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ISI involved in 26/11, chief Pasha told CIA shortly after attacks: Book

"Denial" isn't the correct word, since if one is in denial, it implies that counter-evidence to one's belief is overwhelming.

Its not In Denial, but managing denials

In Denial implies what you mentioned

Denying something is simply disagreeing to it..
Dear Indian friend i am posting some links of you tube, in which some of the questions raised by Mr. Talat Hussain one of the most prominent and famous journalist of Pakistan in his investigative program conduct at the Indian Dossier at AAj TV.

[following are links of youtube of the Program which Talat Hussain present at AAJ TV before the dosiear given to Pakistan


I would appreciate if you could provide latest updates about the Col. Purohit and for what crimes he was accused?
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even a dump cheaf will never say somthing like this that we kill 196 innocents.sir pasha may be angry today .
I would appreciate if my Indian friend could comment at the following article

Who sent Hemant Karkare to his death?
Published: Monday, Nov 23, 2009, 3:08 IST
By Nikhil S Dixit | Agency: DNA

The 26/11 terror attacks threw up many controversies. Most died on their own; some were forgotten with the passing of time. But even after a year, the death of anti-terrorism squad (ATS) chief Hemant Karkare continues to raise questions.

Karkare, additional commissioner of police Ashok Kamte, and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar were killed on the night of 26/11 when two of the terrorists, Abu Ismail and Ajmal Amir Kasab, opened fire on the vehicle in which they were travelling.

“I still do not have the answers to several of my questions,” said Kavita Karkare, the ATS chief’s widow. “I would like to know why it took 40 minutes for help to reach the injured officers in Rang Bhavan Lane despite it being so close to the police headquarters.”

More questions follow. Whywas Karkare the only senior police officer to go to the spot? Why were ‘substandard’ bullet-proof jackets supplied to the police? Why was no investigation ordered to find out who was responsible for this? How did the jacket worn by Karkare go missing? “The questions are endless, but there have been no answers,” Kavita said.

A few days after the attack, AR Antulay, who was then the Union minority affairs minister, said in Parliament: “He [Karkare] was making an independent investigation in which he found non-Muslim terrorists involved. Whether he was just a victim of terror or something [else], I do not know. I knew him personally. I salute him.”

Antulay’s statement triggered a row because just before 26/11, Karkare and his team had busted a Hindu fundamentalist group for allegedly planning and executing the Malegaon bomb blast of September 29, 2008.

The Mumbai police have maintained that there was nothing sinister about the delay in help reaching the injured officers. They said the police control room learnt of the shootout in Rang Bhavan Lane almost 30 minutes after it took place.

The Ram Pradhan committee, which was set up to look into the lapses by the authorities in dealing with the terrorist attack, reportedly gave the police a clean chit. About a week ago, the bullet-proof jacket worn by Karkare on the fateful night was found missing.

“This definitely is a major lapse on the part of the police,” a senior home department official said. “An inquiry has been ordered to find out how such a crucial piece of evidence was lost.”

Recently, former IPS officer SM Mushrif opened a can of worms by blaming the Research and Analysis Wing and the Intelligence Bureau for Karkare’s death in hisbook, Who Killed Karkare?

“It is definitely a conspiracy hatched at the behest of R&AW and IB,” Mushrif said. “I have done my own investigation and learnt that Karkare had opened the sensational Malegaon blast case and people were out to kill him.

“On November 18, specific intelligence was received from the US that an LeT vessel had left for Mumbai with terrorists. R&AW and IB officers had the information, but they did not pass on the information to the Mumbai police.”

Link of the above artical: Who sent Hemant Karkare to his death? - Mumbai - DNA
The last time we checked there has been no such history about having any psycho as our intelligence chief unlike India hence the quote is unbelievable

You had a psycho called 'Pakistani Lion' Hamid Gul as your intelligence chief ,of whom Pakistanis are very proud of. We don't really care or know the name of our intelligence chief ,leave alone hero worshiping and giving the power to run the country.
You had a psycho called 'Pakistani Lion' Hamid Gul as your intelligence chief ,of whom Pakistanis are very proud of. We don't really care or know the name of our intelligence chief ,leave alone hero worshiping and giving the power to run the country.

U should watch ur dirty mouth... atleast our army doesnt hae rapists and perverts generals like I.A.

If he were a psycho russians wouldnt be in russia today KHAD wouldnt be .... ans indians wouldnt be s... scared.
What new Mr. Bob Woodward came up with his book. lol No one ever seen that the accuse say I have done this!!!

Why dont indian sue Zaid Hamid.....??? or whatever he says is true then...

Who can sue this???? :lol: He is a gem and remain so.... we need people like him.

"Our scientists read them, copied them and send them back to USA...." lol
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ISI involved in 26/11, chief Pasha told CIA shortly after attacks: Book

ISI involved in 26/11, chief Pasha told CIA shortly after attacks: Book


bas karo yaar:lazy::lazy::lazy:
ISI involved in 26/11, chief Pasha told CIA shortly after attacks: Book

WASHINGTON: Less than a month after the Mumbai attacks, Pakistan's spy agency chief Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha had admitted before the CIA that the terror strikes had ISI links but claimed it was not an "authorised" operation and carried out by "rogue" elements, according to a new book.

However, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) later received reliable intelligence that the ISI was directly involved in the training for Mumbai, says the book entitled 'Obama's War' written by investigative American journalist Bob Woodward.

According to the book, the then President George W Bush during his meetings with his top aides had said that the terrorist attack on Mumbai was just like 9/11.

"President Bush called his national security team into the Oval Office as Mumbai sorted through the blood and rubble. You guys get planning and do what you have to do to prevent a war between Pakistan and India, Bush told his aides. The last thing we need right now is a war between two nuclear-power states," Woodward says in his book which hit the stands today.

Giving an insight into the thinking and actions of the Bush Administration during and immediately after the Mumbai attacks, Woodward writes that an "upset Bush asked his aides about contingency plans for dealing with Pakistan," given his policy of "zero tolerance" for terrorists and their enablers.

"This is like 9/11, he (Bush) said," Woodward wrote. "The United States military did not have 'war' plans for an invasion of Pakistan. Instead, it had and continues to have one of the most sensitive and secret of all military contingencies, what military officials call a 'retribution' plan in the event of another 9/11-like attack on the US by terrorists based in Pakistan," the book says.

Under this plan, the US would bomb or attack every known al-Qaeda compound or training camp in the US intelligence database. "Some locations might be outdated, but there would be no concern, under the plan, for who might be living there now. The attribution plan called for a brutal punishing attack on at least 150 or more associated camps," Woodward says.

According to Woodward, within 48 hours of the Mumbai attack, the then CIA Director Mike Hayden contacted Pakistan Ambassador to the US, Hussain Haqqani.

"CIA intelligence showed no direct ISI links, Hayden told him. These are former people who are no longer employees of the Pakistani government," he wrote.

"Bush informed the Indians himself. He called Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, with whom he had a strong personal relationship. My intelligence shows that the new Pakistani government is not involved, Bush said. It looked like a war had been averted for the moment," Woodward writes.

ISI involved in 26/11, chief Pasha told CIA shortly after attacks: Book - The Times of India

All BULLSHIT as expected this a pre-planned attack by the Indian Govt and Israeli govt to find a way to destabilize Pakistan and find a way to go on war with Pakistan.

Since 1947 Indians has been blaming Pakistan for every single attack in India always blaming Pakistan authorities and there is NO EVIDENCE found since then. The whole world knows the reality and the evil face of India.

In 26/11 Indian officials killed their own Police men who were near to arrest many corrupt and murderers politician. This fact was admitted by many Indians whom ever i have spoken with. The attackers were all Indians and they were killed so brutally by the Indian forces so that they can never be recognized. Ajmal Qasab(which is not his true name) is an Indian trained person.

Pakistan is a victim of terrorism and many evidence have been found of Indian involvement of supporting and exporting terrorism through out Pakistan.

So this 26/11 attack is all a lie nothing else no truth or no reality in this.

Pakistan Zindabad Pak Fauj Zindabad
Are you all gone mad.....Pasha didn't say this....Neither the CIA chief....Its the BOOK saying this.....I am surprised you guys are even taking it seriously
So now Bob Woodward is an Indian Agent or Moron. Great to know, who else next.. this man almost single handedly brought Richard Nixon's fall, now do not tell me that he conspired with a Jew (Carl Bernstein) to do this.

I have my greatest sympathies for people who cannot reason, or a sense of introspection about it.

Bob Woodward is legendary journalist, who does not need to "create" controversy to sell his books. They will sell no matter what, he has access to the corridors of power as Editor of Washington Post, one of the most renowned Newspapers in US.

Shooting the messenger is becoming a standard practice over here, which will be detriment to the existence of the forum... Go ahead load the Guns shoot the bullets and say every one who do not "project" Pakistan and its Army in not so generous terms, as Indian Agent, Moron or wannabe selling books.

Good Luck with that Y'all.
Typical replies from Indians (not all, but a good number) when Pakistan accuses India without proof: "Where is the proof?" Basically their main point is: "Can you prove Indian involvement?"

Typical from Indians when Pakistan is accused without proof: A whole bunch of sarcasm, such as the accuser must be doing a conspiracy, must be a CIA/RAW/Mossad agent, you're shooting the messenger, since it's in a book it's got to be true, a lot of people believe it hence it must be true, you cannot reason, if you don't believe it then you're illogical and irrational (look at the audacity and irony of that), etc. Which in other words, can be summarized as: Basically their main point is: "Can you disprove Pakistani involvement?"

They do not question the need for proof for the accusation of Pakistani involvement. Pakistanis need to disprove that Pakistan involved. If they do not accept the accusation -- even though the accusation may have no evidence supporting it -- they must be thinking that accuser is a RAW/CIA/Mossad agent, they are conspiracy theorists (which is quite ironic btw, considering who really is the conspiracy theorist here!), they cannot reason, etc, etc.

They setup arguments in ways that if you don't accept their argument, even if they have no proof supporting their arguments, you look stupid. Such as if you don't accept this, you must believe that this person must be a RAW agent, or you must be a conspiracy theorist -- and again, they have the audacity to say that even if they have no proof supporting their argument.

You know, quite frankly I am quite tired of these hypocritical double standards and intimidation from Indians. I have mentioned quite a few times about these double standards but they really couldn't be more clear than what we see in this topic.

InPhilTraitor: You mentioned about reasoning. Where is the most important component of reasoning here: proof?

And a word to Pakistanis. Please don't fall for the sarcasm traps set up by Indians all across the topic. Just like they question the need for evidence, do the same! Just like they call you conspiracy theorists in other cases, call them such here, since they are indeed making conspiracy theories here.

---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ----------

Its not In Denial, but managing denials

In Denial implies what you mentioned

Denying something is simply disagreeing to it..

Ok, yeah, fair enough.
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A same kind of stuff just rumours not real proof about these things......its kind of same think Indian are trying to do.....Just have look the following videos on YouTube ....Musharaf is anwering to Indian Journalist....who asked that General Kiani said that Taliban in Pakistan are their backbone.......and when Musaraf asked him with challenge give me the details of his interview...he can't say this..
then that Jounalist said he read in some book..............What a crap...

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If there is no evidence supporting these claims, then we might as well think that the claim was never made. Bring in the evidence to support the claim!
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