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ISI ordered journalist's murder - More US Propaganda?

How does Cheema know he was abducted by the ISI, that is my question, since the statement he claims was made by his abductors implicates the government, not the ISI.

Exactly bro, and in his piece he mentioned that the men were telling him that the "govt" were not happy at his writing - suggests if he is telling the truth - that it could be police special branch, or CID -
But the anonymous sources are definitely intelligence reports.Their identities must be protected.
Also why would US spread rumors,as these would complicate their stand on WoT.

But without actual evidence, the US could claim anything through 'anonymous sources', that does not automatically mean those claims are true.

And given the tensions between the US and Paksitan currently, the US has every motive to try and malign Pakistan to pressure it.
thanks bro..... :) there is no one who can defent ISI on any factual grounds now.....
I agree.. without investigation it would be too early to conclude but see ISI is not letting investigate this matter. Also if their hands are clean they must had stepped ahead and said we will help you investigate this matter and will give access to anybody who you want to investigage - our hands are clear and we have nothing to fear. BUT this is exactly what is not happening.

This gives you more reasons to believe they are involved and they are behind it.

Yeah right - trust the people who said Iraq had WMD and who now are desperate for us to go into NWA. IMO he was killed by the militants - who he cultivated and befriended.
Saleem Shahzad was killed by terrorist sympathizers/collaborators who have infiltrated the intelligence services of this nation.

They had a reason for this as Shahzad was writing openly about their infiltration and further plans. As you know that there are a number of terrorist supporters and admirers in every institute of Pakistan, they do these acts with impunity and the blame lies upon the entire institute which gets derided further.

His death had the hallmarks of ISI but the saner elements would never kill him, the terrorist sympathizers will because he was exposing them for who they are.
his call details were deleted from mobilink's "SIEBEL"..... and then the data returned..... but only 8 non biased innocent calls remained in the SIBEL server afterwards...all the good data was gone...

also ,all cellular network saves location data (BSS cell IDs which can pin point quite much of location within meters) when they are told to do so. all MSCs in pakistan , have special E 1, which terminate towards the ISI.

guess who else could get the data removed and reinstated and mutated in between.
Sorry to say this but this forum is full of sheeple. These people have literally got their lips attached to the ahole of the American media and instantly swallow all the sh@t that flows from the an@s of their white masters.
Sorry to say this but this forum is full of sheeple. These people have literally got their lips attached to the ahole of the American media and instantly swallow all the sh@t that flows from the an@s of their white masters.

Are u talking about ur Generals and GOP ??
I think reply should have been like this : It is none of US or Guardian Business - It's Pakistan's Internal Matter Should have shown middle finger like the Israelis.
How the GOP and ISI are different ??
The ISI is a military intelligence agency, primarily focused on foreign intelligence gathering. The GoP controls a civilian intelligence agency that is responsible for domestic intelligence gathering called the Intelligenc Bureau (IB). The provincial governments then have provincial intelligence agencies and FBI type organizations under their control.

Do you understand the difference now or do you need to be spoonfed even more?

This arguement is laughable. It is written in the blog that he was abducted by ISI.. U know when u get abducted u will know who abducted u .. when they ask the questions ?? U always never get explicit answers... Try to read between the lines.
So just because it is 'written in a blog and claimed by an individual' it is true? How absurd.

If Cheema has reasons to blame the ISI, then he needs to provide them and provide the evidence to support his accusations. So far there is nothing to support the ISI abducted and tortured him claim. His own statement of what the abducters said implicates the GoP, not the ISI.

---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 AM ----------

Sorry to say this but this forum is full of sheeple. These people have literally got their lips attached to the ahole of the American media and instantly swallow all the sh@t that flows from the an@s of their white masters.

I think you are referring to the 'Pakistani liberal fascist bayghairat brigade' in the media.
just propaganda against isi and pak army
Saleem shehzad had been crosses his limits of journalism
look i strongly believe the PAKISTANI MEDIA IS NOT AZAAD IT IS AWAARA!!!! it will go to any length to increase TRP ratings.......not everything should be known by everyone.......and definetly no mutilated bodies should be aired live on tv! however, saleem shahzad probably got killed by people who want to defame ISI's name and role.......ISI doesn't need to go out and hunt journalists because it is bad media for them....ISI always wants to remain under the radar hence someone who wanted to spoil the name of ISI must have killed him!
Yeah right - trust the people who said Iraq had WMD and who now are desperate for us to go into NWA. IMO he was killed by the militants - who he cultivated and befriended.

No Rafi this is taking wrong lead from wrong people. US and NATO are GOD D@M Heliians and I love to drag them to dust for their crimes against humanity but do no confuse this matter because they are saying something about it. Simply give D@M to what they think and what they say.. this is our internal matter and we got to set our own hom in order for our reasons and our own good. To me, Americans simply do not exist on this matter.. so there is no reason why I or you should put an ear to what they say. Hope this helps you understand what I am trying to say.
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