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ISIS announce laws to impose gold Jizya (tax) on Christians in Provincial Capital

I'm shaky on Islamic history, but during the reign of Muhammed (SAW), the people who he went to battle with (who were usually aggressors themselves) were given 2 conditions.
Accept Islam or pay Jizya.
Now, in this case, there was no war going on between Muslims and Christians, was there? Neither were the Christians directly taking part in most of the fighting. If the Christians were neither aggressors or fighting, then why pay Jizya?

You do make a point, usually when Muslims captured land after a battle or conquered land that's when they made these laws in an Islamic state. However, I think this makes sense and sounds better than other things at least these guys are now being tolerant it's better than all the vicious fighting going on there.

I have a feeling they're trying to gain sympathy because of recent infighting with rebels and they have taken criticism lightly they are realizing they have to change their ways. I also believe it's being rushed though. It's makes not much sense because there isn't an Islamic state there's a militant group running it.
they are
salafis are muslims too

anyway these attitudes from old times ... are not compatible with our times.
now nations are giving the people from any religion the same duties

if in Iran as a muslim i don't want to respect some duty (let's say ramadan)... i have to pay.. for exemple for ramadan i can give a penalty/money to poor people ... i need to act good , i need to show how much i keep being a good muslim even if for one good reason i couldn't respect the duty
still this is my own responsability... if people don't want act in respect of this, they do whatever they want ... that 's their own problem/business.

so even for a muslim i can't imagine giving lessons, how can a muslim consider a muslim duty should have compensation in non muslim community. especially in a world that people live together and pay nation taxes, where all citizens should have equal rights ?

of course this is islamic since muslims did it. being anti dhimmi is a choice by lot of muslims so islamiic too.
like killing human being is human attitude but doesn't mean all humans do it .
so instead of thinking it is islamic or not, we should think . ... is it right ?

and i understand non muslims see us retarded.. i can see in France the picture we give to the world , or in Asia or anywhere i travel when non muslim majority. people change, societies change ... if we don't want change then we are against genetic laws , then we consider as well the nature will of God is anti islamic . :D
What's your point? Do you support people being forced to carry out religious duties by the state?
these guys are now being tolerant

Not a good word to use. As long as they keep on fighting alongside Al Qaeda while spreading their message and beliefs with bullets, they'll be anything but tolerant.

realizing they have to change their ways.

I can tell you that Jizya has always been a source of mistrust and a frightening notion for the West. If the ISIS wanted to promote their image, they would protect and shelter Christians for free.
Not a good word to use. As long as they keep on fighting alongside Al Qaeda while spreading their message and beliefs with bullets, they'll be anything but tolerant.

I can tell you that Jizya has always been a source of mistrust and a frightening notion for the West. If the ISIS wanted to promote their image, they would protect and shelter Christians for free.

Who really cares what the West thinks? The West wants wants Muslims to turn completely secular and forget about God. Too bad for them. :lol:
I'm shaky on Islamic history, but during the reign of Muhammed (SAW), the people who he went to battle with (who were usually aggressors themselves) were given 2 conditions.
Accept Islam or pay Jizya.
Now, in this case, there was no war going on between Muslims and Christians, was there? Neither were the Christians directly taking part in most of the fighting. If the Christians were neither aggressors or fighting, then why pay Jizya?

You are talking about a hadith that talks about the war against Pagans not Christians.
It's like a contract, you respect the laws and traditions of Muslims and worship at church only and in return we let you be part of the miniature Islamic state we have currently and if any wars ever come up no Christians are required to fight. Christians are exempted from military service and it's upon Muslims only to fight any invaders once of course there actually is an Islamic state in Syria. :lol:

Oh well...I was being sarcastic there - but whatever.

How do you think the non Muslims should return this favor in non Muslim countries?
What's your point? Do you support people being forced to carry out religious duties by the state?
it seems you didn't get at all what i said.
i said no religious person should force another religion to obey their rules . even inside Islam i cannot understand why someone could force another one for its duties.. it is the own responsability of the person to do it or not
so to summarize:
1/ everyone his own religion. nation is there for respecting each other. nation is there for taxes for the ALL population needs (highways, schools, and so)
2/ if someone is not doing duties it is is own responsabiity and nobody is God to decide and force
Oh well...I was being sarcastic there - but whatever.

How do you think the non Muslims should return this favor in non Muslim countries?

Bring it on, we'll be glad for a civil war in this nation. :lol:

This isn't that bad, Muslims don't have much religious activity outside of mosques and schools, Christians are exempted military service and from other taxes. Muslims end up paying more taxes because they have to take a portion of their income tax it's known as 'Zakaat'. Regarding the cultural aspect, Christians are already assimilated into their culture and wearing scarves is common amongst some Arabic Christians.
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Cut out their hearts and eat it isis dogs . You want 17 gms of gold ( thats like 800-1200 USD) from people who have nothing to eat .
You are talking about a hadith that talks about the war against Pagans not Christians.

Woah . so its justified against pagans not Christians . How very 21st century of you .
What do you mean?

Cut out their hearts and eat it isis dogs . You want 17 gms of gold ( thats like 800-1200 USD) from people who have nothing to eat .

Woah . so its justified against pagans not Christians . How very 21st century of you .

It's yearly though or even just one time, I'm not sure. But, IRS here makes is pay 36% income tax. :(
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