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Exept Shia "muslims" , with their nikah mut‘ah

and Mut'ah was allowed in Hazrat Muhhammad ( pbuh ) era , Omar and Uthman baned it and Imam Ali allowed it again when he took what was his after 25 years ....

or perhaps you think Omar and Uthman has greater religious knowledge that both Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh ) and Imam Ali ( who was most knowledgeable person after Hazrat Muhhammad that time ) !?

even Omar himself admitted that Imam Ali has more religious knowledge than him several time ...
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and Mut'ah was allowed in Hazrat Muhhammad ( pbuh ) era , Omar and Uthman baned it and Imam Ali allowed it again when he took what was his after 25 years ....

or perhaps you think Omar and Uthman has greater religious knowledge that both Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh ) and Imam Ali ( who was most knowledgeable person after Hazrat Muhhammad that time ) !?

even Omar himself admitted that Imam Ali has more religious knowledge than him several time ...
Where did Omar admit this show me.
You people engage in the highest forms of shirk.

Many of you who claim to be the most righteous Muslims can't even recite quran properly:rofl:.

Another form of your shirk. Your religious knowledge seems to be shit excreted from ayatoilets asses.
and Mut'ah was allowed in Hazrat Muhhammad ( pbuh ) era , Omar and Uthman baned it and Imam Ali allowed it again when he took what was his after 25 years ....

or perhaps you think Omar and Uthman has greater religious knowledge that both Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh ) and Imam Ali ( who was most knowledgeable person after Hazrat Muhhammad that time ) !?

even Omar himself admitted that Imam Ali has more religious knowledge than him several time ...

BE very careful how you refer to Hazrat Umar RAA. This is the last time you will get a warning. Sure you can have issues, but do not cross over the majority to peddle your beliefs.
BE very careful how you refer to Hazrat Umar RAA. This is the last time you will get a warning. Sure you can have issues, but do not cross over the majority to peddle your beliefs.
How dare you be so SECTARIAN.:rofl:
Where did Omar admit this show me.
You people engage in the highest forms of shirk.

Many of you who claim to be the most righteous Muslims can't even recite quran properly:rofl:.

in Omar era , he sentence a pregnant woman to death for Zinna , Imam Ali stop this and said " the woman committed sin but the baby in her stomach is pure , and if you kill this woman , you will kill the baby with her as well , and ... "

after this Omar said "it wasn't for Ali , I would perish . "
this is just an example , there were more situation like this that Omar judge wrong and Imam Ali correct it for him ...

side note : I can't see youtube ...
in Omar era , he sentence a pergant woman to death for Zinna , Imam Ali stop this and said " the woman committed sin but the baby in her stomach is pure , and if you kill this woman , you will kill the baby with her as well , and ... "

after this Omar said "it wasn't for Ali , I would perish . "

this is just an example , there are more situation like this...

Please respond to the videos provided. If you can justify the kufr i will become shia.
in Omar era , he sentence a pergant woman to death for Zinna , Imam Ali stop this and said " the woman committed sin but the baby in her stomach is pure , and if you kill this woman , you will kill the baby with her as well , and ... "

after this Omar said "it wasn't for Ali , I would perish . "

this is just an example , there are more situation like this...


Maula Ali was pious and knowledgeable, but unfortunately not a statesman. This is where Abu Bakr RAA and Umar RAA shined. Now i know you will differ about it but their tenure brought prosperity and expansion.
in Omar era , he sentence a pergant woman to death for Zinna , Imam Ali stop this and said " the woman committed sin but the baby in her stomach is pure , and if you kill this woman , you will kill the baby with her as well , and ... "

after this Omar said "it wasn't for Ali , I would perish . "

this is just an example , there are more situation like this...


Never heard of such a thing.
LOL, you go from correcting him on naming a sahaba then indulge in this. :D

I love you man. :)

Mate i dont support ISIS nor will I support people who will badmouth any of our beloved Sahabas that does include the 4 pious caliphs. They should have an issue with Yazid and i am cool with it. Not the beloved 4, who are the Ashara mubashara.
and Mut'ah was allowed in Hazrat Muhhammad ( pbuh ) era , Omar and Uthman baned it and Imam Ali allowed it again when he took what was his after 25 years ....

or perhaps you think Omar and Uthman has greater religious knowledge that both Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh ) and Imam Ali ( who was most knowledgeable person after Hazrat Muhhammad that time ) !?

even Omar himself admitted that Imam Ali has more religious knowledge than him several time ...

Actually you're wrong bro...

It was narrated from ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade mut’ah marriage and the meat of domestic donkeys at the time of Khaybar. According to another report, he forbade mut’ah marriage at the time of Khaybar and he forbade the meat of tame donkeys.
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3979; Muslim, 1407.

It was narrated from al-Rabee’ ibn Sabrah al-Juhani that his father told him that he was with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who said, “O people, I used to allow you to engage in mut’ah marriages, but now Allaah has forbidden that until the Day of Resurrection, so whoever has any wives in a mut’ah marriage, he should let her go and do not take anything of the (money) you have given them.”
Narrated by Muslim, 1406.

With regard to those who said that it is permissible, they are among those who did not hear that it had been forbidden. The Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) – including ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib and ‘Abd-Allaah ibn al-Zubayr – refuted Ibn ‘Abbaas’s view that mut’ah was permitted.
It was narrated from ‘Ali that he heard Ibn ‘Abbaas permitting mut’ah marriage, and he said, “Wait a minute, O Ibn ‘Abbaas, for the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade it on the day of Khaybar and (he also forbade) the meat of tame donkeys.”
Narrated by Muslim, 1407.

The Shia themselves have a hadith narrated by Ali (r.a.a) which states that the Prophet made Mut'a haram on the day of Khaiber (Book of Tahdeeb: vol. 7, pg. 251, rewaya 10). The author states that Ali lied for the purposes of Taqiya. In Book of Istebsar: vol. 3, pg. 142, rewaya 5, there is a declaration by Ali that Mut'a is haram. Again they accuse Ali of lying for Taqiya.


Mate i dont support ISIS nor will I support people who will badmouth any of our beloved Sahabas that does include the 4 pious caliphs. They should have an issue with Yazid and i am cool with it. Not the beloved 4, who are the Ashara mubashara.

The thread got off topic, but this OP thread isn't true. It is false information spread by select sources and only embarrass all Muslims. You don't need to be pro-ISIL to deny this rumor. It is simply a lie.
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