Why the hell are you even defending these pathetic neocon imperialists who created this entire mess in the Middle East to begin with?? NATO and America created Al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS.
I think the U.S. could have exercised greater responsibility in choosing who to arm in Afghanistan in the 1990s and not given so much leeway to Zia, but your claims go wayyy too far.
You support Saudi Arabia, the origin of Islamic extremism.
You attacked and destroyed THREE secular Arab countries, but you left the one Arab country from where 19 9/11 hijackers originated from. You people are the reason ISIS and Al-Qaeda ever existed and still exist.
Umm, there is some justice to this accusation.
US led airpower didn't do jack sh!t my friend. Only recently ISIS has been curtailed by combined efforts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Russia.
Hey, it's not like accurate and effective airstrikes by NATO/U.S. get good press. West doesn't control media like Russia and mullahs do.
And quite whining about Russkies, your governments created the mess in the first place.
President Obama is the worst military leader the U.S. has had since
James Buchanan. Buchanan also thought he could be a great president but ended up enabling the ambitions of the Slave States politically (he dithered a lot) and militarily (a federal arsenal was taken over by terrorists and his Secretary of War transferred large quantities of arms to the South, then quit and fled south, later joining the Confederacy as a general).
Similarly, Obama is handling various high-profile criminal incidents in the U.S. badly. And his appointees spoil lots of plans, cover up incompetence with a smear of good intentions, and repurpose entire agencies into ineffectiveness. As one sheriff put it,
"Everything Obama touches turns to crap."
Then stop invading Secular Arab countries and converting them into terrorist hotbeds.
Our military and political leaders don't seem to get it, that you can't just invade and have instant democracy, you have to inculcate the
values of democracy, too. Both Obama and Bush shared in this error, though Obama has the greater share of blame for having pulled U.S. forces out of Iraq after assuming office.
You should shut your trap. Your air force has been collaborating with ISIS in striking Syrian Army troop concentrations. You should be the last one talking.
I don't think either the Israelis or NATO/U.S. are doing that.