A 10-year old child understands sunni and ISIS goes hand in hand.
Stop your BS about all those sects. End of the day you are all the same.
Go suck an ostrich egg if you disagree.
Don't be a fool by denying reality.
Sunni muslims get pulled by ISIS. You don't need a scholar to understand that.
You know what ? A 10-year old child understands sunni and ISIS goes hand in hand.
Stop your BS about all those sects. End of the day you are all the same.
Go suck an ostrich egg if you disagree.

Stop Dodging my question with useless baseless bull shit. You made such a big claim about Sunnis and ISIS being hand in hand. Tell me what you know about sunni Islam and its sects otherwise go wet your dreams somewhere else. Hanafi sect is the majority fact if you can contest that then i would believe that every single sunni is an ISIS soldier which you obviously believe.
Where there is Islam, there is ISIS. How does that sound to you ?

My dear friend, you must have seen the Resident Evil series. well sounds like real life now. You guys created a virus with help of KSA, ISI and stuff to combat USSR. and then you left it alone. It silently mutated and spread its tentacles all over the world. ISIS was mutated from AQAP after Iraq. then this Al shabab and Boko Haram. now there are so many forms of this virus we dont have a vaccine yet.
My dear friend, you must have seen the Resident Evil series. well sounds like real life now. You guys created a virus with help of KSA, ISI and stuff to combat USSR. and then you left it alone. It silently mutated and spread its tentacles all over the world. ISIS was mutated from AQAP after Iraq. then this Al shabab and Boko Haram. now there are so many forms of this virus we dont have a vaccine yet.
sir, you might want to read some books which have documented the soviet war and the mujahideen funding. Don't just listen follow the anal-ysts in the TV shows.

It's widely documented that pakistan already had a mujahideen program running before CIA funds poured in. America stepped in only in late 1981. Please don't make ignorant assertions.
Afghanistan is a ticking time bomb with STASH of weapons left behind right at border

Having lived thru the 80's myself , Mujahideen were Hollywood and American heros for fighting against communism just like many factions in Syria now hero today and Terrorist tomorrow
Stop Dodging my question with useless baseless bull shit. You made such a big claim about Sunnis and ISIS being hand in hand. Tell me what you know about sunni Islam and its sects otherwise go wet your dreams somewhere else. Hanafi sect is the majority fact if you can contest that then i would believe that every single sunni is an ISIS soldier which you obviously believe.

I am not dodging, it is you who is dragging sunni sects and all those BS inside our argument.
Every sunni is an ISIS soldier is not what I said.
Every ISIS soldier is a sunni. All sunni muslims are moved by ISIS by sympathy and ideology is the concern of several nations including Pakistan and India. Indian muslims are considered least aggressive among world muslims. Many of them are moved by ISIS, how much more aggressive Pakistani sunni muslims cannot be moved by ISIS is my ask. If you have a proper answer respond or else bug off.
I am not dodging, it is you who is dragging sunni sects and all those BS inside our argument.
Every sunni is an ISIS soldier is not what I said.
Every ISIS soldier is a sunni. All sunni muslims are moved by ISIS by sympathy and ideology is the concern of several nations including Pakistan and India. Indian muslims are considered least aggressive among world muslims. Many of them are moved by ISIS, how much more aggressive Pakistani sunni muslims cannot be moved by ISIS is my ask. If you have a proper answer respond or else bug off.

As soon as you assumed the ALL SUNIS are moved by ISIS you proved that you have got brains of a cockroach. I already responded to your qestions so if had any sense u would have understood rather than making stupid judgements. So yeah sure there is no point talking to Hatred Infested hindu. Have respect of my middle finger and go screw yourself.
The concerns are very genuine.. Afghanistan is our lawless neighbour and seeing how much they are struggling to fight the Taliban raises concerns when another terror organization is trying to create a stronghold... Now the Isis has main presence in Syria but have strongholds in sirte and Mosul as well. Their presence in jallabad is concerning although minimal currently it can grow.

Aziz is actually highlighting something that the terrorists creating, nations destroying army the US force is ignorning... This is how they created a presence in Libya and are trying to create it in Yemen. If ignored they will one day announce a stronghold and the already pressed ANA will be fighting another terror force. It will stretch them.

However despite the concerns this is the US NATO war and they need to see it through. You want to invade and destroy nations and topple dictators like a 4 year old brat then you see this war to the end. You can't rub away bcz you are overwhelmed at the amount of terror organizations and nations suffering from it due to your insane wars.

The foolishness and trolling of posters take gold shape when they announce that all Sunnis believe in ISIS.
What is not a concern for Pakistan ?
Is this gentleman downplaying the fact that Pakistan has started becoming a breeding ground for ISIS ?
Are you on weed, or just the nonsense comments coming out from a typical delusional Indian.
ISLAMABAD: The adviser to prime minister on foreign affairs, Sartaj Aziz, said that rise of Islamic State (IS) group in Afghanistan is a point of concern for Pakistan.

Talking to media after an event in Islamabad on Wednesday, Aziz said certain elements trying to associate with IS were arrested from Sialkot, however, "it is the rise of IS in Afghanistan which is the cause of concern for Pakistan".

The premier's adviser went on to say that Afghan Taliban will have to shut down their subversive activities if they want the peace talks to happen and succeed. "It's also the condition set by Afghan government," he added.

Aziz further announced that a meeting of the quadrilateral committee comprising the senior diplomatic representatives from US, China, Afghanistan and Pakistan is called on January 10 in Islamabad to discuss the Afghan reconciliation process.

Hotline established between Pak, Afghan DGMOs

Pakistan and Afghanistan's Director General Military Operations (DGMO) discussed security issues through a hotline established on Wednesday through a mutual agreement between the two countries.

"Pursuing decision in General Raheel Sharif's visit to Afghanistan, a hot line is established between the DGMOs of both countries." said Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Asim Bajwa on Twitter.

Bajwa further said that the first contact was made on Wednesday and the two DGMOs discussed defence related issues, modalities, dates of meetings between the Corps Commanders of the two sides and measures to enhance coordination along the border.

Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif had visited Afghanistan and met Afghan President and Chief Executive on December 27.

The COAS and Afghan dignitaries agreed to jointly counter the terrorism threat and vowed not to allow use of their respective soil against each other through active intelligence sharing and Intelligence Based Operations (IBOs).

Emphasising the need to improve bilateral relations it was decided to establish a hot line contact between the DGMOs of both countries.

The high point of the visit was that the two sides agreed to resume the peace process with a mutually agreed quadrilateral framework including China and United States (US).

During his visit to Pakistan to participate in Heart of Asia conference, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani also attended a tripartite meeting including US representatives, where all the participants agreed to resume the peace process.

Related: Afghanistan, Pakistan and US agree on resumption of peace process

Pakistan had hosted a meeting between the Afghan Government and Afghan Taliban representatives in Murree on July 7, 2015, along with the representatives from China and USA.

The participants were duly mandated by their respective leadership and expressed their collective desire to bring peace to Afghanistan and the region.

The second round of the talks, which was scheduled to be held in Pakistan on 31 July 2015 was postponed in view of the reports regarding the death of Mulla Omar and the leadership crisis among Taliban.

Islamic State's rise in Afghanistan a concern for Pakistan, says Aziz

IS is a front for all the regional powers to meddle in their weaker neighbors

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