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Islamic Megastructures

Kalon Minaret
Bukhara Uzbekistan ( Changaiz khan was impressed by this building)

The story goes...

He was looking up to the monument, and it was so high that as he looked up, his hat fell off. As he went to the ground to pick it up, he thought that the tower had made him bow.

He hadn't bowed to anything in his life, so he ordered the tower to be spared from the destruction that went on in the rest of Bukhara.

Besides, later on it became useful when he wanted to kill aristocratic Bukharans, as Mongols are not allowed to spill noble blood. They threw the nobles off the minaret instead!
ISTANBUL - Rixos Residence Bomonti - 38 fl - u/c

ISTANBUL - Emaar Libadiye - 60fl - 31 fl - 29 fl - 25 fl -

Just finished watching F1 in Istanbul a few hours earlier.. Istanbul is damn beautiful.
ISTANBUL - Dumankaya İkon Residential Project - 41fl, 149m

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