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ISI still desperate for sand samples of nuclear test area in Pokhran

PSLV is not enough for such things.You need something evven more powerful than the GSLV.
IMO a Remote Sensing Satellite orbiting in lower orbit shall suffice the cause which is to find and analyse radioactive elements in Pokhran region by carrying elctro-optical payload and spectrometers..
IMO a Remote Sensing Satellite orbiting in lower orbit shall suffice the cause which is to find and analyse radioactive elements in Pokhran region by carrying elctro-optical payload and spectrometers..
Oh i am sorry,i thought you were talking about satellites which will analylse radioactive elements of planets of other galaxies.
True each element has a different wavelength however it is not easy to read all those wavelength we did a minimal study using MALDI TOF on something (cant disclose more work needs to be done not sure anyone picked it up) mind you...Unless the stupid element is in its original form the peaks are soo confusing and some scientists (like my prof) actually admitted some work is based on estimated predictions and not accuracy!

we need advanced equipment then and it shall be multipurpose .. nothing is impossible..

Oh i am sorry,i thought you were talking about satellites which will analylse radioactive elements of planets of other galaxies.

no way man.. at least five decades are required for Pakistan to even complete a feasibility study to start such a big project.. we are far far behind in the space technology..
we need advanced equipment then and it shall be multipurpose .. nothing is impossible..
Well I am not soo sure about all the equipment available in Pakistan...never said it is impossible but if Pak actually invested in R&D with the brains we have in Pakistan we wouldnt have been soo far behind...

A little bit of mentoring and people would have been on the right track but that would mean less input for the fat stomachs!
Well I am not soo sure about all the equipment available in Pakistan...never said it is impossible but if Pak actually invested in R&D with the brains we have in Pakistan we wouldnt have been soo far behind...

A little bit of mentoring and people would have been on the right track but that would mean less input for the fat stomachs!

Corruption aside.. but we have bigger problem here.. In a project I had to order thermal cameras and it required approval from some govt agency from US and it was required to be told as to what purpose the cameras shall be used etc etc.. so either you manufacture these by yourself or smuggle them from those countries who have the technology.. I am not sure Pakistan has even the technology to manufacture cameras and lenses.. i know having such a technology is a far cry!!
1988? :o:

This is the level of reporting, reporting without proofing! TOI is known for generating news out of thin air... Doesn't worth a read!

Times of India is nicknames TOIlet

there is a reason for that. They report absolute garbage. No ethics, no standards. :sick:
The word desperate is so stupidly used in the article...If ISI was desperate they would have infiltrated the area or done some covert op already and India wouldnt be reporting it :crazy:

You MUST understand ... India is not pakistan and pakistan is not USA.
The word desperate is so stupidly used in the article...If ISI was desperate they would have infiltrated the area or done some covert op already and India wouldnt be reporting it :crazy:
Isnt ISI desperate about kashmir? What happened? Isnt kashmir still with India? So..by default ISI being desperate about something is not equal to them getting it. US couldnot even pick up a slightest thing during the nuclear tests with all those sats and HUMINT. So, forget ISI laying their hands on sand samples. And not to mention...RAW is also guarding it so expect some stiff resistance. :smokin:
Isnt ISI desperate about kashmir? What happened? Isnt kashmir still with India? So..by default ISI being desperate about something is not equal to them getting it. US couldnot even pick up a slightest thing during the nuclear tests with all those sats and HUMINT. So, forget ISI laying their hands on sand samples. And not to mention...RAW is also guarding it so expect some stiff resistance. :smokin:
good you do ur job we will do ours ;)
Isnt ISI desperate about kashmir? What happened? Isnt kashmir still with India? So..by default ISI being desperate about something is not equal to them getting it. US couldnot even pick up a slightest thing during the nuclear tests with all those sats and HUMINT. So, forget ISI laying their hands on sand samples. And not to mention...RAW is also guarding it so expect some stiff resistance. :smokin:
Whatever rows your boat..no point "discussing" with a 1 sided person who has a made up mind set! Go save your mirch masalah news with whatever excuses!
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