We both want the same thing, then. Why the snide sarcasm?
No, it was not a threat. Most Americans feel that the billions we send overseas is needed at home.
At the same time, I want the U.S. military to be capable and effective. The military is not a police force, not an organization of reconstruction, they are an engine of DEstruction, to be used when absolutely necessary. No nation-building.
Unfortunately.. that has not exactly worked out that well.. has it?
And a lot of that has to do with the failure of the US to have its allies convinced that it is there for good. Its failure to detach itself from the Israel mania existent in its usual target audience. Solomon posting pictures of US military personnel risking their lives and working hard to provide aid and support to people or articles by other pro-US members do little to convince people when their lives are still unchanged despite billions upon billions of US taxpayers money. When they are still killed by suicide bombers and their relatives hear Mullen asking people to do MORE. The much touted democracy has done nothing for us..
The target audience has been fed aid.. nothing more.. there wasnt a change in the system..
So as far as the target audience is concerned.. they see American AID as useless, they dont see how the part of it that gets past the kick backs and the commissions is keeping the economy alive here.
because it is not tangible to them.. Had the US come here, and opened a line outside the US embassy handing out 10000 dollars to every Pakistani it may have had a different impact. Although chances are it would have had Pakistani's queuing up for more the next day.
There was a brilliant initiative by USAID to get people set up entrepreneurship in KP.. some of it worked, but as the usual story goes.. most of the resources used for it ended up with corrupt officials.
Ive heard some Pakistani's say they would rather have China takeover.. to fix the system.. kill a million or so... since they themselves are unable to decide what to do.. or who to follow. Everyone who they have followed has led them to a pit.
To them. all the US is doing is feeding the ones they know as corrupt.. and they see the US critiquing their military which they adore.
So truly.. addressing the American taxpayer..
I would say your money is being wasted.. you are better off burning that paper than sending it to the IRS where it eventually ends up in swiss bank accounts. The Pak military is itself unsure how to deal with the situation.. its leadership has its hands full trying to tackle covert actions from you, India.. the Taliban, They have to keep their image at home and abroad. They cannot be bothered with .. NOR should they be bothered with changing anything.
They are a part of the nation.. and will change only with the nation.
Its a dead end here.. wrongs that cannot be undone.
Pakistan is a proverbial bottomless pit, and like Afghanistan.. needs to be left alone.
US Aid... needs to sent back to the US to get the economy back on track.
US troops need to be bought home, only to be used at a moments notice to protect the US whilst maintaining minimal presence at its interests abroad.
As far as the CIA-ISI relationship is concerned.. they are espionage agencies..
If they did anything less than that, they ought to be disbanded.
The Israeli's are claimed to be the US's inseparable allies, yet they too have been caught spying now and then on the US.
But watching one's interest is necessary in this trustless world.