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ISI affiliated terrorists fuelling insurgency: Afghan Diplomat

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mr. taimi
we cant ignore the fact- :::: because of all these voices - Pakistan is on war. ( during worst time possible)

Pakistan is being attacked by American awacs.---->>>> without consent of not just people but also govt.

and these allegation does harm the image of paksitan, in past few years because of these baseless ( i think its so because i havent seen any proof) blame and allegation - world really think wrongly about Pakistan.

Pakistan have really paid more than enough.

First of all, the drone attacks are not without the consent of the govt, they are. Which govt MNA, MPA has resigned in protest ?? Has any one gone to court to stop these ?? None.

Who is providing the intel to the US for attacking ?? Ever thought about that ?? Satellites are not enough to track down these militants, so you need reliable human intel for precisely attacking the ones which are needed. So when we are providing the intel, no one from the govt is doing anything, it means the consent has been given and not only consent, but information is also being provided.

Yeah, people decision may be different.

As said before, they need a scapegoat to pin their failure on which, thus perfect choice is Pakistan, whether we are doing it or not, doesn't matter, they have to malign Pakistan, so that when they are failed, they can say, we did not had cooperation from Pakistan thus we failed, as by pointing at Pakistan, their own incompetence his hidden and no one will look into their own incompetence.
First of all, the drone attacks are not without the consent of the govt, they are. Which govt MNA, MPA has resigned in protest ?? Has any one gone to court to stop these ?? None.

Who is providing the intel to the US for attacking ?? Ever thought about that ?? Satellites are not enough to track down these militants, so you need reliable human intel for precisely attacking the ones which are needed. So when we are providing the intel, no one from the govt is doing anything, it means the consent has been given and not only consent, but information is also being provided.

Yeah, people decision may be different.

As said before, they need a scapegoat to pin their failure on which, thus perfect choice is Pakistan, whether we are doing it or not, doesn't matter, they have to malign Pakistan, so that when they are failed, they can say, we did not had cooperation from Pakistan thus we failed, as by pointing at Pakistan, their own incompetence his hidden and no one will look into their own incompetence.
As much as i know - paksitani govt did raise the voice against attack on paksitni soil by americans.

but yes i agree satellite cant provide all the data, paksitan is supplying info to forces. but only under the curtain.

also why do they allow american to bomb their own land - may be they agree something wrong is going on land of paksitan ? or just to please american ?

pakistan govt does listen and act as american say - but yes mostly behind the walls, in front they oppose to keep people calm,

because they are playign with sovereignty of their country. :cheers:
As much as i know - paksitani govt did raise the voice against attack on paksitni soil by americans.

but yes i agree satellite cant provide all the data, paksitan is supplying info to forces. but only under the curtain.

also why do they allow american to bomb their own land - may be they agree something wrong is going on land of paksitan ? or just to please american ?

pakistan govt does listen and act as american say - but yes mostly behind the walls, in front they oppose to keep people calm,

because they are playign with sovereignty of their country. :cheers:

That is not called voice raising. Voice raising is to launch a strong protest with the US, give its AF the order to down the drones intruding into Pakistani air space. As said that is just to show to the population.

One reason for letting them do the attacks is, capability, which we don't have and they have. 2nd most importantly, as our forces are not involved, thus we can deny our hand in them, while the militants won't be taking revenge attacks from us.

Do remember, US is playing its own game by attacking targets in NW, while they rejected the SW region was and is neglected and we saw hardly a few attacks in the SW region. So Pakistan is taking care of the SW region from where it faced the major threat, while the US took care of the NW, and even in NW, they are mostly targeting the AQ and foreign nationality militants and to some extent the local ones.

So both sides are playing their own games and protecting their interests.
mr. taimi.

here you are saying the same thing - paksitan is acting whats requested or ordered by americans.

while majority of Pakistan is against those action , the political league have to act because of the pressure.

i surely dont deny paksitan is fighting and doing whats good for them ( but under the circumstance of American pressure the options are limited ) .
mr. taimi.

here you are saying the same thing - paksitan is acting whats requested or ordered by americans.

while majority of Pakistan is against those action , the political league have to act because of the pressure.

i surely dont deny paksitan is fighting and doing whats good for them ( but under the circumstance of American pressure the options are limited ) .

Simple as that, Pakistan is not doing exactly and wholly what it is being ordered or asked.

Well so far we have resisted the American pressure, hopefully we can keep that doing in future also.
Simple as that, Pakistan is not doing exactly and wholly what it is being ordered or asked.

Well so far we have resisted the American pressure, hopefully we can keep that doing in future also.

ofcourse not - but paksitani political branch does listen and move when american talk loud.

of course any tom dick and harry of America wont make the same impact but higher officials do. :cheers:
ofcourse not - but paksitani political branch does listen and move when american talk loud.

of course any tom dick and harry of America wont make the same impact but higher officials do. :cheers:

Not exactly.America wanted to extend drone attacks to Baluchistan but because of severe repulsion, they didn't. Obviously they exert pressure but we also resist it. Not wholly but to some extent.
ofcourse not - but paksitani political branch does listen and move when american talk loud.

of course any tom dick and harry of America wont make the same impact but higher officials do. :cheers:

Pakistani knows how to takecare of each american...... you being indian need to see indian army killings in Kashmir and stop thinking about Pakistan and Afghanistan....

Be afraid of those days when ISI shift its eyes towards india and Kashmir and these talibans will start operations in Kashmir.. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: :rofl::rofl:

Pakistani knows how to takecare of each american...... you being indian need to see indian army killings in Kashmir and stop thinking about Pakistan and Afghanistan....

Be afraid of those days when ISI shift its eyes towards india and Kashmir and these talibans will start operations in Kashmir.. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: :rofl::rofl:


So you are saying its ISI that controls Taliban? That directly contradicts what Taimi said.

Its understandable that common Pakistanis will not be aware of what their secret services are doing, and hence their opinions are just opinions.
So you are saying its ISI that controls Taliban? That directly contradicts what Taimi said.

Its understandable that common Pakistanis will not be aware of what their secret services are doing, and hence their opinions are just opinions.

So what you want to say you are aware of what your secret intelligence agencies are doing?

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Pakistani knows how to takecare of each american...... you being indian need to see indian army killings in Kashmir and stop thinking about Pakistan and Afghanistan....

Be afraid of those days when ISI shift its eyes towards india and Kashmir and these talibans will start operations in Kashmir.. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: :rofl::rofl:


That would be god send to the right wing security establishment in India and a disaster to the local Kashmiris. It will be similar to the situation in the 90s when Pakistan was almost sanctioned as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Personally I would be apalled at the ISI at the total disregard for the lack of fellow muslims safety in other countries. But given the history, the lack of disregard for fellow muslims in Afghanistan, India and in Pakistan itself does not mean this would be surprising. Afterall the reason why Taliban was supported by the ISI in Afghanistan was to outsource the Kashmir fight to these militant fighters. This is why Pakistan now has to fight the WoT where these same militant groups are kiling more Pakistanis than any foreign country every did.
So what you to say you are aware of what you secret intelligence agencies are doing?


Thats not what I said at all, but now that you brought it up, - our secret agencies are manned by civilians and historically we have had no reason to suspect they are not under firm control of our leaders, who are DIRECTLY elected by me. So YES, our secret agencies do the work thats representative of our collective will.

The day our armed forces and secret services take over power, that will change forever.
Pakistani knows how to takecare of each american...... you being indian need to see indian army killings in Kashmir and stop thinking about Pakistan and Afghanistan....

Be afraid of those days when ISI shift its eyes towards india and Kashmir and these talibans will start operations in Kashmir.. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: :rofl::rofl:


Thats interesting. Two things come to mind..

About the threat of ISI in Kashmir and 3 yahoos and 2 rofls, well, ISI has been doing this (trying to) in Kashmir for over 21 years now. And how those years have turned out for India and Pakistan is for everyone to see. Continue down that path, and we will see who needs to be afraid

On the comment about civilian deaths in Kashmir.. Well thats off topic and people have received warnings for bringing up TTP references in threads about Kashmir. I will wait for a similar moderation here too since this thread is about ISI, Taliban and Afghanistan and not about Kashmir.
Pakistani knows how to takecare of each american...... you being indian need to see indian army killings in Kashmir and stop thinking about Pakistan and Afghanistan....

Be afraid of those days when ISI shift its eyes towards india and Kashmir and these talibans will start operations in Kashmir.. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: :rofl::rofl:

I do not know about the future days of proxy wars (aka asymmetric warfare doctrine of PA's Strategic Depth), but currently, it is Pakistan that is imploding from within ; The daily Deepavalis going on in there goes to show that even if Pakistan (along with USA) cuts a deal with the Afghan Taliban, and hands over the Haqqanis, the TTP will ensure that Pakistan will have no rest till Sharia is implemented in the Land of the Pure. On top of it, we will see Pashtuns trying to wrest control from MQM in Karachi using the Taliban which will further put Pakistan into anarchy.

So Yes, i am Afraid, Very much Afraid for Pakistan of what will happen in case USA just washes its hands off the TTP menace that Pakistan is facing while achieving its objective of a proxy government in Afghanistan.
Thats not what I said at all, but now that you brought it up, - our secret agencies are manned by civilians and historically we have had no reason to suspect they are not under firm control of our leaders, who are DIRECTLY elected by me. So YES, our secret agencies do the work thats representative of our collective will.

The day our armed forces and secret services take over power, that will change forever.

So if I simplify it we can say that difference between India and Pakistan is that in Pakistan military decides to interfere in it's neighbors issues and in India it is the elected democratic govt which decides when to harbor and export terrorism.

Right? :azn:
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