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Islamic State leader Baghdadi 'raped' Kayla Mueller

this reminds me of a similar story from libya, when a british female journalist went there soon after the ntc "rebels" took over tripoli... she thought she was safe with the nato-sponsored "rebels"...
There were rumors that she was 'sold' to IS by rebels accompanying her in a deal between 2 sides, of course I don't think we'll ever get to know the reality of what happened.
reality is that the snakes and serpents that was trained to destroy Asad turned out of control and have started to bite their masters.
rest in peace to this innocent girl and many other nameless women of middle east that have lost their honour and lives to this death cult.
There were rumors that she was 'sold' to IS by rebels accompanying her in a deal between 2 sides, of course I don't think we'll ever get to know the reality of what happened.
Show us the rumors sources. Show them to us so members here don't think you made this up, this could really hurt what's left of your integrity Mr. Mod.
Looks like the administration is trying to prepare the populace for boots on the ground... if that sort of commitment was made, without a doubt formal battle lines for isis would crumble in short order, but then we would have to worry about asymmetrical warfare once again.... Also looks like those who were against Obama's withdrawal from Iraq were right, we are going back in less than a decade.
RIP. :(
My questions is why on earth would any
woman go to "help" out in that environment.
Middle Eastern women have no choice to be
there, they can't get on a plane an leave. BUT
why would we GO there? I don't believe we
help the victims there as much as we hurt our
families back home when something like this
happens. There is NO WAY that a western
woman is going to go to help and come back
alive. PLEASE JUST STAY HOME. And, I don't
think the west needs to intervene. So many
Middle Eastern countries are filthy rich and
they should be stopping this madness upon
their own brothers and sisters with their vast
resources. It's like asking Saudi Arabia to go
to war to dispel a rampage going on France or
Italy while the rest of the European Union
stands by and watches.
Sounds like cheap propaganda considering they never found her body and i'm guessing the US is betting on the fact that noone would consider challenging their claim because that would be equated (in their neocon eyes) to defending their sock puppet baghdadi.
She shouldn't have visited that country. It was totally stupid on her part. Anyways it is very painful to read what happened with her. RIP. :(

She was providing 'aid' to the 'rebels' fighting for democracy. Their is a great chance that she is a CIA agent helping terrorists.
visiting the geographic region stretching from Morocco to Pakistan should be banned for non-Muslim travellers!

Thats why i think indians shud be banned from non india related threads...

On topic... this is sickening and un forgiveable crime if it happened...IS seems to have crossed all limits...i still believe saudi and turks shud wake up to this threat before its too late
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