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Islamic extremists set up ‘Sharia zones’ in UK

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Jul 18, 2011
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London: Islamic extremists in Britain have launched a poster campaign across the country proclaiming areas where ‘Sharia law enforcement zones’ have been set up.

The posters read, ‘You are entering a Sharia-controlled zone – Islamic rules enforced.’

The messages on the posters say that in the ‘zone’ there should be ‘no gambling’, ‘no music or concerts’, ‘no **** or prostitution’, ‘no drugs or smoking’ and ‘no alcohol’.

According to the Daily Mail, hate preacher Anjem Choudary has claimed responsibility for the scheme, saying he plans to flood specific Muslim and non-Muslim communities around the UK and ‘put the seeds down for an Islamic Emirate in the long term’.

“We now have hundreds if not thousands of people up and down the country willing to go out and patrol the streets for us and a print run of between 10,000 and 50,000 stickers ready for distribution,” Choudary said.

“There are 25 areas around the country which the Government has earmarked as areas where violent extremism is a problem. We are going to go to all these same areas and implement our own Sharia-controlled zones,” he said.

“This is the best way for dealing with drunkenness and loutishness, prostitution and the sort of thug life attitude you get in British cities,” he added.

In the past week, dozens of streets in the London boroughs of Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Newham have been targeted, raising fears that local residents may be intimidated or threatened for flouting ‘Islamic rules’.

Choudary also said he was organising a protest against the Far Right in Waltham Forest this weekend following last Friday’s killing spree in Norway by anti-Islamic gunman Anders Breivik.

Islamization of England.... hmmm

Britian will have a nice future lol pay back time is coming soon


in USA this would never occure....

UK is being to nice here


in USA this would never occure....

UK is being to nice here

In USA,never say it wont come...

Most of the muslims immigrants are fleeing to USA lol u'll have the same situation soon in few decades

BTW,Britian being to good to islamists
And some British Pakistani on this forum was harping on how Pakistanis Muslims gel well with any culture anywhere they go and Indians live in closed society !
On topic : This is the exact recipe for BNP right wing extremists to thrive.
:what: I never knew UK is that much tolerant...other European countries should learn from UK... or maybe UK should learn from other European countries and US
my friend in england told me:"where ever muslims go in majority,locals brits starts to migrate from there"
i never believed this but now starting to believe this as per the information.

just read the placards ...

Sharia 4 the land of arabs(as if britian was a arab land)

Trinity of Evil America france britian

democracy will bring oppression

It is he who sent us his messenger with guidance and the religion of truth(islam) to make it superior over all other religion even though the disbeleivers hate

Shariah will dominate the world

Nice islamic teachings n britian has got lots of people like these lol

see the video to see the writings on placards..

Britian better learn something from france
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Oh what a wonderful future the Brits have... the clock tower in niqab..:lol:.

just read the placards ...

Sharia 4 the land of arabs(as if britian was a arab land)

Trinity of Evil America france britian

democracy will bring oppression

It is he who sent us his messenger with guidance and the religion of truth(islam) to make it superior over all other religion even though the disbeleivers hate

Shariah will dominate the world

Nice islamic teachings n britian has got lots of people like these lol

see the video to see the writings on placards..

Britian better learn something from france

I don`t know about the Indians but personally i am heartbroken that those Islamists didn`t include Israel in the evil trinity.:P
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I thought this situation could happen in future in U.K......but it already happened. OMG!

Good Luck to U.K.............Interesting time ahead. :P
Oh what a wonderful future the Brits have... the clock tower in niqab..:lol:.

how about harry potter and deathly hallows part 3 where all the females wear niqab/hijab n harry n ron with beard.....

All the blame should go on the british govt which is taking britian to a wrong direction
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