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ISIS Calls for Uprising Against Hamas Because of Its Ties with Iran


Dec 29, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
A new recording of "ISIS" attacked Hamas and commented on Shekau's death

Thursday, June 24, 2021 08:46 AM / Jerusalem time +2GMT

The Islamic State issued a new message from its spokesman, Abu Hamza al-Qurashi, in which it launched an attack on Hamas.

The message which bore the name "And you are superior if you are believers", called for an uprising against Hamas because of its relationship with Iran.

The organization had previously issued several statements declaring Hamas an apostate movement from the Islamic religion.

In the speech, which lasts for about 38 minutes, Al-Qurashi indirectly comments on the killing of the leader of the Nigerian "Boko Haram" movement, Abu Bakr Shekau.

He said that he congratulated the organization's branch in West Africa for "eliminating the strife of the Kharijites", in reference to the "Boko Haram" group.

It is known that Shekau, who defected from ISIS, was killed during a clash with ISIS there, led by Abu Musab al-Barnawi.

Al-Barnawi accused Shekau of killing himself after being besieged by soldiers of the West African state.

Back to al-Qurashi's speech, the ISIS spokesman incited the organization's Iraqi supporters in particular to intensify the assassinations of judges and security officers, promising them financial rewards.

He praised Islamic State fighters around the world, particularly in Sinai and Libya.

"Arabic 21"

Clearly these dogs are the pets of hostile intelligence agencies.

What I dont understand that why intelligence agencies of Muslim countries not exposing these bastards for what they are. Capture few of them, "debrief " them, bring them infront of media.
Clearly these dogs are the pets of hostile intelligence agencies.

What I dont understand that why intelligence agencies of Muslim countries not exposing these bastards for what they are. Capture few of them, "debrief " them, bring them infront of media.
They don't have the brain cells to do wat u suggested. This is the shocking truth.
They don't have the brain cells to do wat u suggested. This is the shocking truth.

This is their own puppet saying.

Nothing to do with brain cells, it's just plain fact infront of everybody. Everyone knows but for some wierd reason dont want to confront these hostile intelligence agencies and nations they belong to.
This is their own puppet saying.

Nothing to do with brain cells, it's just plain fact infront of everybody. Everyone knows but for some wierd reason dont want to confront these hostile intelligence agencies and nations they belong to.
They shud be doing wat u suggested from day one. They haven't done it even now . Not even Iran have used that strategy.
Ask yourself why ISIS never target Israel despite Israeli bearing the biggest grudge against Muslim.
Because they've never been able to operate near Israel's border. Geography is a thing that exists.

Stop spreading conspiracy theories.
Who cares.... I don't...

Isis is a Khawarji creation of CIA and Mossad using useful donkeys from brainwashed wahaabi school of thought for their own agenda...
Another comment that proves my point.
This is not about Iran. ISIS indirectly helped Iran/Assad in many ways. ISIS helped Israel, Arab regimes, US, etc.... ISIS can easily utilize campaign against Iran if it sought to. It is actually trying to improve Iran's image by making it out to be some hero against Israel. ISIS is simply targeting Hamas, for same reasons Arab regimes, US, Israel, and Iran/Assad bashed Hamas for. It is because Hamas is following the right Islamic path put out by God, at least in their military wing form. Hamas has been under relentless character assaisination by ISIS, Arab regimes, Iran led 'Resisitance regime, Israel and so forth. And none will succeed in turning Gaza public opinion against them or wrestling Gaza out of their control.

Iran tried to empower other groups in Gaza to spread Twelver Shia ideology, but Hamas cracked down on them. So it is odd why this pro-IR guy who opened thread is putting on act that he likes Hamas. He does not and despises them. But he desperately need to brand their achievements as acheivements of IR because IR is screwed without Hamas.

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