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Islamic scholar attacks Pakistan's blasphemy laws


Jun 14, 2010
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Islamic scholar attacks Pakistan's blasphemy laws​


In the wake of Salmaan Taseer's murder, Javed Ahmad Ghamidi declares Islamic councils are "telling lies to the people"

A prominent Islamic scholar has launched a blistering attack on Pakistan's blasphemy laws, warning that failure to repeal them will only strengthen religious extremists and their violent followers.

"The blasphemy laws have no justification in Islam. These ulema [council of clerics] are just telling lies to the people," said Javed Ahmad Ghamidi, a reformist scholar and popular television preacher.

"But they have become stronger, because they have street power behind them, and the liberal forces are weak and divided. If it continues like this it could result in the destruction of Pakistan."

Ghamidi, 59, is the only religious scholar to publicly oppose the blasphemy laws since the assassination of the Punjab governor, Salmaan Taseer, on 4 January. He speaks out at considerable personal risk.

Ghamidi spoke to the Guardian from Malaysia, where he fled with his wife and daughters last year after police foiled a plot to bomb their Lahore home. "It became impossible to live there," he said.

Their fears were well founded: within months Taliban gunmen assassinated Dr Farooq Khan, a Ghamidi ally also famous for speaking out, at his clinic in the north-western city of Mardan.

The scholar's troubles highlight the shrinking space for debate in Pakistan, where Taseer's death has emboldened the religious right, prompting mass street rallies in favour of his killer, Mumtaz Qadri.

Liberal voices have been marginalised; many fear to speak out. Mainstream political parties have crumbled, led by the ruling Pakistan People's party, which declared it will never amend the blasphemy law.

Sherry Rehman, a PPP parliamentarian who proposed changes to the legislation, was herself charged with blasphemy this week. Since Taseer's death she has been confined to her Karachi home after numerous death threats, some issued publicly by clerics.

Although other Islamic scholars share Ghamidi's views on blasphemy, none dared air them so forcefully. "Ghamidi is a voice of reason in a babble of noises seemingly dedicated to irrationality," said Ayaz Amir, an opposition politician and opinion columnist.

Ghamidi's voice stands out because he attacks the blasphemy law on religious grounds. While secular critics say it is abused to persecute minorities and settle scores, Ghamidi says it has no foundation in either the Qur'an or the Hadith – the sayings of the prophet Muhammad. "Nothing in Islam supports this law," he said.

Ghamidi deserted the country's largest religious political party, Jamaat-e-Islami, to set up his own school of religious teaching. He came to public attention through a series of television shows on major channels. They were cancelled due to opposition from the mullahs, he said. "They told the channels there would be demonstrations if I wasn't taken off air."

Three years ago gunmen fired a pistol into the mouth of the editor of Ghamidi's magazine; last year the police foiled a plot to bomb his home and school. Now the school is closed.

The core problem, Ghamidi said, was the alliance between Pakistan's "establishment" – code for the military – and Islamist extremists it uses to fight in Kashmir and Afghanistan. "They are closely allied," he said.

The blasphemy debate has exposed painful rifts in Pakistani society. One Ghamidi follower said his father, a British-educated engineer, called him an infidel for attacking the controversial law. "Our society is tearing itself apart," he said.

Tariq Dhamial, a lawyer representing Mumtaz Qadri, said more than 800 lawyers had offered to represent the self-confessed killer. "Everyone is behind Qadri. Doctors, teachers, labourers, even police – they believe he did the right thing," Dhamial said.Dhamial said the police intended to hold Qadri's trial in jail but the lawyers wanted it heard in open court. The latest hearing is due next Tuesday.

Even when out of Pakistan, Ghamidi features on television shows by phone, often outwitting extremist clerics with his deep knowledge of the Qur'an. But he eschews terms such as "liberal".

"I am neither Islamist nor secular. I am a Muslim and a democrat," he said. But even allies question whether religious argument alone can win the sulphurous blasphemy debate.

"When you talk about religion, you only provoke the forces of reaction who become more intolerant. Then governments become frightened and retreat,"

said Amir. "Ghamidi's is a voice for the converted. But that won't solve our problem."

• This article was amended on 21 January 2011. The original referred to Jamaat-e-Islami as Pakistan's largest religious political party. This has been corrected.

Islamic scholar attacks Pakistan's blasphemy laws | World news | The Guardian
A law being abused by people who think they are above God and can be judge jury and executioner is not one that we need in our law books

My own view

Many will agree and many will disagree.
The core of the problem is fundos like JI and TJ, these act like incubators to germinate seeds of extremism and them plant them into society. Remeber JI mercy pleas to pardon Mumtaz Qadri?

There is no excusing the theory that even our elite law enforcement have been infiltrated with fundos!

I don't know whether it has justification or not but i think if it has justification than it's state duty to give punishment not civilians who try to act like the greatest lover of Islam ..State is reposible for giving punishment to a person ..
just looking at his face one gets chills and feels sick. . .

what a massive failure of the govt. to have not taken intelligence into confidence when they warned them about his possible extremist tendencies
he is new kind of liberal secular disco maulvi.there can be no justice for any one with current thana and patwari system.7000 people dead in karachi in 5 years and police is serving the mpa and mpas quots.

no law can be implemented and no justice can be done under this corrupt system

no compromise can be made on Blasphemy law only super strict and very clear prosecution so that no innocent gets punished ever but again it can not be done under this corrupt police station and patwari system
The core of the problem is fundos like JI and TJ, these act like incubators to germinate seeds of extremism and them plant them into society. Remeber JI mercy pleas to pardon Mumtaz Qadri?

There is no excusing the theory that even our elite law enforcement have been infiltrated with fundos!


what about the liberal and fascistic ppp,mqm and anp killing 7000 and still massacre of karachi goes on

no justice can be done under this system of thana and patwari
they serve their mnas and mpas

what power does ji has over pakistani government whereas maulana desil sits with zardari and nawaz

army should crush ppp,mqm and anp backed land grabbers,target killers and bhata mafia with ttp,lej and jesh
as soon as next government come army should twist there arm to give political go ahed to army whether they give approval to army willingly or by army arm twisting and black mail of politician kala kartoots to go in public

he is new kind of liberal secular disco maulvi.there can be no justice for any one with current thana and patwari system.7000 people dead in karachi in 5 years and police is serving the mpa and mpas quots.

no law can be implemented and no justice can be done under this corrupt system

no compromise can be made on Blasphemy law only super strict and very clear prosecution so that no innocent gets punished ever but again it can not be done under this corrupt police station and patwari system

Instead of deflecting attention here and there try to reach the core of the problem. Pakistan population is imposing and feudalism is a roadblock to development. The rest of the crimes are byproduct of Fedualism fall out!
Instead of deflecting attention here and there try to reach the core of the problem. Pakistan population is imposing and feudalism is a roadblock to development. The rest of the crimes are byproduct of Fedualism fall out!

there's a lot of truth to this statement i think

More or less - I too am a Muslim & a Democrat - Neither an Islamist nor a Secularist ! :kiss3:

Middle path & moderation are key to life my brother.
technically speaking, this law does have a basis in Islam. Its only that the early Hanafites, one of the legal schools in islam, considered it to be not valid for tax (jizya in those times) paying non-muslims. However, later on consensus between all the schools has been that of its validity for every citizen.
In Pakistani law, the problem is that blasphemy has not been strictly defined as to what exactly constitutes blasphemy thus leaving the law somewhere in the middle. furthermore, there are problems which the total procedure concerning its implementation. On a positive side, this law is for all the communities and can be equally applied to a muslim who disrespects another person's religion.
so in my view if this law is perfected to its spirit, it can be a tool in controlling extremism. at the same time, leaving it like this is doing harm to our country.
@Dillinger @Armstrong @Hyperion @Mirzay @muse @Aeronaut @KRAIT

The problem with the law I think is that it is only being applied to non-Muslims , which is severely wrong and an insult to God and the Prophet Muhammed and his message since every messenger and Prophet of God has the same and equal respect in Islam because it is our believe that the present religion we follow is the continuity of the same that started with the teachings of Adam when he was sent from heaven hence every single messenger since him is to be acknowledged and praised meaning that Esa Ibn Marium ( Jesus - son of virgin Mary ) and Mosa ibn Imran ( Moses - son of Imran ) amongst others have the same importance to us like Muhammed ibn Abdullah . The holy Quran mentions a total of 1,24,000 messengers and Prophet been sent to earth since the Adam himself was expelled from heaven with him being the first and Muhammed being the last and sealer of the Prophet hood . However , only 25 of them are revealed to Muslims in the Holy book . The distinguished scholars of the religion are divided whether the Hindu figures mentioned in the ancient scriptures of yours like Gita and Vedas were one of those sent by earth by Allah to warn the people since they aren't directly mentioned ( We did aforetime send messengers before thee: of them there are some whose story We have related to thee, and some whose story We have not related to thee. [ Holy Quran 40:78 ] ) nevertheless they agree that they are to be honored just like others and the disrespect to every Prophet of every religion is to be considered blasphemy and the same punishment be applied to every one who does that .

The mistreatment of the Hindus , Christians , Jews and followers of other religion is forbidden and their rights are equal to Muslims and covered under Islam because they fall under the protection of the Islamic state in which they are living . Their lives , property and honor are to be defended by Muslims. Their religious teachings and places of worship are considered sacred and no damage and disrespect of any kind is permitted . Prophet Muhammed has on different occasions assured the non-Muslims of their rights and obligations on Muslims to fulfill them ( what I posted on other thread about Christians was just one , Muhammed [Peace be upon him ] has on countless occasions made the same applicable for followers of other religions ).The extremists who have thus burned the Christians houses and church ( besides other heinous activities done to Hindus ) has thus committed blasphemy themselves ( since the Bible is a sacred book in which the Muslims believe and it contains the name of the multiple revered Prophets in Islam ) and broken the God's covenant and Muhammed's promise to the people outside the fold of Islam.

The second problem is that the law is not defined clearly on what constitutes a blasphemy , how to determine that it has been committed and by whom and the severity of the offense.The problem is made worse by the highly radical society we have today unfortunately and rampant corruption and deteriorating law and order situation - not to mention the flaws in the judicial system.The result is that instead of suppressing extremism it is being used to promote it , settle personal scores , kill rivals , grab lands , hatred against non-Muslims and other heinous and sinister acts.

I personally believe that in the present situation the law should be repealed and when the situation improves , it can be enforced again with amendments to make sure that no innocent is wrongly punished since its " always better to let a guilty person walk off than to punish an innocent "
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