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Islamabad refuses Kabul trucks access to Delhi

What's the dollar amount of the trade India currently has with Afghanistan and the CAR's that would allow for 'huge revenues' for Pakistan via 'transit tax'?

In addition, keep in mind that Pakistan continues to suffer massive revenue losses and economic damage from products smuggled back into Pakistan from Afghanistan.

Indo-Afghan trade stood at $680 million during 2013-2014, and with the lack of direct access through land route. With land route it can increase to $2billion by 2017. That's the trade volume, not a one way route.

The Economic damage that Pakistan is suffering is because of its own incompetence to secure its borders to check cross border smuggling.
It shows short sightedness of Pakistanis.
It shows short sightedness of Pakistanis.

For you buddy its short shortsightedness, but for us there are many factors to consider and then come to some conclusion.

What India did recently with Nepal was shortsightedness or something else ?
For you buddy its short shortsightedness, but for us there are many factors to consider and then come to some conclusion.

What India did recently with Nepal was shortsightedness or something else ?

India didn't do any thing to Nepal. it was their own protesters burning our (Indian) trucks. So if Afghans start burning your trucks will Pakistani trucks go inside Afghanistan ?

The trouble is inside their side of the border.

Such access should never be allowed. Never Ever.

Clearly, Indian goods reaching Afghanistan will be good for Afghanistan but I guess Pakistanis have this pathetic hatred, and the motto of "Hum tau doobay hain sanam, Tumhay bhi lay doobengay !!". Like a psycho Ex-GF. Good for ya...
it is the responsibility of Indian govt to request Pakistan govt for the transit route to afghanistan. India always play double role. Afghanistan demands for indian goods to access afghanistan, it is the responsibility of india not of afghanistan.
Excellent ,more funds for alternative routs,more eyebrows in SAARC, SCO etc and such access is prone to conflicts and can be used as a leverage against India in tough times.

India should not let pakistan hold any access points be it energy or trade.Pakistan is just isolating itself not India.
If Pakistan doesn't allow Afghanistan to access India, Afghanistan will not allow Pakistan to access central Asia
Afghanistan is not the only route there. It may be the shortest access point but not the only one. Central Asia can also be integerated to CPEC through China and it will still be much safer and cost effective route rather than going through Afghanistan for them to access middle east. We can also access centeral asia via iran. Should put your head in a map sometimes instead of your ***.
If Afghanistan joins CPEC they will reap billions in transit fees. Its a win for them but Alas if they want to bred on indian money then who are e to question them. World will go forward and Afghanistan will remain a dump hole.

I wouldn't trust a single piece of paper to pass through Afghanistan safely.
Indo-Afghan trade stood at $680 million during 2013-2014, and with the lack of direct access through land route. With land route it can increase to $2billion by 2017. That's the trade volume, not a one way route.
Inconsequential 'transit trade revenue' even at the estimated 'future potential'.
The Economic damage that Pakistan is suffering is because of its own incompetence to secure its borders to check cross border smuggling.
Whatever the cause behind smuggling, there's no need to exacerbate the situation by allowing more goods and products to be smuggled back into Pakistan.
Inconsequential 'transit trade revenue' even at the estimated 'future potential'.

Well of-course, in view of the revenue that Pakistan earns right now from India-Central Asia trade this is indeed inconsequential.

Whatever the cause behind smuggling, there's no need to exacerbate the situation by allowing more goods and products to be smuggled back into Pakistan.

What ever be the cause of the ailment, don't go into its origins treat the symptoms. Umm, if you see it that way, why not stop supplying anything at all to Afghanistan. In that way because nothing gets exported, nothing gets smuggled back, no "economic losses" :)
So does anyone know the real reason as to why Afghanistan traders always prefer Pakistani route?I was watching once a live program a tv,many years back and one of the guy said that the UN convention mention that a neighboring state should allow free access to water for a neighboring land locked country.

So Pakistan agree to this and iran doens't.This makes the trade through Pakistan very cheap compared to Afghanistan.

So irrespective of whatever they do with Chabahar,the traders will always prefer Pakistani route over Iran.

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