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ISI's Brigadier Martyred in Waziristan

Criticism of the martyred soldiers and those serving on the front lines per their CONSTITUTIONALLY defined roles would be out of place and should be criticised.

The institution of the Army, especially its senior leadership, is a kanjar-khana and should be criticized, ridiculed and its culpability in the deaths of these brave soldiers due to treason and violations of the constitution highlighted.

To not criticize the Fauj and Faujeet leadership for what they have done and are doing would be an insult to the memory of these martyrs, those martyred before them and those who might be martyred in the future.
I'm not saying don't criticise or put the establishment on blast, I'm saying don't do it on threads about soldiers, serving on the front lines against the enemy, embracing shahadat. Those on the front lines should not be the ones on blast. That is my point.
maybe the very next time . You American boot lickers might do it again, you will think twice now before agreeing to it Washington demands to drone another group of Pakistanis like you did with Pakistani Pashtuns civilians under mushraf criminal , This is what happens you created Pakistani fight back against itself . You Fukin losers …

Usko maf kar dana, sala waterboy ko mirgi ka dora ho gaya tha.
Come on man, give everyone a break

At the heart of the TTP is pashtunism, this is not up for debate, it's a basic truth, all you need to realize this is speak with their supporters for 30 seconds, most of their supporters and members are ethno extremists and attack Pakistan not because of religious extremism but because of the same afghan trope of KP being afghan territory, durrand line blah blah
Most of the support TTP gets is on the base of this ethnocentric extremism

Have u ever talked to them for 1 second? Heck i doubt u ever seen one live. While we had to live with them, cross their checkposts and see those hanged bodies. You are ignorant and stubborn about ur ignorance, makes u a bigger idiot. At the heart of it is deobandi extremism and nothing else. All outcome of those thousands of madrassas funded by none other than our lumber 1.
Have u ever talked to them for 1 second? Heck i doubt u ever seen one live. While we had to live with them, cross their checkposts and see those hanged bodies. You are ignorant and stubborn about ur ignorance, makes u a bigger idiot. At the heart of it is deobandi extremism and nothing else. All outcome of those thousands of madrassas funded by none other than our lumber 1.

Then who has been attacking us from Afghanistan since 1947?

I don`t know which agreements he is talking about, but what I know from my brief study of agreements and peace deals concluded between Pakistan Army and militants is they never worked and military operations were started after that.

The Brigadier shouldn`t have sent away his guards, keeping in view the past treacherous behaviour of militants.
Preparing ground to attack Afghanistan. Dollars are needed, and USA wants us to fight her war.
Fucking up Afghanistan is our war before anyone else's. Take a look at history. Stop with your cringe low IQ dollar shit, these are the low IQ islamist takes that mullahs who party with hookers spread and have committed more sin than the number of brain cells they possess.

I hope they burn Kandahar to the ground. Tokyo V2 🔥🔥🔥
Fucking up Afghanistan is our war before anyone else's. Take a look at history. Stop with your cringe low IQ dollar shit, these are the low IQ islamist takes that mullahs who party with hookers spread and have committed more sin than the number of brain cells they possess.

I hope they burn Kandahar to the ground. Tokyo V2 🔥🔥🔥
Not a single country or group attacked Pakistan before Pakistan attacked them first.
I know you hate them, it doesn't make you right.

No war in/on Afghanistan.
Not a single country or group attacked Pakistan before Pakistan attacked them first.
I know you hate them, it doesn't make you right.

No war in/on Afghanistan.
This is a straight up lie, I don't know if you're lying on purpose or you just don't know your own history too well.

Afghanistan has taken countless innocent lives of our citizens over the decades and continues to. They also invaded us.



So any war/conflict against Afghanistan is OURS before anyone elses. Any hatred people have is justified against those facists and Nazis. We have had enough of their terrorism and aggression.

Burn down Kandahar, and move onto Paktika, Khost, Kunar, etc until they unconditionally surrender.
This is a straight up lie, I don't know if you're lying on purpose or you just don't know your own history too well.

Afghanistan has taken countless innocent lives of our citizens over the decades and continues to. They also invaded us.

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So any war/conflict against Afghanistan is OURS before anyone elses. Any hatred people have is justified against those facists and Nazis. We have had enough of their terrorism and aggression.

Burn down Kandahar, and move onto Paktika, Khost, Kunar, etc until they unconditionally surrender.
The problem with us is, we take farts as attacks, and attacks as farts.
What Afghanistan was doing with us was not more than just clowning, what we did to them was a crime. And then when they attacked us, we thought of ourselves as victim.
That's what we Pakistanis think of us. Which is obviously wrong.
The problem with us is, we take farts as attacks, and attacks as farts.
What Afghanistan was doing with us was not more than just clowning, what we did to them was a crime. And then when they attacked us, we thought of ourselves as victim.
That's what we Pakistanis think of us. Which is obviously wrong.
Right. Clowns are crossing borders and attacking sovereign nations all the time.
The problem with us is, we take farts as attacks, and attacks as farts.
What Afghanistan was doing with us was not more than just clowning, what we did to them was a crime. And then when they attacked us, we thought of ourselves as victim.
That's what we Pakistanis think of us. Which is obviously wrong.
What? Afghanistan literally invaded Bajaur. Not to mention the support they gave to militants during 1949 and onwards in both Balochistan and KPK.

Faqir of Ipi literally laid down his arms and pursued for peace with Pakistan (marking the end of his movement) after realising the manipulation Afghanistan had done to him.
What? Afghanistan literally invaded Bajaur. Not to mention the support they gave to militants during 1949 and onwards in both Balochistan and KPK.

Faqir of Ipi literally laid down his arms and pursued for peace with Pakistan (marking the end of his movement) after realising the manipulation Afghanistan had done to him.
And after that?
Don't you think that we Pakistanis, as a nation, always concentrated on non issues? America Hamara dushman hai, yeh Hamara dushman hai woh Hamara dushman hai, and meanwhile intelligence agencies, military and political ghundas in Pakistan kept killing and abducting those people who were actually the strength of Pakistan? Don't you think we Pakistanis lost 1971 because we hated Bengalis just because of their skin color and that they were more hardworking and intellectually better? Don't you think after 1988 we sent thousands and thousands of "mujahids" to Indian Kashmir where majority of them was hunted down by Indian army? Kashmir is filled with unmarked Graves of Pakistanis, who lost their lives because Einsteins sitting in military establishment of Pakistan thought that it would be a good idea to send these youngsters in Kashmir? India on the other hand concentrated more on working on development and understanding the roots of terrorism and working on it on a national level. Today Pakistan is ready to given Kashmir to India, but now India wants more. It's another story.
So we better concentrate on real issues.

Edit: India is our enemy, there is no doubt in it. They want to grab whole of pakistan, and there is no any doubt in it too. But to understand the way India is dealing with this situation is important. Oppression of own people and fighting enemy at the same time is probably not a good idea.
The best approach to the situation is to empower our own people on national and international level. Understanding our own people and work for them, uniting them will be a better idea.
You can't bargain from a weak standpoint.
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