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Islamabad, the 2nd most beautiful capital


Jul 28, 2009
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This sight rated Pakistan's as the second most beautiful capital in the world.
2. Islamabad:

Islamabad, one of the most beautiful capitals of the world, famous for its beauty, decor, fascination, attractiveness and the one regarded fully. Islamabad being the glorious one could be competed over the entire cities of the world. It is highly developed and the developments can been seen in every angle of the city, moreover it is the ninth largest city in the world.. The most beautiful capital of the world is the one on which entire Pakistan feel proud and very well pleased. People thought to visit Islamabad for Islamabad being too striking, fine-looking and stunning.
It is also famous for being clean, cool, calm, peaceful, sparkling, hygienic, and fresh and dirt free. It is the most broad-based and urbanized city of the Pakistan. It is very up-to-dated one, modern and very well maintained lie at the northern part of the country capturing the beauty of northern areas of Pakistan. Islamabad is efficient, well-ordered, well planned and well-maintained city being divided into different zones and sectors each with a distinction of its own beauty. Islamabad is quite very source of amusement and a great place to spend holidays and to visit too due to its adorable beauty not only of buildings but of the green lands and parks and many more. For keeping in view all these dignified facts and figures Islamabad is enlisted in the top ten beautiful capital cities.

Top 10 Most Beautiful Capitals In The World | Beautiful Capital City | Top Ten Lists

This site voted Islamabad as the best capital in the world. Some comments:

1) It is an amazing;highly developed and absolutely safe capital city, but also regarded as one of the best capitals in Asia and can be competed with any glorious capital city in the world - even from a highly developed country. There is no doubt that international developments are rapidly appearing in nearly every corner of the city. Its unique and awe-inspiring surrounding makes it more than a capital! If compared with Delhi (capital of India) it will surely win. Each and every Pakistani should pleased with such a world-class capital, despite the financial crisis political and religious conflicts, vulnerability to terrorism across the country and several other issues. Thus making a Pakistani proud of what he/she has.

2) I love this city I search in Internet for this city is so beautiful I have never been there always wanna be there but I live in London it is in Pakistan I have heard that Pakistan is so beautiful place to visit I love this country always wanna be there I love there national anthem as well I can't understand in there language but the translation is so beautiful.

3) Clean and green, peaceful and quiet with all sorts of places to go to and and all sorts of activities to do.

Top Ten Best Capital Cities - TheTopTens.com
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Islamabad can be charming but not that much !!!

We don't even have a proper skyline.









Heights of inferiority complex. It was fun watching all the pictures of the cities and then BAM... CGI of Islamabad and then oft repeated picture of one landmark. To add to that, some big worded replies that Indians are in Denial... get a life William (who has done his masters in IT)
I have been to washington, london and islamabad
and i found islamabad to be naturally beautiful
roads are far better than
architecture wise the parliament building supreme court and residential areas are all well planned
and beautiful there were some tall buildings under construction they all had nice designs

indians are crying because they know new delhi is a shit hole
Are you retarded? I can make an account there, create a list called Top ten best places to live and make them all Indian cities and then post it here as proof that India > rest.


I might just be, and at the same time I'm pretty sure that you are not a lot more than a half wit, if at all.

Moving on from the niceties, if you had moved passed your hurt from not seeing Delhi in the list, you would have seen that these aren't Pakistani sites or lists made by Pakistanis. The second one is an open voting list. Then if I can oblige you to take your head out of your bum, you would also see that this thread is not to claim Islamabad as the most beautiful capital, which any orangutan, barring you, would realize can't be done since beauty is subjective if nothing else is. Instead it is to show that people out there regard Islamabad as truly beautiful.

Heights of inferiority complex. It was fun watching all the pictures of the cities and then BAM... CGI of Islamabad and then oft repeated picture of one landmark. To add to that, some big worded replies that Indians are in Denial... get a life William (who has done his masters in IT)

You mean the "heights of inferiority complex" of the non-Pakistani white man/woman who put up the list and the pictures? Yup makes perfect sense.
Funny how a mind works across that little border.

Most of those capitals look better than Islamabad. :pop:
Islamabad can be charming but not that much !!!

We don't even have a proper skyline.

True, however there are a few things which are very Islamabad exclusive. For instance, there are loads of capitals in the world where there are wide roads, but wide roads without traffic jams or hardly any traffic? That's Islamabad. Then its clean as an infant baby's bottom in a baby care lotion commercial. It's super green too. Ghettos, shady areas, run down neighborhoods? You won't find them in Islamabad. The jewel however remains the Margala hills standing right above the city. Given that there are many capitals which have far more beautiful skylines and buildings (far more too) but then they have trashier areas as well. The beauty of Islamabad is the things which are mostly taken for granted; the forest like outlook of the city, the surrounding Margala hills, the cleanliness, the virtual absence of pollution and the "good planning" which works better than in other places since Islamabad's population is a lot less.
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Second beautiful? There are dozens of European countries having capitals are more beautiful than Islamabad.
I might just be, and at the same time I'm pretty sure that you are not a lot more than a half wit, if at all.

Moving on from the niceties, if you had moved passed your hurt from not seeing Delhi in the list, you would have seen that these aren't Pakistani sites or lists made by Pakistanis. The second one is an open voting list. Then if I can oblige you to take your head out of your bum, you would also see that this thread is not to claim Islamabad as the most beautiful capital, which any orangutan, barring you, would realize can't be done since beauty is subjective if nothing else is. Instead it is to show that people out there regard Islamabad as truly beautiful.

And how do you know that? The so called "William's" use of English is akin to that of other South Asians.
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