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ISI ordered journalist's murder - More US Propaganda?

“Your reporting has upset the government.”

I would think that the statement above points to the government, not the ISI, so why blame the ISI?

The GoP has plenty of 'civilian muscle' at its disposal, such as the IB, FIA and various provincial law enforcement and intel agencies.
In terms of the article itself, as I pointed out on another thread, yet more 'anonymous sources caliming to have heard anonymous gossip, rumor, speculation'.

Yet more propaganda by the US Establishment's favorite media tool on foreign policy, the NYT.
In terms of the article itself, as I pointed out on another thread, yet more 'anonymous sources caliming to have heard anonymous gossip, rumor, speculation'.

Yet more propaganda by the US Establishment's favorite media tool on foreign policy, the NYT.
But the anonymous sources are definitely intelligence reports.Their identities must be protected.
Also why would US spread rumors,as these would complicate their stand on WoT.
How has the ISI been nailed? Cheema quotes the people involved as saying '“Your reporting has upset the government.” , so that would point to the civilian government and civilian institutions, correct?

Cheema is the journalist who was abducted and abused by Pakistani intelligence agents last September. He told a rapt APPNA audience about how, driving home after he was released, he asked himself whether he could remain in journalism and, if so, whether he could remain silent about what had been done to him. He said, in a compellingly matter-of-fact tone, that the answers to both questions were immediately obvious to him. So he does what he does and says what he says, because he can’t do or say otherwise. He told me that we have a long time to be silent after we’re dead, so as long as we’re alive we should act as if we’re alive.

Read the first few lines.. It is clear that ISI has a history of doing that... and pls also read the whole blog... selective reading is not good
I said before to some dude here, that if its a false allegation then relevant authorities should take action against the news paper. this is how simple it is to counter these allegations !

How exactly? The NYT will state that they were simply quoting 'US officials' whose identity cannot be revealed for national security reasons, and because it involves 'sensitive intelligence information'.

So what next?

I do think that the GoP should enact a policy under which Pakistani media at least should verify allegations made in the foreign press with the institutions accused, and only re-publish stories such as these with the opposing POV made clear, rather than simply giving credibility to the foreign media reports.
Read the first few lines.. It is clear that ISI has a history of doing that... and pls also read the whole blog... selective reading is not good

I read the entire thing - the first few lines are nothing but opinion - on what basis is the claim in the first few lines made?

I am not engaging in 'selective reading', you are choosing to believe unsubstantiated opinion because of your prejudice against the ISI/PA.

Please point me to any part of the story that provides any concrete evidence of ISI involvement.
A little simplistic, no? What did US get from defaming Saddam?

Nevertheless, US can get a scapegoat for its failure in Afghanistan, and perhaps pressure Pakistan to get after militants in North Waziristan.

Ok lets say USA wanted to get the oil from iraq so killed saddam..but wat has pakistan to offer USA??No oil, No Gas no gold mines,no diamond mines..wat does Pakistan have so that usa is desperate to conquer them as many of u guys claim here??if u say nukes im sorry USA has thousands of times more nuke than that of pakistan USA disembles more bombs a year than pakistan adds, pakistan doesnot even have a market for US products..

and about the bolded area --why does some body need to add pressure on u to act upon militants??heck if they werre to be ur internal problem like maoists in india no body would care, but ur goodies cross the border and kill foreigners(non pakistanis) and they live and thrive in pakistan .and if pakistan is not gaoing to act on them who will act??then there r 2 ways of looking t it
1. either pakistan doesnot want to take action on them for some motives of their own
2. They are not efficient enof to take action.

in those cases to things are bound to happen:1. world will loose patience and soon there will be strike on pakistan and its unfortunate ppl
2. Pakistan should sooner ask UN help and deploy UN peace keeping troops in pakistan something like somalia does.
These allegations are laughable - it is clear to those in the know - that the NYT and the WP are conduits for the US national security establishments - what is a apparent to Intel is that the Yanks want to pressure us in to going into NWA - by hook or crook.

Regarding Intel killing Mr Shezad - if they killed him - you would have never ever seen or heard from him again - they could have also picked him up, in his regular trips with militants to the tribal areas. Intel works on the premise of plausible deniability.

A rather crude and silly US "fugazi" - but we will go into NWA - when we have pacified other areas.
I read the entire thing - the first few lines are nothing but opinion - on what basis is the claim in the first few lines made?

I am not engaging in 'selective reading', you are choosing to believe unsubstantiated opinion because of your prejudice against the ISI/PA.

Please point me to any part of the story that provides any concrete evidence of ISI involvement.

comeon dude.. can't u read... it was not an opinion .. he was telling what had been said by Mr. cheema in APPNA conference about his abduction by ISI .

I can't help u now
Well, if so the same guys have ordered an investigation committee:

ISLAMABAD: The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) expressed concern on Friday over what it called ‘unfounded and baseless insinuation’ being voiced in a section of print and electronic media against Inter-Services Intelligence agency with regard to the murder of journalist Saleem Shahzad.

“Such negative aspersions and accusations were also voiced against ISI in some previous cases but investigations proved those wrong,” a spokesperson of the ISPR said. He strongly supported the formation of a commission to investigate the murder.

“The case must be investigated thoroughly and facts made known to the people,” he

And when we ask for proof, this is what happens:

Lets not give a damn to idiots, who just wanna break army down.
Please follow these links. Link 1, Link 2
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comeon dude.. can't u read... it was not an opinion .. he was telling what had been said by Mr. cheema in APPNA conference about his abduction by ISI .

I can't help u now

How does Cheema know he was abducted by the ISI, that is my question, since the statement he claims was made by his abductors implicates the government, not the ISI.
How does Cheema know he was abducted by the ISI, that is my question, since the statement he claims was made by his abductors implicates the government, not the ISI.

How the GOP and ISI are different ?? This arguement is laughable. It is written in the blog that he was abducted by ISI.. U know when u get abducted u will know who abducted u .. when they ask the questions ?? U always never get explicit answers... Try to read between the lines.

ISI is indeed doing this dirty job.. No question about it
Pakistan’s Spies Tied to Slaying of a Journalist
Anjum Naveed/Associated Press

Published: July 4, 2011

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Obama administration officials believe that Pakistan’s powerful spy agency ordered the killing of a Pakistani journalist who had written scathing reports about the infiltration of militants in the country’s military, according to American officials.

New classified intelligence obtained before the May 29 disappearance of the journalist, Saleem Shahzad, 40, from the capital, Islamabad, and after the discovery of his mortally wounded body, showed that senior officials of the spy agency, the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, directed the attack on him in an effort to silence criticism, two senior administration officials said.

The intelligence, which several administration officials said they believed was reliable and conclusive, showed that the actions of the ISI, as it is known, were “barbaric and unacceptable,” one of the officials said. They would not disclose further details about the intelligence.

But the disclosure of the information in itself could further aggravate the badly fractured relationship between the United States and Pakistan, which worsened significantly with the American commando raid two months ago that killed Osama bin Laden in a Pakistan safehouse and deeply embarrassed the Pakistani government, military and intelligence hierarchy. Obama administration officials will deliberate in the coming days how to present the information about Mr. Shahzad to the Pakistani government, an administration official said.

The disclosure of the intelligence was made in answer to questions about the possibility of its existence, and was reluctantly confirmed by the two officials. “There is a lot of high-level concern about the murder; no one is too busy not to look at this,” said one.

A third senior American official said there was enough other intelligence and indicators immediately after Mr. Shahzad’s death for the Americans to conclude that the ISI had ordered him killed.

“Every indication is that this was a deliberate, targeted killing that was most likely meant to send shock waves through Pakistan’s journalist community and civil society,” said the official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the delicate nature of the information.

A spokesman for the Pakistan intelligence agency said in Islamabad on Monday night that “I am not commenting on this.” George Little, a spokesman for the Central Intelligence Agency, declined to comment.

In a statement the day after Mr. Shahzad’s waterlogged body was retrieved from a canal 60 miles from Islamabad, the ISI publicly denied accusations in the Pakistani news media that it had been responsible, calling them “totally unfounded.”

The ISI said the journalist’s death was “unfortunate and tragic,” and should not be “used to target and malign the country’s security agency.”

The killing of Mr. Shahzad, a contributor to the Web site Asia Times Online, aroused an immediate furor in the freewheeling news media in Pakistan.

Mr. Shahzad was the 37th journalist killed in Pakistan since the 9/11 attacks, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.

Pakistan’s civilian government, under pressure from the media, established a commission headed by a Supreme Court justice to investigate Mr. Shahzad’s death. The findings are scheduled to be released early next month.

Mr. Shahzad suffered 17 lacerated wounds delivered by a blunt instrument, a ruptured liver and two broken ribs, said Dr. Mohammed Farrukh Kamal, one of the three physicians who conducted the post-mortem.

The anger over Mr. Shahzad’s death followed unprecedented questioning in the media about the professionalism of the army and the ISI, a military-controlled spy agency, in the aftermath of the Bin Laden raid.

Since that initial volley of questioning, the ISI has mounted a steady counter-campaign. Senior ISI officials have called and visited journalists, warning them to douse their criticisms and rally around the theme of a united country, according to three journalists who declined to be named for fear of reprisals.

Mr. Shahzad, who wrote articles over the last several years that illuminated the relationship between the militants and the military, was abducted from the capital three days after publication of his article that said Al Qaeda was responsible for an audacious 16-hour commando attack on Pakistan’s main naval base in Karachi on May 22.

The attack was a reprisal for the navy’s arresting up to 10 naval personnel who had belonged to a Qaeda cell, Mr. Shahzad said.

The article, published by Asia Times Online, detailed how the attackers were guided by maps and logistical information provided from personnel inside the base

Particularly embarrassing for the military, Mr. Shahzad described negotiations before the raid between the navy and a Qaeda representative, Abdul Samad Mansoor. The navy refused to release the detainees, Mr. Shahzad wrote. The Pakistani military maintains that it does not negotiate with militants.

Mr. Shahzad prided himself on staying out of the mainstream press, preferring, he wrote in a preface to his recently published book, “Inside Al Qaeda and the Taliban,” to challenge the “conventional wisdom.”

Relatives and journalists carried the coffin of Mr. Shahzad after it arrived in Karachi on June 1. The ISI, the nation's top spy agency, had denied accusations that it was responsible for his death.

He had submitted articles to Asia Times Online, which claims 150,000 readers, since 2001, when he was a reporter in Karachi uncovering corruption in the public utility, the editor of the Web site, Tony Allison, said.

He broke into the limelight two years ago with an interview with Ilyas Kashmiri, a highly trained Pakistani militant allied to Al Qaeda. Mr. Kashmiri is believed to have been killed in a drone attack in early June.

According to associates, Mr. Shahzad cultivated contacts inside the military and the intelligence agency and members of militant groups, some from his student days in Jamaat Islami, a religious political party.

Some of his stories were threaded with embellishments. Soon after the Bin Laden raid, Mr. Shahzad wrote that Gen. David H. Petraeus visited the chief of the Pakistani Army, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, and informed him, an account the White House strongly disputes. Pakistani journalists questioned the authenticity of some of Mr. Shahzad’s reporting: whether those doubts arose from professional jealousy or were well founded was never clear.

But the ISI had been interested in Mr. Shahzad for some time. In an e-mail written to Ali Dayan Hasan, the head of Human Rights Watch in Pakistan, which Mr. Shahzad instructed Mr. Hasan to release if something happened to him, Mr. Shahzad gave details of an Oct. 17 meeting at ISI headquarters, where two senior officials in the press section wanted to discuss an article he had written about the release of an interrogated Afghan Taliban commander, Abdul Ghani Baradar.

At the end, Mr. Shahzad said, he had been given what Mr. Hasan said he understood to be a veiled death threat from the head of the press section, Rear Adm. Adnan Nazir. “We have recently arrested a terrorist and recovered a lot of data, diaries and other material during the interrogation,” Mr. Shahzad quoted Admiral Nazir saying. “The terrorist had a list with him. If I find your name in the list, I will certainly let you know.”

In its statement after the death of Mr. Shahzad, the ISI said the agency notifies “institutions and individuals alike of any threat warning received about them.” There were no “veiled or unveiled threats” in the e-mail, the ISI said.

Hameed Haroon, the publisher of Dawn, an English-language newspaper and the head of the newspaper publishers’ association in Pakistan, said that the journalist had confided to him that “he had received death threats from various officers of the ISI on at least three occasions in the past five years.”

It was possible that Mr. Shahzad had become too cavalier, said Ayesha Siddiqa, a Pakistani columnist and author.

“The rules of the game are not completely well defined,” she said. “Sometimes friendly elements cross an imaginary threshold and it is felt they must be taught a lesson.”

The efforts by the ISI to constrain the Pakistani news media have, to a degree, worked in recent days. The virulent criticism after Mr. Shahzad’s death has tempered a bit.

A Pakistani reporter, Waqar Kiani, who works for the British newspaper The Guardian, was beaten in the capital after Mr. Shahzad’s death with wooden batons and a rubber whip, by men who said: “You want to be a hero. We’ll make you a hero,” the newspaper reported. Mr. Kiani had just published an account of his abduction two years earlier at the hands of intelligence agents.


A vigil in Islamabad in June for Saleem Shahzad, who wrote scathing reports about the infiltration of militants in the army.
I agree.. without investigation it would be too early to conclude but see ISI is not letting investigate this matter. Also if their hands are clean they must had stepped ahead and said we will help you investigate this matter and will give access to anybody who you want to investigage - our hands are clear and we have nothing to fear. BUT this is exactly what is not happening.

This gives you more reasons to believe they are involved and they are behind it.
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