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ISI chief knew whereabouts of Osama bin Laden's hideout: NYT

To underestimate this NYT report is tantamount to declaring "Tajmahal" to be in Pakistan.
Or ISI is just bunkum/balderdash.
America knew there was a conspiracy to hijack planes and fly them into the WTC and always knew where OBL was. I've said this over and over again, they only kept him alive to prolong the war and drone programs in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. The whole thing of 9/11 was to invade and destroy Iraq which was one of the most advanced nations at the time. It also gives them excuses to take military action in any sovereign nation under the disguise of 'fighting terrorism'.

Stop making threads like this where you make it like it was a real struggle, it wasn't. Those wars had nothing to do with one man, that's what state media wants you to believe and accept.
Yeah...half the ISI goes after terrorists, half of the ISI protects them.

Pasha knows where he was...Musharraf protected him.

Still they get death attempts on them...and Pakistanis get killed even when they are protecting OBL.


First these assho!es say that we have the Malaysian plane, now this trash.

These people need to get a life and report with some facts instead of selling paranoia and bullshit.
On Kargil, did not the Pakistan say "its not Pakistan, its mujhadin"
Later we had Tape recorded messages of Musharaf and his man from Chinese hotel room?
these crafty intelligence org's no matter what country are experts at playing double games .. It's all lies and deception there are no morals in wars ... Not surprised and it's obvious that the ISI knew it ! That's why Yousuf raza gilani asked who gave visa to bin laden
Pakistan and Osama bin Laden: What did they know? | The Economist

Highly unlikely Pakistan didn't know about Osama's presence in Abbottabad, Shahryar Khan says - The Times of India

LONDON: It is highly unlikely that the government did not know that Osama bin Laden was living in Abbottabad, according to former foreign secretary of Pakistan Shahryar Khan.

Khan who is now Pakistan's special envoy to India told TOI that he didn't really have authentic knowledge of the government or the military's role in hiding Laden but added that both eventualities — Pakistan knowing that Osama was living in the country or its lack of knowledge reflected badly on the country.

Khan said most people in Pakistan refuse to believe that both ISI and the government were taken by surprise when an US navy seals raid in Abbottabad killed the worlds' most wanted man.
Yeah...half the ISI goes after terrorists, half of the ISI protects them.

Unfortunately, it is the truth. And it is "unfortunate" more for Pakistan than for rest of the world. One of the first things Musharraf tried after 9/11 was to rid the ISI of the latter ones. Apparently, he was not so successful.
ISI is the best!!!111!!!111!!! :woot:

Again with these threads :close_tema:
Thats pretty simple enough. World's most wanted terrorist Mr. Laden living right in the heart of the country in a well protected comfy house could have meant two things.

1. ISI is the most incompetent intelligence agency in the world.
2. ISI was aware/ was allowing Laden to be there.

Im sure no one would agree with the former.
Ah! the infamous choice for ISI.. Whether to be called incompetent or complicit .. :) Devil and the deep blue sea
Unfortunately, it is the truth. And it is "unfortunate" more for Pakistan than for rest of the world. One of the first things Musharraf tried after 9/11 was to rid the ISI of the latter ones. Apparently, he was not so successful.

You've got any proof or something to back up your wild claims?
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