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Is USA using HAARP System?

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Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Is USA using HAARP System?

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research facility jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

Its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for communications and surveillance purposes. Started in 1993, the project is proposed to last for a period of twenty years. The system was designed and built by Advanced Power Technologies (APTI) and since 2003, by BAE Advanced Technologies.

The facility currently operates a VHF and UHF radar, a fluxgate magnetometer, a digisonde, and an induction magnetometer alongside the transmitter facilities. As of 2008, HAARP had incurred around $250 million in tax-funded construction and operating costs.

Controversy -

Alleged potential for use as a weapon

The HAARP project became the subject of controversy in the mid-1990s, following claims that the antennas could be used as a weapon. In August 2002, a critical mention of HAARP technology came from the State Duma (parliament) of Russia. The Duma issued a press release on the HAARP written by the international affairs and defense committees, signed by 90 deputies and presented to then President Vladimir Putin. The statement claimed:

The U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the near-Earth medium with high-frequency radio waves ... The significance of this qualitative leap could be compared to the transition from cold steel to firearms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. This new type of weapons differs from previous types in that the near-Earth medium becomes at once an object of direct influence and its component.

Some conspiracy websites and some Venezuelan and Russian media have reportedly blamed HAARP as a cause of the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
Yes, I learned more about HAARP, could you kindly provide good example of videos? Thanks.

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Is USA using HAARP System?

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research facility jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). ..................

Yes Russians had provided readidngs that US Navy used an Earth Quake Weapon or tested an earthquake weapon which was mis-handled and caused massive earthquake in Haiti killing 200,000 thousands civilian. Hours after earth quake Thousands of US forces landed in Haiti and Haitians are saying that Haiti has been invaded.

There are possiblities that Kashmir earthquake of October 2005 was also a result of HAARP weapon.

Waziristan areas are vulnerable for use of HAARP technology and possiblities cannnot be rules out. The chemtrails and aerosols could generate an atmospher hazarduous for human live there.:coffee:
I agree .............

I have studied about HAARP , cloud seeding & weather modification tools by web surfing.

Everyone knows that HAARP program was started by American Navy. and besides it also be noted that some months ago or may be in previous year, we have heard that Americans have requested an acres of land in Islamabad, and it was also found on the then newspapers that American Navy persons have been entered in Pakistan without their regular entry in Pakistan, I mean unofficial entry.

It looks clear to me, that they have also installed HAARP equipment in Islamabad and they are doing the recently flood activities.

Think over it again.-----> US NAVY ----> Islamabad ---> HAARP --->Weather modification ---> Flood ----- Destruction.
a lot of hot air and conspiracy theories. The day US learns to modify weather will be the day hunger would end in the world.
They had used the haarp and cloud seeding against Veitnam, that resulted in heavy rain which caused great problem logistically to Vietnamese army.
They had used the haarp and cloud seeding against Veitnam, that resulted in heavy rain which caused great problem logistically to Vietnamese army.

HAARP did not exist back in Vietnam era (ead the original article - it says HAARP was started in 1993)

Secondly, weather manipulation is simply too unpredictable. Due to the nature of weather, including external factors that affect weather (tectonic plate movements, rotation of earth and its revolution around the sun, gravitational pull of the moon to mention a few) just affecting the atmosphere cannot severely affect weather patterns cannot affect weather in a predictable manner. it can create a lot of anomalies, and USA manipulating weather might end up affecting the whole world, including USA. So its highly unlikely USA has either the means or the control to affect global weather significantly.
This is ridiculous. If an array of research antennas can cause earthquakes, then the entire U.S. military can be disbanded, all nukes scrapped, and Iran's nuclear research facility would already be rubble.

When natural disasters are blamed on a country, then the entire world has gone insane.
Does CHINA< INDIA>Or RUSSIA HAve these capacities..
Constant drone attacks, great democratic leadership :D, cricket team performing poorly.........all these factors have affected the psyche of some people of one country.

Those ppl of that one country have gone insane, the remaining world is very much in their senses.

And with this comment of yours i think you are not in senses...

World need to pay attention to killings in Kashmir ..... Please everyone raise voice against innocent killings in Kashmir.....

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Constant drone attacks, great democratic leadership :D, cricket team performing poorly.........all these factors have affected the psyche of some people of one country.

Those ppl of that one country have gone insane, the remaining world is very much in their senses.

And some people in the eastern neighbourhood of that country were retarded by birth and this poster is a classic example of such mental disorder!
And with this comment of yours i think you are not in senses...
you go and drink cow piss and chill out .....

World need to pay attention to killings in Kashmir ..... Please everyone raise voice against innocent killings in Kashmir.....


I know u r hurt..........btw post reported.

Anyways, let me put some salt into your wounds.

Gilani + Zardari = Super combination :rofl::rofl::rofl:

The best PM and the best President Pakistan has ever seen.

@topic - This is a natural calamity, nothing else.
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