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ISAF (NATO) Killed 3 Pakistani Soldiers @ Pak-Afghan Check Post (Again)

It is time for the USA to "abandon" Pakistan, once again. Let China and Russia nurture Pakistan. After all if Pakistan held a plebiscite about whether or not the USA should leave Afghanistan and Pakistan, the vote would be overwhelmingly: YES!!!!

So, let the people's will (in both the USA and in Pakistan) prevail.

If terrorist attacks then occur on American soil that have been supported by groups sheltered in Pakistan, then Pakistanis will not mind being collateral damage. It's their free choice, after all. They will have chosen to throw their lot in with such groups. Maybe Allah will reward all who perish.

The US has been committing acts of terror on Pakistani and Afghani soil on an almost daily basis for a while, with drone attacks, bombing weddings, and funerals, killing men, women, children, elderly etc. That region has a code that predates most religions, if you kill one of their family members, they will kill one of yours or die trying. If you want peace in the world, stop creating enemies.

It's probably no coincidence that the Soviet Union collapsed more rapidly after their failure in Afghanistan, and the US is following the same path by going trillions into debt on foreign entanglements, while their economy is in the worst shape since The Great Depression.

Interesting that people who rely on mules and live in caves have essentially bested two of the world's most formidable superpowers.
It is time for the USA to "abandon" Pakistan, once again. Let China and Russia nurture Pakistan. After all if Pakistan held a plebiscite about whether or not the USA should leave Afghanistan and Pakistan, the vote would be overwhelmingly: YES!!!!

So, let the people's will (in both the USA and in Pakistan) prevail.

If terrorist attacks then occur on American soil that have been supported by groups sheltered in Pakistan, then Pakistanis will not mind being collateral damage. It's their free choice, after all. They will have chosen to throw their lot in with such groups. Maybe Allah will reward all who perish.

Wait, If India can Milk US economy and then spend that money on Russian Arms , Why can't Pakistan be friend with China and US?
That was when the neo-cons aimed at the "red menace" and Pakistan was the natural ally. Today the neo-cons aim at the "Islamic threat" and "China"..both of which has Pakistan as the natural adversary.

Politics in the US has made a extreme hard right turn...

So who is your friend, "India" which has billions $ of weapons deals with Russia every year with your money (out source jobs money)?
I would request that Defence.pk not delete this post this may have stuff that depicts America in a bad way but its the truth and people should be allowed to see this

America once again kills Pakistani soldiers, this mean no warning had been issued and no one within the Pakistan government was aware that plans for this raid were taking place.

My blood is boiling right now... way to make allies America I am anti-Taliban and Anti-Al-Qaeda and Pro peace but this is unacceptable,

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Govt and Army react when soilder killed by NATO... but never react like this when 10000 of civilian died by NATO attacks.... impressive...
Wait, If India can Milk US economy and then spend that money on Russian Arms , Why can't Pakistan be friend with China and US?

Unlike our leades,Parlimentarians,Ministers and Politicians,India had the best brains when it comes to foreign relations.
No wonder their foreign policy is much more succesful than ours.Their policy makers and leaders earned the respect in international relations,while ours always let us down.

For example,India MADE Australia to take solid actions and issue an apology on the death of one of her students in Melbourne...BBC News - India and Australia condemn student killing

Can Pakistan ever do any such thing?
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^^^ i think it might be the old one.
Here is some explanation:

Pakistani security officials said the helicopters twice intruded into Pakistan’s airspace on Thursday and shelled various areas in Kurram tribal region. In the first incident, the officials said, two Nato gunship helicopters fired two missiles at a security forces’ checkpoint located at a mountain near the border with Afghanistan’s Paktia province.

The checkpoint at Mandata Kandau was manned by seven personnel of Kurram Militia, a wing of the paramilitary Frontier Corps (FC). Three soldiers, identified as Nawazish Khan, Shahinshah and Shahid, died on the spot while three others, including Afsarullah, Nauroz Khan and Abdul Khuban sustained serious injuries. The injured soldiers were later airlifted to Peshawar where they were admitted to a military hospital.

The seventh soldier, whose name could not be ascertained, remained safe in the attack as he was reportedly at a distance from his colleagues during the attack on the checkpoint. In the second incident, official and tribal sources said two Nato choppers again crossed into the Pakistani territory and started shelling at Pesho Kandau area near Mattasangar in Upper Kurram.

Source: Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

The first incident got major publicity.

The second incident seems to be more like a hushed up affair. The Express News video (shown above) likely refers to the second incident.
So who is your friend, "India" which has billions $ of weapons deals with Russia every year with your money (out source jobs money)?

My post is in context of the attitude of neo-cons runing the GOP today..the neo-cons do not think that out sourcing hurts the American economy. Personally I think it is unavoidable...same as China taking away all the low level manufacturing.

There are no "friends" among nations...there are only "interests"
Like most americans I no longer see Pakistan as a credible allie in the war against the Taliban or terrorism. Its time to get out.
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My post is in context of the attitude of neo-cons runing the GOP today..the neo-cons do not think that out sourcing hurts the American economy. Personally I think it is unavoidable...same as China taking away all the low level manufacturing.

There are no "friends" among nations...there are only "interests"

Have you ever wondered why Germany exports to China in large numbers? You can not at the low end, you can not export the high-end technologies and products? U.S. technology is so poor than Germany? U.S banned the export of high technology to China, who do you blame?

"There is no friends, only interests" principle is right, but do not put everything into them, the U.S. was too extreme, and interests, not just in the short term, but also long-term, not just in the fight against, but in co-operation.
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Like most americans I no longer see Pakistan as a credible allie in the war against the Taliban or terrorism. Its time to get out.

Most Pakistanis have never seen USA as a credible allie on anything..
They replaced F-16 with shipment of wheat,if you remember,and even the wheat never arrived..Thats how reliable USA has been..All the US woes and promises are no more than monkey farts to the people of Pakistan.
The day USA leaves us alone will be the day Pakistan will finally start moving forward and progress.
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