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ISIS fighters are given 'passports to paradise' in a desperate bid to convince them for reward


Jan 23, 2016
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ISIS fighters are given 'passports to paradise' in a desperate bid to convince them they will be rewarded with virgins in the afterlife

  • Copies of the passports were discovered by Syrian Defence Forces in Raqqa
  • ISIS handed out documents reading 'passports to heaven' to motivate fighters
  • Fighters believe they will be rewarded with paradise if they die protecting ISIS
  • Front of passport says 'No God but Allah, Muhammed is the Messenger of God'

PUBLISHED: 15:16 EDT, 26 June 2017 | UPDATED: 15:23 EDT, 26 June 2017


Copies of the passports were discovered by Syrian Defence Forces in newly liberated neighbourhoods of Raqqa

ISIS militants have been issuing 'passports to heaven' to encourage members to carry out suicide attacks and keep control of its self-declared capital, Raqqa.

Copies of the passports were discovered by Syrian Defence Forces in newly liberated neighbourhoods of the northern Syrian city, and photos of the documents were posted to social media.

Brainwashed extremists believe that they will be rewarded with virgins in paradise if they die protecting the Islamic State.

ISIS has handed out documents reading 'passports to heaven' to motivate fighters to carry out suicide attacks in hopes of convincing them they will be sent to 'paradise' if they do so.

The professionally printed green and gold books contain scriptures from the Koran in English and Arabic to encourage fighters to carry out attacks using explosive belts or driving bomb-laden cars into crowded locations, according to the Russian TV channel RT Arabic.

On the front of the passport says 'No God but Allah, Muhammed is the Messenger of God' and 'Passport to Paradise'.


ISIS has handed out documents reading 'passports to heaven' to motivate fighters to carry out suicide attacks in hopes of convincing them they will be sent to 'paradise' if they do so (file photo)

By giving out the documents, ISIS is convincing the fighters that they will have a guaranteed trip to heaven if they become martyrs.

The passports do not, however, contain any personal information about the holder of the document.

Instead they feature the different names of Heaven and Hell in Arabic.

They say that fighters are not allowed to travel to hell, but will be able to reach heaven.

ISIS recently exploded a bomb outside an ice cream shop in Baghdad, killing 15 people and injuring another 50.

Meanwhile, Syrian Kurdish forces say they have seized a new district from the Islamic State group in its self-declared capital, Raqqa.

Cihan Shekh Ehmed, a spokeswoman for the U.S.-backed militia known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, said the group's fighters seized the western district of al-Qadisiya from IS on Monday.

Assisted by airstrikes from the US-led coalition, the SDF has been slowly advancing against IS in Raqqa since launching its offensive in early June after encircling the city.

Raqqa is the capital of the extremist group's self-proclaimed Islamic caliphate, which it declared in 2014 in parts of Syria and neighboring Iraq.

IS has suffered a series of setbacks in recent months at the hands of an array of Syrian and Iraqi forces.

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Not long back when pakistan military moved into terrorist infested areas they found walls adorned with paintings depicting paradise. Now we have a passport, soon we will visa and a definite address.
Lot of progress is being made........

Terrorists are barbarians by nature and ill trained.

How are they capable of doing psychoanalysis and such effective brain washing ?

I mean we are talking about people who never went to school ...
Terrorists are barbarians by nature and ill trained.

How are they capable of doing psychoanalysis and such effective brain washing ?

I mean we are talking about people who never went to school ...

They recruit people with very low IQ or people who have a beef with the west for not letting them into their exclusive club or for the discrimination they face in the west . Daesh terrorists simply manipulate this and use their personal grievance to brainwash them.
They recruit people with very low IQ or people who have a beef with the west for not letting them into their exclusive club or for the discrimination they face in the west . Daesh terrorists simply manipulate this and use their personal grievance to brainwash them.

Yes I understood that,

What I wanted to draw attention to is the fact, that such indoctrination requires a lot of careful manipulation.
and to expect mountain dwelling idiots to perform complex psychological exercise on an industrial scale is my surprise.

Remember, drawing hate is different from encouraging someone to end one's life.
mountain dwelling idiots
are you so naive? how do you know they are mountain dwelling idiots? they are pretty tech savvy when it comes to social media and multimedia propaganda content. and thats what they use to indoctrinate new recruits.
are you so naive? how do you know they are mountain dwelling idiots? they are pretty tech savvy when it comes to social media and multimedia propaganda content. and thats what they use to indoctrinate new recruits.

And many have in the past been trained by the likes of CIA and other intelligence agencies
ISIS are pawns of Zionists. Muslims are being used to further the interests of Israel in the name of the so-called Islamic State, might as well call it the future state of Greater Israel.
ISIS are pawns of Zionists. Muslims are being used to further the interests of Israel in the name of the so-called Islamic State, might as well call it the future state of Greater Israel.

An American telling the world like it really is. Is it because at least some in the US realise that they have long been colonized by the Zionazis? The US has literally been dragged down to this level for the sake of israeli interests. It's economy, image, stability are all gone. All that remains is her brute military force like it was with the USSR and we all know how quickly it came crashing down. Only a few years back another civil war and possible break up of the US seemed absurd but not anymore. Trump and his goons will even try the third world tactics to cling to power and that will be the last straw on the camel's back. As for the topic under discussion, I have been hearing reports that baghdadi is the first one to use the Daesh issued passport to heaven aka hell.
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