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Islamic State warriors blew up 3 Turkish tanks / self propelled howitzers using Metis M

That's the real point Russian supporters hide.
Anyone with half a brain and some knowledge of history knows this.



1959 World map of alignments:
Dark blue = NATO member states
Light blue = Other allies of the USA
Green = Colonized countries
Reddish Brown = Warsaw Pact member states
Pink = Other allies of the USSR
Grey = Non-aligned nations

Note Egypt, Syria and Iraq as Soviet allies.



A color-coded map of the world in 1970, showing various groups of countries
  • Green - Non self governing possessions of US allies.
  • Blue - US and US allies.
  • Red - Soviet Union and other communist allies.
  • Orange - Communist countries not aligned with the USSR.
  • Pink - Non Communist allies of USSR
  • Light Blue - Non NATO members of EFTA and OECD.
  • Gray - Unknown or non aligned.
Note Egypt, Syria and Iraq still as Soviet allies.


Alliances in 1980:
(Dark) Blue = NATO & Western allies,
Light pink through Red = Warsaw Pact & other Soviet allies,
(Light) Purple = nonaligned states,
Orange = China and Albania (communist countries not aligned with USSR),
××× armed resistance

Note Syria and Iraq still as Soviet allies.

The Issue is if the U.S. supplied the Taliban with Weapons, especially Stingers.
With the Soviets long gone, before they emerged in Afghanistan - it is stupid to support that idea.
mwoaaah, ok.
Iron Dome batteries could possibly provide protection to these towns. But, unlikely under Erdogan rule.
Even if the reconciliation is done there wont be any strategic exchange anymore under AKP goverment thats where Erdogan placed his bet on the wrong horse.

The war in Syria and Turkish-Russian crisis force Erdogan the review his FP, i would take his rants with a grain of salt, lately he questioned the existence of Arab League, he just has a talent in making others angry at him, i cant think of anyone that he didnt ranted on yet.

Other than that the rest seem to be normalizing again, this month the number of Israeli tourists in Antalya rose more than 230% compared to the same month of last year, half of the high rises in Tel Aviv are being constructed by Turkish firms again.
Even if the reconciliation is done there wont be any strategic exchange anymore under AKP goverment thats where Erdogan placed his bet on the wrong horse.

The war in Syria and Turkish-Russian crisis force Erdogan the review his FP, i would take his rants with a grain of salt, lately he questioned the existence of Arab League, he just has a talent in making others angry at him, i cant think of anyone that he didnt ranted on yet.

Other than that the rest seem to be normalizing again, this month the number of Israeli tourists in Antalya rose more than 230% compared to the same month of last year, half of the high rises in Tel Aviv are being constructed by Turkish firms again.

So when can You get rid of him?
He is quickly approaching Berlusconi status... (If he is not already there).
One would think he has overstepped his authority enough for an impeachment.
So when can You get rid of him?
He is quickly approaching Berlusconi status... (If he is not already there).
One would think he has overstepped his authority enough for an impeachment.
When people have a serious alternative to him, even thought i dont like Erdogan even i cant think of anyone that could replace him at the moment.
So when can You get rid of him?
He is quickly approaching Berlusconi status... (If he is not already there).
One would think he has overstepped his authority enough for an impeachment.

Perhaps you should name your favourite candidate and start working on a sisy type coup.
Perhaps you should name your favourite candidate and start working on a sisy type coup.

When a head of state oversteps his authority, it needs to be handled within the limits of the law.
When a head of state oversteps his authority, it needs to be handled within the limits of the law.

Erdogan haters in action! Nobody over stepped his authority that's why he's still there. If anyone its your buddy sisy who not only overstepped but committed treason with the help of his goons in Egypt but to people like you that's okay.
Erdogan haters in action! Nobody over stepped his authority that's why he's still there. If anyone its your buddy sisy who not only overstepped but committed treason with the help of his goons in Egypt but to people like you that's okay.

Er-dog-an is the Borat version of Kim Jung Un. :lol: The big crybaby has arrested Hundreds of people for "insulting" him, hundreds of journalists have also been arrested. Judges are intimidated by him so they simply comply with his demands. He makes threats towards the European Union. He has ordered attacks on Kurdish towns inside Turkey as well as in Syria and Iraq. He has illegally placed Turkish troops on Iraqi soil despite Iraqi demands that they withdraw. He claims Turkey is fighting Isis and "training" Iraqi troops but all they do is bomb Kurds, the same Kurds that are fighting Isis. The US has even said the same thing.

Politicians and journalists from around the world all say that democracy in Turkey has been eroding and that Erdogan is a mad man, dictator, and terrorist sympathizer.
Erdogan haters in action! Nobody over stepped his authority that's why he's still there. If anyone its your buddy sisy who not only overstepped but committed treason with the help of his goons in Egypt but to people like you that's okay.

The Turkish constitution does not give Erdogan a lot of power, yet he is making all the decisions.

The proper procedure would have been for Mursi to resign, and call for new elections,
once his popularity dropped like a rock.
A real democrat does not remain in power when he and the people disagrees.
Fruits of american democracy:



Mate these pics reflect the fact that a country should possess a disciplined military. There was a plan to divide the countries of Greater Middle East region, it was infact a case study at a US Naval Academy , called the New Middle East. Today you see Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria all divided into various parts ruled by various factions, they had the same plan for Pakistan, yet we rose to the challenge, Pakistan Army today by the grace of God is the only military to have successfully rolled back a full fledged insurgency, with rapid economic development and security improvement. They are now trying to damage Turkey through IS or through Kurdish rebels, but Turkish military is strong enough to mitigate these threats. Syrians and Iraqis should have focused on having a disciplined and well trained army, this day would never have come.

America destroyed Taliban state, while you guys did nothing. Yet Talibans are "American made". :cheesy: Thats brain damage after 30 years of Ayatula rule..

I won't say American made, but being honest, these very Talibs were former Mujahideen, who were indoctrinated and provided weapons covertly by Pakistan and US. Infact the Jihadi literature provided to seminaries in Tribal areas all was printed in and came from US. Well at the time, the aim was to counter the Soviets so I guess no one realized that Talibs would turn out to be bad guys. Infact when Talibs came to power in Kabul, alongside Pakistan, UAE, Saudi Arabia , US recognized and welcomed their arrival in Kabul.
Er-dog-an is the Borat version of Kim Jung Un. :lol: The big crybaby has arrested Hundreds of people for "insulting" him, hundreds of journalists have also been arrested. Judges are intimidated by him so they simply comply with his demands. He makes threats towards the European Union. He has ordered attacks on Kurdish towns inside Turkey as well as in Syria and Iraq. He has illegally placed Turkish troops on Iraqi soil despite Iraqi demands that they withdraw. He claims Turkey is fighting Isis and "training" Iraqi troops but all they do is bomb Kurds, the same Kurds that are fighting Isis. The US has even said the same thing.

Politicians and journalists from around the world all say that democracy in Turkey has been eroding and that Erdogan is a mad man, dictator, and terrorist sympathizer.

Lecture on democratic rights from a supporter of the homicidal regime in Syria, now that's the height of hypocrisy.

The Turkish constitution does not give Erdogan a lot of power, yet he is making all the decisions.

If he wasn't within his limits he would have been impeached by now. Since he has not yet been impeached we have to assume that his opponents in Turkey do not agree with you.

The proper procedure would have been for Mursi to resign, and call for new elections,
once his popularity dropped like a rock.
A real democrat does not remain in power when he and the people disagrees.

Did blair or bush the war criminal step down before his term ended when his popularity had reached rock bottom?
Lecture on democratic rights from a supporter of the homicidal regime in Syria, now that's the height of hypocrisy.

If he wasn't within his limits he would have been impeached by now. Since he has not yet been impeached we have to assume that his opponents in Turkey do not agree with you.

Did blair or bush the war criminal step down before his term ended when his popularity had reached rock bottom?

Or they get arrested, before they can build momentum.

Before You can start impeachment You need a majority in the parlament,
so if You are backed by a majority, You can commit crimes.
One of many weaknesses of a parlamentary system.
Once he stepped on enough toes, things will be different.

Blair announced his resignation May 10th 2007.
Bush was on his last term anyway, and while unpopular, I don't think
people were calling for his premature resignation.
Mursi was different, he pissed off most of Egypt.
Bush was on his last term anyway, and while unpopular, I don't think
people were calling for his premature resignation.

In the US no matter how pissed people are, they don't call for resignation because that's undemocratic attitude. They wait for the term to end.
Er-dog-an is the Borat version of Kim Jung Un. :lol: The big crybaby has arrested Hundreds of people for "insulting" him, hundreds of journalists have also been arrested. Judges are intimidated by him so they simply comply with his demands. He makes threats towards the European Union. He has ordered attacks on Kurdish towns inside Turkey as well as in Syria and Iraq. He has illegally placed Turkish troops on Iraqi soil despite Iraqi demands that they withdraw. He claims Turkey is fighting Isis and "training" Iraqi troops but all they do is bomb Kurds, the same Kurds that are fighting Isis. The US has even said the same thing.

Politicians and journalists from around the world all say that democracy in Turkey has been eroding and that Erdogan is a mad man, dictator, and terrorist sympathizer.
Erdogan might not be the best but Putin is worse regarding this, Erdogan is arresting journalists, Putin is giving them a Plutonium threat, and lets not start with threatenings and illegal troop deployments, those who sit in glass houses.....
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Erdogan might not be the best but Putin is worse regarding this, Erdogan is arresting journalists, Putin is giving them a Plutonium threat, and lets not start with threatenings and illegal troop deployments, those who sit in glass houses.....

I'm not even a fan of Putin but Er-dog-an is worse. And it was an ex FSB agent that was poisoned with plutonium not a journalist. All countries either arrest traitors or assassinate traitors esspecially if they are in another country so there is nothing exceptional here. In the end say what you want about Putin but at least he does not arrest people for insulting him like the crybaby Erdogan.

As for illegal troop deployments, your talking about Syria? Russia is the only foreign entity that is legally in Syria. The UN still recognized the Syrian government if fact the Syrian government has a UN representative.
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