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Islamabad refuses Kabul trucks access to Delhi

Yes.. Just because SAARC refuses to allow space for Pakistani ranting.. Pakistanis believe it is a failure.. or they want it to fail...Pakistanis even abuse UN but they cry like a Dehati Woman in front of the same UN over and over again.

Dehati Woman :omghaha: nawaz sharif called manmohan singh a dehati woman and now u r copying that and calling Pakistan a Dehati women .... it certainly make you a loser:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
We already have a route to CA via China and further routes vai A-Stan will open up once there is a friendly government over there. No rush.
as i said we are ready to lose if it favors more our enemy then us.. make sure it favour us both equaly then we are ready as i said above shift industries here and earn money sitting in India....... China is our friend,, it stand with us in thick and thin.. especially when India was on whining spree against Pakistan in every world forum.. now its time when USA with help of its slave India trying to circle China we should come to thier help even it favor them more then us.. its in our interest that china breath freely... and it will be honor for us if can help them little...

That is a self destructive logic that you have going on there. India has nothing to loose vis-a-vis pakistan. if you see it this way. only they loose who have something to loose, in terms of trade its minuscule what we could carry out with Afghanistan, perhaps India lost a few hundred million in trade, you lost a few tens of Millions in Revenue. Its enmity above your own prosperity, You will favor more china than yourself and you are willing to loose more if India is made to loose anything. Such Hatred is unseen in today's time in world politics. Pragmatism is perhaps something that doesn't exist in Pakistani Dictionaries.

As far as industries are concerned, till 1965 there were quite few production plants of Indian textile businesses in Pakistan, DCM being one of them. read history it will tell you what happened.

China is your friend and it has destroyed your industrial and domestic production base the moment you guys signed FTA with China. With friend like these... What prosperity has China given you ? only guns and weapons ? and the Thick and Thin that you are cribbing about, Pakistan got a Financial Aid of $ 40 Billion on independence, while South Korea got of $10 Billion and both from the United States. Check where you guys have ended up comparing with South Korea. You are what you are, of your own doing.

Till the Cold was and even after it Pakistan was an 'ally of US' You guys signed the SEATO. and all of a sudden US is evil ? India on the Other hand never has or as of now has signed such a treaty. Check the Slave argument again.

Pakistan has the habit of making bed fellows with anyone who throws in the money. Pakistan is to us what DPRK is to ROK. and most importantly a Chinese Vassal state. If that is freedom to you, breathe in the air as much as you wish...

China is an adversary, a rival but is not an enemy. We have a larger border dispute With China check how many times both armies resort to firing on the border. We have been buying more weapons from Russia than from any other country, what do you make of it ? Was Russia trying to 'Encircle' china then ?
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If Pakistan doesn't allow Afghanistan to access India, Afghanistan will not allow Pakistan to access central Asia

We have a way around (refer to image below), and bypassing Afghanistan in this way is one of the major benefits for us that will come out of the CPEC

India has a plan for C.Asia connectivity and work is being done.
May Stone-Bhagwan listen you carefully this time....I can only pray for you :(
Wat i see is you are now cut-off from the rest of the world and except BBIN you have nothing to offer
May Stone-Bhagwan listen you carefully this time....I can only pray for you :(
Wat i see is you are now cut-off from the rest of the world and except BBIN you have nothing to offer

May the Jinn from your book help you for the cause of peace !
Pakistan has alternative route to reach Tajikistan and rest of central asia

last week during Tajikistan president visit,they discussed it

Common sense is missing here I am afraid!

Seems we as a region on bent on eating our food with our legs instead of our hands. Common sense tells you that economy should take precedence over out political differences but no way, our GHAIRAT wont allow this.

Look who is the real winner here, CHINA, it will have access to Pakistan, it will have acccess to India, to afghanista and central asia without caring much for the politics involved, but here we are 2 muslim countries and India arguing on how best we can backstab each other.

PS : With all the bravoda around here, you guys need to travel a bit outside of your countries, you will then know the real value and status of our region, we are practically considered as beggars!
Common sense is missing here I am afraid!

Seems we as a region on bent on eating our food with our legs instead of our hands. Common sense tells you that economy should take precedence over out political differences but no way, our GHAIRAT wont allow this.

Look who is the real winner here, CHINA, it will have access to Pakistan, it will have acccess to India, to afghanista and central asia without caring much for the politics involved, but here we are 2 muslim countries and India arguing on how best we can backstab each other.

PS : With all the bravoda around here, you guys need to travel a bit outside of your countries, you will then know the real value and status of our region, we are practically considered as beggars!
The issue will be solved after mfn is granted to india for which the tariff barriers need to be taken down
Its not security issue. It just the vehement hatred for India. Pakistan Can earn huge revenue by simply putting a transit tax on trade. Guess, Pakistan is a "China only" toll booth.
What's the dollar amount of the trade India currently has with Afghanistan and the CAR's that would allow for 'huge revenues' for Pakistan via 'transit tax'?

In addition, keep in mind that Pakistan continues to suffer massive revenue losses and economic damage from products smuggled back into Pakistan from Afghanistan.
What's the dollar amount of the trade India currently has with Afghanistan and the CAR's that would allow for 'huge revenues' for Pakistan via 'transit tax'?

In addition, keep in mind that Pakistan continues to suffer massive revenue losses and economic damage from products smuggled back into Pakistan from Afghanistan.

@A-Team @nangyale @That Guy

To me the following questions are relevant:
1. Does Pakistan want to be a troll lie toll collector like in Norwegian fairy tales or does Pakistan want to develop a manufacturing and services base which it exports to Afghanistan and the CARs?
2. On the issue of free trade, I believe in free market and I think Pakistan as a country would be competitive but we cannot ignore that India has other trade barriers, even an economic Super Power like the US does not give free access to its markets to an ally like Pakistan.
3. What is good for the goose is good for the gander: If India cannot let Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan trade via overland routes to Pakistan -- why should the reverse be expected?
4. In exchange for giving Afghanistan access to the sea for almost 70 years, Pakistan is owed at least that much access to the CARs? So I believe there is no reason to even allow Afghanistan to export through Wagah -- Pakistan gives Afghanistan sea access in return Afghanistan gives Pakistan CAR access, pretty straightforward to me.

So to put it mildly the proclamations of Afghan officials and expectations are perplexing to me,
@A-Team @nangyale @That Guy

To me the following questions are relevant:
1. Does Pakistan want to be a troll lie toll collector like in Norwegian fairy tales or does Pakistan want to develop a manufacturing and services base which it exports to Afghanistan and the CARs?
2. On the issue of free trade, I believe in free market and I think Pakistan as a country would be competitive but we cannot ignore that India has other trade barriers, even an economic Super Power like the US does not give free access to its markets to an ally like Pakistan.
3. What is good for the goose is good for the gander: If India cannot let Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan trade via overland routes to Pakistan -- why should the reverse be expected?
4. In exchange for giving Afghanistan access to the sea for almost 70 years, Pakistan is owed at least that much access to the CARs? So I believe there is no reason to even allow Afghanistan to export through Wagah -- Pakistan gives Afghanistan sea access in return Afghanistan gives Pakistan CAR access, pretty straightforward to me.

So to put it mildly the proclamations of Afghan officials and expectations are perplexing to me,

Just to add to what you said, people seem to forget this, but Pakistan doesn't need Afghanistan, while Afghanistan NEEDS Pakistan. From what I know, Pakistan is already in talks with China and Central Asian nations for an alternate route to bypass Afghanistan. It's also a safer bet, as there is no guarantee that Afghanistan will even be secure enough in the future, to be a viable route for trade and regional connectivity.

Afghanistan needs to quickly learn that it cannot continue it's foolish logic and behavior. Afghanistan is nowhere near safe and secure for Pakistan to even THINK about giving into it's demands. There is a reason why even India hesitates in giving into Afghan requests.
What happens if India has considerable military assets in Afghanistan that it will use to attack Pakistan from Afghanistan side.

You cannot be. The relations between Iran and Pakistan is next to nothing.

LOL.. That's cute.. :crazy:

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