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ISIS Calls for Uprising Against Hamas Because of Its Ties with Iran

Syria before ISIS:
Syria after ISIS:
ISIS is best thing which happened in Assad.

Fun fact: ISIS grew from Iraq Al Qaeda which was directly supported by Assad.

Fun fact: both Assad and Osama Bin Laden have Alawi moms.

Well beside the fact that entire circus was started to provide security for isreal and it was after 2006 defeat by Hezbollah that made them think we should break the chain that was Syria .... if isis is the best thing which happened to Assad why former isreal defense minister wanted to see isis ruling all of Syria?



2014 intelligence memo sent to Hillary Clinton.jpg




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Fun fact: both Assad and Osama Bin Laden have Alawi moms.

Fun fact: the founder of modern satanism, Anton LaVey, was zionist. And according to one biographic account, he even contributed to the establishment of the zionist settler state in Palestine. Not that his original religious affiliation or his ethnicity would be of any concern to me, however I do care about the political ideology this person followed.

Also, in what way is the religious background of one of Ben Laden's multiple spouses relevant to the subject of this thread? Are Alawites collectively responsible for Ben Laden's deeds now? This brings strictly nothing to the table except incitement against a religious community, which is against forum rules. Reported.
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Well beside the fact that entire circus was started to provide security for isreal and it was after 2006 defeat by Hezbollah that made them think we should break the chain that was Syria .... if isis is the best thing which happened to Assad why former isreal defense minister wanted to see isis ruling all of Syria?
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Jewish rats created ISIL to secure i$rael and blackface Holy Islam.
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Well beside the fact that entire circus was started to provide security for isreal and it was after 2006 defeat by Hezbollah that made them think we should break the chain that was Syria .... if isis is the best thing which happened to Assad why former isreal defense minister wanted to see isis ruling all of Syria?
* In 1973 child killer Assad started a war against Israel in order to "liberate" Golan Heights.
* Despite surprise attack he suffered terrible loses and achieved nothing.
* Since then he does not dare to attack Israel anymore.
* Assad called it great victory and celebrates it since then.

* In 2006 child killer Nasrallah started a war against Israel in order to "liberate" Shabaa Farms.
* Despite surprise attack he suffered terrible loses and achieved nothing.
* Since then he does not dare to attack Israel anymore.
* Nasrallah called it great victory and celebrates it since then.

Iran is funding these loser degenerates with billions of dollars. As result Iranian economy is total failure, despite all petrodollars.
Do you have any idea what "near the border" even means? It means within a KM or 2, not fucking a dozen KM away.

Stop being intellectually dishonest.
Saying this :
Do you have any idea what "near the border" even means?
is a distraction, because you're now getting into a technical definition instead of the overall point, so thats a fallacy. u really are bad at arguing. almost every post of yours has a fallacy.learn to argue better!
* In 1973 child killer Assad started a war against Israel in order to "liberate" Golan Heights.
* Despite surprise attack he suffered terrible loses and achieved nothing.
* Since then he does not dare to attack Israel anymore.
* Assad called it great victory and celebrates it since then.

* In 2006 child killer Nasrallah started a war against Israel in order to "liberate" Shabaa Farms.
* Despite surprise attack he suffered terrible loses and achieved nothing.
* Since then he does not dare to attack Israel anymore.
* Nasrallah called it great victory and celebrates it since then.

Iran is funding these loser degenerates with billions of dollars. As result Iranian economy is total failure, despite all petrodollars.
Well we were talking about isis or what?
Secondly thanks for publicly affirming the fact Golan Heights & Shabaa Farms are occupied and isreail is just an occupier force.
On 2006 Hezbollah abducted your solders in order to exchange them for Lebanese prisons no to start the war and the one whom started the war was isreal that even Winograd report confirms it:

The war had ended without clear military victory, a much smaller para-military organization successfully resisted against a much larger force which had complete air superiority among other technological advantages.
When Israel initiated a large scale ground offensive the offensive did not result in military gains and was not completed.​
As a result, Israel was 'dragged' into a ground operation too late. Despite the fact that it was a limited war initiated by Israel itself, Israel did not use its military force well and effectively. Israel did not gain a political achievement because of military successes.​
You neither achieved disarmament of Hezbollah nor destroying it or even hold or gain control 2 meters of Lebanese territory to use as a bargaining chip ...
Arab armies could not stand against you for more than 6 days but a militia without air force or navy and only 5k troops stood you up for 33 days and since then you have not dared to do what you sought through 2006 war ... just asked american to pass a resolution to get you what you failed to achieve in war ... without american support you are nothing you just destroyed Lebanon infrastructures and managed to killed 1100 civilians ... what happened to "Birth pangs of a new Middle East"???

You mean 'Israeli Secret Intelligence Service' ?
You are only half correct. The core founders or leaders of ISIS are Israeli and Western intelligence agents, however it's soldiers and fighters are genuine, radicalised Muslim youth.

I personally know one extremely pious Muslim who openly supports ISIS. According to him ISIS is a saviour of Muslims and is a genuine Islamic Caliphate.

You will find such radicalised Muslim youth around you, they are neither Mossad nor CIA agents. They are genuinely radicalised youth. But yes, the Western agents make use of these radicalised youth and influences them to join ISIS.

Radicalism in the Islamic community is real and has not been created by Israel, Britain or USA. What USA and Israel does is they make use of these radicalised youths.
You are only half correct. The core founders or leaders of ISIS are Israeli and Western intelligence agents, however it's soldiers and fighters are genuine, radicalised Muslim youth.

I personally know one extremely pious Muslim who openly supports ISIS. According to him ISIS is a saviour of Muslims and is a genuine Islamic Caliphate.

You will find such radicalised Muslim youth around you, they are neither Mossad nor CIA agents. They are genuinely radicalised youth. But yes, the Western agents make use of these radicalised youth and influences them to join ISIS.

Radicalism in the Islamic community is real and has not been created by Israel, Britain or USA. What USA and Israel does is they make use of these radicalised youths.
Yes, I agree entirely.

Radicalised youth aren't created by evil mullahs in shady mosques, they are created by the West bombing and killing thousands of muslims.
Yes, I agree entirely.

Radicalised youth aren't created by evil mullahs in shady mosques, they are created by the West bombing and killing thousands of muslims.
Bombing and killing of thousands of Muslims is not the reason why many Muslim youth are being radicalised.

Many Muslim youth are misguided by the Imams, Molvis, Madrassas and Ulemas.

There are extremist Muslims who wants death penalty for atheists. Also there are extremist Muslims who lynch people after accusing them of blasphemy. These type of Muslims are under the influence of Ulemas and not some Western nation who bombs Muslim nations.

Bombing and killing of thousands of Muslims is not the reason why many Muslim youth are being radicalised.

Many Muslim youth are misguided by the Imams, Molvis, Madrassas and Ulemas.

There are extremist Muslims who wants death penalty for atheists. Also there are extremist Muslims who lynch people after accusing them of blasphemy. These type of Muslims are under the influence of Ulemas and not some Western nation who bombs Muslim nations.

I guess we'll have to disagree there.

Yes there are the kind of lunatics you mention, but they are not the driving force. The West has a genocidal policy toeards the muslim countries, and that is the main cause.
Because they've never been able to operate near Israel's border. Geography is a thing that exists.

Stop spreading conspiracy theories.

Then how will ISIS target Hamas in Gaza without operating near or inside israel's border?

If ISIS has access to Gaza, it means they can attack israel if they want. But they will never attack israel as they are product of israel.

@That Guy
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Well we were talking about isis or what?
Secondly thanks for publicly affirming the fact Golan Heights & Shabaa Farms are occupied and isreail is just an occupier force.
On 2006 Hezbollah abducted your solders in order to exchange them for Lebanese prisons no to start the war and the one whom started the war was isreal that even Winograd report confirms it:
War was started by Hezbalshaitan it is confirmed by everyone including the UN.
Your translation of Winograd report is wrong, it said that Israel initiated a long war (implying that better end things faster).
You neither achieved disarmament of Hezbollah nor destroying it or even hold or gain control 2 meters of Lebanese territory to use as a bargaining chip ...
Thats nonsense. Israel captured big chanks of Lebanese territory.

Arab armies could not stand against you for more than 6 days but a militia without air force or navy and only 5k troops stood you up for 33 days and since then you have not dared to do what you sought through 2006 war ...
1) I already brought u 1973 war. Then they lasted 24 days against Israel. So wut?
2) Even if we lose 1 Israeli soldier per 5 Hezbies. That means in order to kill all 5,000 we need to sacrifice 1000 soldiers. What for? Just in half year Iran will train another 5,000.
3) So best strategy is not kill every single Hezbie clown which does not make any sense at all, but create deterance so they wont attack us again.
4) I remind you that Shaba Farms are still in Israeli hands and they dont dare to attack us anymore. That means deterrence was achieved - clear victory for Israel.

16 years later Israel is blooming and Lebanon is a bankrupt shythole (just like any country which allied with Khomenists).

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