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In the US no matter how pissed people are, they don't call for resignation because that's undemocratic attitude. They wait for the term to end.

Nixon resigned, before he was impeached, so that's not true.
They tried to impeach Clinton, but failed.

Governments resign all the time, because they lose the parlamentary majority.
In the U.K. governments rarely sit the full term. They resign and call for new elections.
Normally this is done when they have a peak in popularity, to win the next,
not when the term is over.
In the end say what you want about Putin but at least he does not arrest people for insulting him like the crybaby Erdogan.
Oh yeah right it wasnt Putin that outlawed memes. :rolleyes1:

As for illegal troop deployments, your talking about Syria? Russia is the only foreign entity that is legally in Syria. The UN still recognized the Syrian government if fact the Syrian government has a UN representative.
Fascinating how fast you forgot Ukraine.


Now i know you are gonna denying this but even if then there is still the illegal occupation of Crimea which makes the deployed Russian troops there also illegal.

Gotta love how you are trying to whitewash Putin as if press freedom in Russia is any better, the same Russia that even bans ''gay propaganda'' (what ever this might be), do you think your Syria show is gonna change anything about this reality?
Russia will be the hero in the eyes of short sighted people that get their news from Facebook but this will only last till something else bothers the public.

Fool someone else ''not Putin fan'' people like Ultron love fancy Russian propaganda.

they don't call for resignation because that's undemocratic attitude.
So my democratic friend, what do you say to the fact that Erdogan forced Davutoglu to resignation?
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Nixon resigned, before he was impeached, so that's not true.
They tried to impeach Clinton, but failed.

Impeachment and taking to the streets aren't the same. Nixon didn't step down because he had lost support in Congress, he was forced to step down because he was found guilty of violating the US law. Stop twisting facts to accommodate your fascist ideas.

So my democratic friend, what do you say to the fact that Erdogan forced Davutoglu to resignation?

I call that a civil outcome of a disagreement within the same political party. This is how it happens in a democracy, you don't see somebody pointing a gun at his superior. Now, are you going to join Putin's bandwagon just because you don't like Erdogan? You know how the 'democratic' regime in Syria attacks Erdogan.
I call that a civil outcome of a disagreement within the same political party. This is how it happens in a democracy, you don't see somebody pointing a gun at his superior. Now, are you going to join Putin's bandwagon just because you don't like Erdogan? You know how the 'democratic' regime in Syria attacks Erdogan.
It is absolutely not democratic to oust a leader that has been choosen by the people, as per definition of Turkish constitution Erdogan is without a party so its officially not a party internal issue, its basically a coup what he has done.
It is absolutely not democratic to oust a leader that has been choosen by the people, as per definition of Turkish constitution Erdogan is without a party so its officially not a party internal issue, its basically a coup what he has done.

So you accept that the AKP leaders are elected representatives of Turkey. Why did the PM do what he did if he was forced? The PM submitted his resignation and Erdogan accepted it, that's the end of it. I see nothing undemocratic in it.
So you accept that the AKP leaders are elected representatives of Turkey.
Never claimed something else, i dont like them but im not as low as not to be honest about it.

Why did the PM do what he did if he was forced? The PM submitted his resignation and Erdogan accepted it, that's the end of it. I see nothing undemocratic in it.
Yeah and we are expecting purple snow tomorrow.
Whole media is talking about forced resignation and Erdogan didnt even say a word to deny it but more like making statements that are indicating it was his decision, even a Think-Tank bureau thats know to be close to AKP speculated what davutoglu did wrong and listed eight ''mistakes'' he did that might have cost his job.

Thats the problem with people like you, you have no clue about the politics in Turkey but support someone blindly (or willingly) just because he appears religious.

What would you say if i tell you that Turkish construction firms are again full speed working in Israel, what if i say Turkish airlines is the biggest foreign carrier in Israel, what when i say this year 270% more Israelis visited Antalya than compared to first quarter 2015?

Now i think there is nothing wrong with this but you on the other hand are probably displeased with it, imagine it was Sisi, you would rant all day about it but since its Erdogan it gets consistenly ignored, thats the hypocracy of you guys.
Impeachment and taking to the streets aren't the same. Nixon didn't step down because he had lost support in Congress, he was forced to step down because he was found guilty of violating the US law. Stop twisting facts to accommodate your fascist ideas.

"During 1974, Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, was in the process of being impeached by the United States House of Representatives on several charges related to the Watergate scandal. The House Judiciary Committee approved articles of impeachment against him and reported those articles to the House of Representatives. The impeachment resolutions were never considered by the full House, as the process was cut short by the resignation of Nixon from the presidency on August 9, 1974. It is widely believed that had Nixon not resigned, his impeachment by the House, and removal from office by a trial of the United States Senate, would have been an inevitability."

1. Nixon was not found guilty. His resignation stopped the impeachment process.
2. Since it is the Congress that decides on impeachment, no impeachment will happen if You have support in Congress.

To remove a dysfunctional leader using the legal tools available in the constitution is hardly fascist.
"During 1974, Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, was in the process of being impeached by the United States House of Representatives on several charges related to the Watergate scandal. The House Judiciary Committee approved articles of impeachment against him and reported those articles to the House of Representatives. The impeachment resolutions were never considered by the full House, as the process was cut short by the resignation of Nixon from the presidency on August 9, 1974. It is widely believed that had Nixon not resigned, his impeachment by the House, and removal from office by a trial of the United States Senate, would have been an inevitability."

1. Nixon was not found guilty. His resignation stopped the impeachment process.
2. Since it is the Congress that decides on impeachment, no impeachment will happen if You have support in Congress.

To remove a dysfunctional leader using the legal tools available in the constitution is hardly fascist.

Evidence of eavesdropping was found and if he had not stepped down he would have been impeached. The point is he stepped down on his own, if he had not and he had enough support in Congress and Senate there was nothing the opposition could do other than wait for his term to end. There was no large public demonstration by those who were against him followed by a military coup.
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