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Ishaq Dar declared ‘finance minister of the year’

If IMF and World Bank declare someone "Best Finance Minister", I'll be very very suspicious.

The first thing the country whose Finance Minister is nominated as such should do, is to investigate that FM.

As I said, someone being blue eyed child of IMF/WB is very suspicious person!
ISLAMABAD: A private publication,Emerging Markets has declared Ishaq Dar as ‘Finance Minister of the year 2016 for South Asia’, said the finance ministry, on Saturday, while presenting it as a big achievement for the country.

Emerging Markets, the newspaper of the IMF/World Bank Annual Meeting, has declared Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar as ‘Finance Minister of the year 2016 for South Asia’,” reads an official handout. However, people who have worked in the IMF and the WB said the publication does not belong to the IMF or the WB.

“The award is recognition of Pakistan’s economic performance at the IMF/World Bank Annual Meeting which is one of the major gatherings of international financial and economic leaders and experts,” said the ministry.

Economy now more stable than in 2013: PM

It is a United Kingdom based publication and is a subsidiary of Euromoney Trading Limited/Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC. The Euromoney Institutional Investor defines itself as “an international business-to-business information company focusing on the global financial community”.

The Euromoney – a similar private publication, also declared Governor State Bank of Pakistan, Ashraf Wathra, as ‘Central Bank Governor of the Year 2016’.

“It is just an ordinary routine affair for Emerging Markets to nominate a personality as a top banker, or a finance minister during the annual and spring meetings,” said Dr Ashfaque Hasan Khan, who in the past has dealt with these publications. “Former banker Syed Ali Raza and former finance minister Shaukat Aziz also won such awards in the past,” said Dr Ashfaque.

The Pakistanis who have worked in Washington with the IMF and the WB also said the newspaper brings out special editions at the time of spring and annual meetings of the IMF and the WB and publishes interviews of finance ministers and heads of central banks.

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar has nominated Pakistan’s Ambassador to United States, Jalil Abbas Jilani to receive the award on this behalf. The finance minister had to cancel his visit to Washington for the annual meeting due to situation on the Line of Control, the All-Parties Conference and Joint Session of the Parliament on Kashmir situation.

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“While we recognise it has been difficult times in the international financial markets, your stewardship of your nation’s finances has been admirable since taking over,” wrote Toby Fildes, the Managing Editor of Emerging Markets. The Finance Ministry released the letter along with the handout.

“Pakistan has, under your guidance, become an increasingly important regional economy thanks to the focus put on growing FDI (foreign direct investment), the impressive reputation of economic competence, the desire to have a greater presence in the global capital markets, the new securities legislation, the clever merger of the stock exchanges and its increasingly important relationship with China,” Fildes noted in his letter.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 9th, 2016.

@Imran Khan

what a joke yar,
power generation problems persist.
sagging exports,
PKR sliding against US$.
inflation once again rising.
Super fake bull sh!t by ganja league. Ishaq Dollar knows only how to find new ways for corruption.
and your point is?

"Pakistan has, under your guidance, become an increasingly important regional economy thanks to the focus put on growing FDI (foreign direct investment), the impressive reputation of economic competence, the desire to have a greater presence in the global capital markets, the new securities legislation, the clever merger of the stock exchanges and its increasingly important relationship with China,” Fildes noted in his letter

Looks like these are the words of a Seasoned Diplomat rather than of a Professional Banker

Your politically biased hatred and short memory aside, majority of Pakistanis see improvement in economy.

Super fake bull sh!t by ganja league. Ishaq Dollar knows only how to find new ways for corruption.
be a good servant and they will bless you for your obedience.
is that why we we will get those 10 rupess notes in coin form, eh ?
and your point is?

Your politically biased hatred and short memory aside, majority of Pakistanis see improvement in economy.

Apart from CPEC which is completely pushed by PA & their engineers are part of the project & they alone are pushing for the completion of CPEC. Which other economical development projects are taking place in Pakistan?
Why are our industry such as steel & textile mill at the lowest & why is our back bone agriculture suffering so badly?

All I see is, tons of loans been taken & then most of it going straight in the pockets of corrupt politicians, not only that some small projects been made & then massive attempts are immediately made to privatise them & in the end, massive corruption is still continuing on Neelum Jehlum project.
If you don't know any thing then don't talk. Loans are pushing Pakistan towards chaos.
How much did he pay for get this award?

He is being rewarded by his masters for fulfilling their agenda...an economic hitman
How much did he pay for get this award?

He is being rewarded by his masters for fulfilling their agenda...an economic hitman

Well he didn't pay them anything, but Pakistani Taxpayers will be paying IMF and World Bank billions of dollars in interest. This is why Ishaq Dar was given this award.
Instead of saying "Pakistan should save Kashmir", Pakistanis should be saying "Save Pakistan from Kashmiris" :-)
He does not even have a degree in Finance yet alone a finance minister of the year lol. He is an accountant and should be used for Debit Credit.
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