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Islamabad will not give Modi time for pleasantries

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The logic remain very simple, as Bengladesh is to India, Afghanistan is to Pakistan :D We are their Big Brother :D

BTW no one from Bangladesh consider India as their big brother :D
The logic remain very simple, as Bengladesh is to India, Afghanistan is to Pakistan :D We are their Big Brother :D

BTW no one from Bangladesh consider India as their big brother :D

Afghanistan will be pain for Pakistan.. Remember Anti Pakistan Muslim hide in Af-Pak Area. They come and attack Pakistan (Like Mehran base).

They will keep blowing Paksitani AWCES..

have fun with Afghanistan..
Afghanistan will be pain for Pakistan.. Remember Anti Pakistan Muslim hide in Af-Pak Area. They come and attack Pakistan (Like Mehran base).

They will keep blowing Paksitani AWCES..

have fun with Afghanistan..

Don't worry we will put a nice electric fence :D
The logic remain very simple, as Bengladesh is to India, Afghanistan is to Pakistan :D We are their Big Brother :D

BTW no one from Bangladesh consider India as their big brother :D

If your logic of 'big brother' is based on proximity of the two countries and one's strategic interests in the other..then India would be big brother to all its neighbors, including Pakistan.

It is not always that simple..things change, this is not the 90s when no one cared, what goes on in Afghanistan..as long it did not affect them.

The rise of militant Islam(and Af-Pak region is its petridish) has seriously altered the geopolitics of the world.

And Pakistan has only itself to blame for it..Not only ISI made sure a fanatic regime such as Taliban takes over Afghanistan..but also they mated it with the worlds are most notorious terrorist organisation.

Things have changed and the world will not allow Afghanistan to descend into Chaos again.
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If your logic of 'big brother' is based on proximity of the two countries and one's strategic interests in the other..then India would be big brother to all its neighbors, including Pakistan.

It is not always that simple..things change, this is not the 90s when no one cared, what goes on in Afghanistan..as long it did not affect them.

The rise of militant Islam(and Af-Pak region is its petridish) has seriously altered the geopolitics of the world.

And Pakistan has only itself to blame for it..Not only ISI made sure a fanatic regime such as Taliban takes over Afghanistan..but also they mate with the worlds are most notorious terrorist organisation.

Things have changed and the world will not allow Afghanistan to descend into Chaos again.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride
so what were hindis expecting ? that they will install as a PM , a teli hindu terrorist and Pakistan will accept their piece shit PM with flowers and pleasantries ? indians wanted to have this rat as a PM , now they got the rat as PM , but he is still a rat and nothing pleasant can happen between a rat and those who live next door,
generally the rat exterminator is called as soon as an infestation is detected

look at him

[image removed]

lanat and manhosat is all over his face
post reported.
Like Benazir Bhutto in 1989, Nawaz Sharif is not in charge of the Afghan portfolio. Sharif also knows the serious risks of crossing the generals, especially while the Musharraf trial is unresolved. Sharif will let the generals and ISI call the shots in Afghanistan.

some factual hypocrisy and historical memory loss at play here

the initiation and launching Taliban movement and their operation against the other Afghan factions was Benazir's initiative and had full American backing. the idea then was to use Taliban as a unifying and stabilizing force. the Pakistan military was supporter and partner in this not the original visionary and decision maker as the world is led to believe.

both Nawaz and Benazir had the opportunity to make major decisions on Afghanistan during their past tenures. while Benazir continued with tried and tested Mujahideen formula re-branded in to Taliban , Nawaz took the leaders of Afghan warring factions together to agree on peace and even traveled with them to Mecca to swear peace. sadly the decades old fighting and the warlords at home with using force and violence to wield their authority and violence were never going to let go their positions and hence the perpetual infighting continued and will continue for times to come.
India’s new government will face a rapidly changing and dangerous challenge in Afghanistan, similar in some ways to the crisis in the late 1980s, when the Soviets withdrew from Kabul. The Pakistani ‘deep state’ then and now wants to make Afghanistan a puppet satellite regime, an outcome contrary to Indian interests.

As planned, the American and Nato withdrawal from Afghanistan is well underway. All combat forces will be gone by the year’s end. Press reports indicate counter-terrorist and intelligence capabilities have already been significantly reduced.

There has not been a lethal drone attack from Afghan bases inside Pakistan in over four months.

Like Moscow in 1989, Washington in 2014 hopes it has built an Afghan army and state that can survive without foreign boots on the ground to help it defeat an insurrection. It’s a strategic gamble but it’s the option US President Barack Obama chose in 2009. It took five years to get the Afghan army ready to fight alone, now we will see if it manages or fails.

Of course, today’s Afghan government is democratically elected and a run-off will probably make Abdullah Abdullah the next president this summer.

The first round election this spring had an unprecedented turnout. In contrast, the Soviet-backed regime in 1979 was put in power by a series of communist coups orchestrated by Moscow and the KGB and had no legitimacy.

The United Nations backs the Nato mission in Afghanistan today and endorses the elected government. In the 1980s the UN condemned the Soviet invasion and the Soviet client state in Kabul.

The generals, who run the Pakistani army and the ISI, are the one constant in the two eras. Their deep state uses the Afghan Taliban, including Mullah Omar, and the Haqqani network today just like their predecessors used the Mujahideen in the 1980s.

The ISI is the guiding hand and the quartermaster for a proxy war today as it was a quarter century ago. Zia-ul-Haq is long dead but his spirit lingers.

Pakistan’s civilian governments have little or no authority over the deep state.

Like Benazir Bhutto in 1989, Nawaz Sharif is not in charge of the Afghan portfolio. Sharif also knows the serious risks of crossing the generals, especially while the Musharraf trial is unresolved. Sharif will let the generals and ISI call the shots in Afghanistan.

The deep state tried hard to disrupt the Afghan election and it successfully intimidated most foreign observers.

But the ISI underestimated the Afghan people’s desire for freedom. Abdullah Abdullah is the ISI’s worst nightmare, a 21st Century Ahmad Shah Masoud, an Afghan leader who would not take orders from Rawalpindi. He is likely to sign the bilateral security agreement this summer and retain a limited residual American and Nato military presence in Afghanistan.

Since the first round of the election reliable Press reports suggest the military commander of the Afghan Taliban has been sacked for failing to disrupt the vote. A new military commander has been selected known for his very close ties to the ISI. The Pakistani generals want their proxy to perform better and they can be very brutal with their ally when it fails to achieve.

The self-proclaimed ‘Commander of the Faithful’ who runs the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Omar, is a shadowy recluse who is never seen in public and very rarely even by his own supporters.

Omar was trained by the ISI in its camps along the Durand Line in the 1980s during the war with the Soviets. He lost an eye in battle with the Russians and was hospitalised in Pakistan.

In the 1990s, Pakistan sent thousands of advisors and experts to help his Taliban army conquer the country. Without ISI help the Taliban would never have seized most of Afghanistan.

The ISI arranged Mullah Omar’s first meeting with Osama bin Laden in 1998 and midwifed the alliance between the Taliban and al Qaeda.

After the fall of Kabul and Kandahar in 2001, Mullah Omar fled to Quetta. There he masterminded the return of the Afghan Taliban.

His critical partner was General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, first as director general of the ISI and then as chief of army staff. Kayani played the key role of providing the Afghan Taliban safe havens in Pakistan, training facilities, weapons and help in fund raising in Pakistan and the Gulf states.

Kayani also oversaw the Taliban’s strategy for wearing down Nato’s will to fight, with guerrilla war in the rural areas and spectacular terror attacks in Kabul on foreign embassies and hotels.

Omar has stayed in hiding for a decade now. He is probably in an ISI safe house where his Pakistani minders can control his actions and access to him. Al Qaeda leaders still formally acknowledge him as the commander of the faithful but they also say he now lives in the “land of the dirty”, a clever play on words since Pakistan is the “land of the pure”.

Look for a major ISI-backed Taliban offensive in 2015, if not earlier, to defeat the Afghan army, at least in the Pashtun south and east. Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba and other jihadists will join the effort.

The generals have been waiting for years to reduce Afghanistan to their sphere of influence. This is their best chance while Abdullah is still consolidating his grip.

India backed the losing side in 1989. Indira and Rajiv Gandhi stuck with Moscow and its communist warlord Najibullah until the bitter end. In 1992 India’s Afghan policy collapsed. Najibullah missed his escape flight to New Delhi and the Taliban killed him in 1996.

Today’s India is a much stronger State with the resources and capabilities to do much more than a quarter century ago. Narendra Modi inherits strong ties to the post-9/11 Afghan government.

India also has very different relations with America today than 25 years ago, their partnership should be a key part of meeting the challenge of the deep state in Kabul. India will face many foreign policy challenges ahead but the Pakistani proxy war in Afghanistan will be one of the most immediate and difficult.

Bruce Riedel is director, Brookings Institution Intelligence Project. The views expressed by the author are personal.

- See more at: Islamabad will not give Modi time for pleasantries - Hindustan Times
If the BIIP cannot be trusted with spelling mulla (i.e. without an h) right, could it be trusted to draw correct conclusion from a situation as complex as Afghanistan's?
I agree, India is more powerful than US/NATO to handle Afghanistan. Modi will act like North Korea leader Kim Jong-un? :rofl:
of course Bharat Mata Seena will tame the rowdy taliban forces in moments and then Bollywood will have a new victory movie ready.

what no invasion force in the past could do was done by Modi force
No one gives a rat's furry behind for your permission..you insult our leaders, you will get what's coming to you!!!
This is your general statement and all politicians are insulted generally, but to pin point a leader is the dumbest thing to do in others' forums. Please provide proofs when your "leaders" are insulted here.
This is a respected forum with good people as members unlike one who have sick mind people like you. Once again it is PDF and its better not to mess with the people we all respect. Otherwise you know how to get kicked in a@@!!
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