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Islam And Pakistan



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Mar 13, 2009
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plz muslims wake up...kafirs wants to destroy us..its time to read QURAN And time has come to follow true teaching of islam

plz share this with all your frndz

take care
GOD Bless U All
Allah hafiz
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What are you talking about, "Kafirs want to destroy us"? Follow the True teaching of Islam? Sorry, I'm proud to be a Muslim, but Pakistan IS and WILL BE a secular country for times to come.
pakistan is islamic country and it will remain islamic inshAllah...and as we know in islamic country non muslims are also equal i m not against all kafirs only those who want to destroy muslims like bush israel...........etc..
but our leaders they introduce system of kufr in islam that is y pakistan is facing these condition
in my opinion now only solution for pakistan is islam and inshAllah we will see pakistan as islamic state very soon ..inshAllah
In my opinion.. any country who follows the hard core interpretation of islam as its state policy is doomed to fail..!!!! In a free world.. you cannot be isolated and you have to ensure free movement of people from different clutures across boundries.. I think middle eastern countries survies just on oil and indonesia malasia turkey all will survive as they are not into the hardcore version of islam as in saudi.. or afghanistan..!!!! And this has nothing to do with islam.. but the people who claims to be the owners of the religion and who force their will upon other people in the name of allah..!!!!
pakistan is islamic country and it will remain islamic inshAllah...and as we know in islamic country non muslims are also equal i m not against all kafirs only those who want to destroy muslims like bush israel...........etc..
but our leaders they introduce system of kufr in islam that is y pakistan is facing these condition
in my opinion now only solution for pakistan is islam and inshAllah we will see pakistan as islamic state very soon ..inshAllah

No, We are in this situation because of our stupid policies and corrupt politicians, not because of ISLAM. Jinnah Created Pakistan to be a secular state, not just a homeland for muslims. If you want to live in some islamic cesspool, i suggest you stay in Saudi Arabia.
No, We are in this situation because of our stupid policies and corrupt politicians, not because of ISLAM. Jinnah Created Pakistan to be a secular state, not just a homeland for muslims. If you want to live in some islamic cesspool, i suggest you stay in Saudi Arabia.
Seconded.Kafirs don't have to destory Islamic Countries..look at Arab Countries how backward they are..oil finished and everything back to stone ages.
pakistan is islamic country and it will remain islamic inshAllah...and as we know in islamic country non muslims are also equal i m not against all kafirs only those who want to destroy muslims like bush israel...........etc..
but our leaders they introduce system of kufr in islam that is y pakistan is facing these condition
in my opinion now only solution for pakistan is islam and inshAllah we will see pakistan as islamic state very soon ..inshAllah

U have been brain washed from same mullahs who opposed creation of PK

"Nationality rather than religion will be the basis for the muslim homeland" - Jinnah
pakistan is islamic country and it will remain islamic inshAllah...and as we know in islamic country non muslims are also equal i m not against all kafirs only those who want to destroy muslims like bush israel...........etc..
but our leaders they introduce system of kufr in islam that is y pakistan is facing these condition
in my opinion now only solution for pakistan is islam and inshAllah we will see pakistan as islamic state very soon ..inshAllah

You are right , INSHALLAH.
And dont despair about comments from 'SLAVES' who only respect the boot that kicks them. As they say"
You are right , INSHALLAH.
And dont despair about comments from 'SLAVES' who only respect the boot that kicks them. As they say"

I am a slave because i put my country before myself? I am a slave because I want Jinnah's dream of Pakistan to come through, where every Pakistani has equal rights and isn't harassed because of their caste or religion? I am a slave because I want what's best for my country, because I haven't been brainwashed by some people to believe in the Fool's Gold of an "Ummah", because I know that I'm not an Arab, and i put my nation's interest before my own?

Jinnah's Pakistan was never accepted by these Araby types, but then again, all they can do is howl at the moon, even if from a cave.:cheers:
No, We are in this situation because of our stupid policies and corrupt politicians, not because of ISLAM. Jinnah Created Pakistan to be a secular state, not just a homeland for muslims. If you want to live in some islamic cesspool, i suggest you stay in Saudi Arabia.

Read the quote I have below this message. Its from Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and it will show you what he wanted for Pakistan.

By the way, whats wrong with having an Islamic state like United Arab Emirates?

Pakistan can never be totally secular and westernized like Turkey because Pakistanis and Turks are two different people with two different cultures.

Turks are Europeans so it makes sense for them to be secular. Pakistan is between Iran, Afghanistan, India, and a small area of China. Religion always had an importance in our society for hundreds of years. You cant chane the mentality of our people. Most Pakistanis would always want Pakistan to be a Muslim country, Moderate or deeply religious...most want Pakistan to be a moderate Muslim country like UAE.
You are right , INSHALLAH.
And dont despair about comments from 'SLAVES' who only respect the boot that kicks them. As they say"

what is this ?
can somebody enlighten me.
By the way, whats wrong with having an Islamic state like United Arab Emirates?

Nothing is wrong with that except for the fact that Pakistan does not have oil. UAE is for all purposes an oil state. Any state that is rich enough can impose their philosophy on the people, be it Islam, Authoritarianism etc.
Pakistan does not have the "something" that will permanently make the people dependent on the state, so it will be much more difficult to make people obey an extreme philosophy.

UAE can survive because 95% of the workforce is imported from South Asia (I am not making this up). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_the_United_Arab_Emirates

Similarly, China can again convince people to be atheist, but that again is because all land is owned by the government. If you really need a central version of Islam imposed on the country, maybe Pakistan can try that -- first take-over all land and then redistribute it in collectives under strict Islamic principles.

Note: I am not saying that Pakistan will not remain an Islamic majority country. What I am saying is that there won't be a single unified version of Islam unless there is a real need for it felt by the people.
What are you talking about, "Kafirs want to destroy us"? Follow the True teaching of Islam? Sorry, I'm proud to be a Muslim, but Pakistan IS and WILL BE a secular country for times to come.

Secularism has destroyed Pakistan!

Jinnah was one of the founding fathers of an Islamic nation! You secularists have distorted history to suite your own twisted views!

We are an Islamic nation! Alhamdulillah!

Only through Islam can we prosper!

Zaid Hamid discusses about Pakistan's values:

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Nothing is wrong with that except for the fact that Pakistan does not have oil. UAE is for all purposes an oil state. Any state that is rich enough can impose their philosophy on the people, be it Islam, Authoritarianism etc.
Pakistan does not have the "something" that will permanently make the people dependent on the state, so it will be much more difficult to make people obey an extreme philosophy.

UAE can survive because 95% of the workforce is imported from South Asia (I am not making this up). Human rights in the United Arab Emirates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Similarly, China can again convince people to be atheist, but that again is because all land is owned by the government. If you really need a central version of Islam imposed on the country, maybe Pakistan can try that -- first take-over all land and then redistribute it in collectives under strict Islamic principles.

Note: I am not saying that Pakistan will not remain an Islamic majority country. What I am saying is that there won't be a single unified version of Islam unless there is a real need for it felt by the people.

Oil or no oil, the people of Pakistan come first and the people will always want Pakistan to remain an Islamic Republic. As I said before, we are not Europeans like Turks so we cant have a society like Turkey. We have our own culture and values. Religion always had a major role in our society. Those who want Pakistan to be secular are only a minority, most prefer a moderate Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and I dont think the international community ever wants to isolate an Islamic Republic well except for maybe Israel and India.
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