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ISIS: Give over girls for 'sex jihad'

Ur iranian gov is equally as guilty of this mess. Along with others that you blame day in day out. And I pray that all that sit in their cozy houses pushing us to our dooms, get their dew reward soon.
Knock yourself out, while you're at it pray me a Cheeseburger too. Kthxbai:cheers:
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Even if Caliphate haters are going to make a zillion more threads, these shia fabricated lies will not become reality.
there is another thread running on the same lines by FalconsforPeace
ISIS is not an islamic jhadist group that clearly proves that and shoot that motherfukiiinnnggg mofti in the head :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hang2::suicide::astagh:
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ISIS, like terror groups before it, have same ideology.

There is no room in Islam for 'sex jihad'. Because they have gun and they can force their will does not mean its Islam. Also, all these terror groups have heavy fingerprints of foreign intel most prominently CIA. They seem to have been trained from the same handbook. Now this is becoming very predictable.
Sex jihad for their warrior brothers :o::o::o::o: WTF?..... Do sharia give permission for this too?

Muslim women must chastely be covered head-to-toe—yet, in the service of jihad, they are allowed to prostitute their bodies. Homosexuality is forbidden—but permissible if rationalized as a way to kill infidels. Lying is forbidden—but permissible to empower Islam. Suicide is forbidden—but permissible during the jihad—called “martyrdom.” Stealing is forbidden—but the rightful booty of the jihadi who conquers infidels. o_O
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ISIS, like terror groups before it, have same ideology.

There is no room in Islam for 'sex jihad'. Because they have gun and they can force their will does not mean its Islam. Also, all these terror groups have heavy fingerprints of foreign intel most prominently CIA. They seem to have been trained from the same handbook. Now this is becoming very predictable.

Islam allows Muslims to use prisoners of war as sex-slaves. This matter was discussed in Kuwait when one legislator asked for legalizing sex-slavery in the country.

Men should be allowed sex slaves and female prisoners could do the job - and all this from a WOMAN politician from Kuwait | Mail Online

If such Fatwas are un-Islamic then why aren't religious Muslims making any right noise?
its a fun jehad...lolz....day and night banging ....bang bang and then bang lolzz.....but atleast they should spare their sisters....
but what ever it is,,, as #Indians also have very soft sentiments towards ISIS #terrorist by claiming them as #Jihadees, Indian's Statements about #ISIS showing why ISIS is very much soft with Indian Nationals...and claiming these girls as their sisters.. and Iraq or Arabi girts as their wife, or anything else... Because these all their followed tactics are the best way of #Human #genocide or of their Race...so ISIS only got money and orders against Arabs,...not against Iran or Indians... so ISIS terrorists and Indian Girls are brother and Sister....:)
I bet all Indians now are going to migrate to ISIS strongholds in Iraq and pledge Bayah to the Caliph after hearing the news. :omghaha:
That's all fine, but it's still very disturbing how they kill Iraqi Shia POWs. Many times they will not even spare Sunni Jihadis belonging to rival groups and behead them in the most brutal manner. Maybe they only kill men but spare the women.
They have released Indian men too. 150 Indian men are on the way to India today.
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