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Is USA using HAARP System?

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Here we go with the conspiracy theories again… and always without a shred of evidence to support them. Is your opposition to the US so irrational that you will accept any piece of science fiction that paints the US as the all-powerful villain, despite all evidence to the contrary? Why would a country that has just donated 55 million dollars along with food supplies, water purification systems and storage containers, advance zodiac rescue boats, pre fabricated bridges, helicopters and manpower to help the flood victims create this massive disaster? If you had taken a moment to look at what the Meteorologists have said about the weather pattern in the area you would understand that these monsoon rains are a natural occurrence. It has always rained seasonally in the region, but this year the monsoon rains were severe and unstoppable. Again, why would you reject all of this information, based on science, in favor of conspiracy theory nonsense you read on the internet, without scrutinizing the source?

Michael Marshall reports in the New Scientist that this has been due to static jet stream freezes in place the weather systems that sit inside the peaks and troughs of its meanders. Warm air to the south of the jet stream gets sucked north into the "peaks". The "troughs" on the other hand, draw in cold, low-pressure air from the north. Normally, these systems are constantly on the move – but not during a blocking event. And so it was that Pakistan fell victim to ******** of rain. The blocking event coincided with the summer monsoon, bringing down additional rain on the mountains to the north of the country.

Let us not get carried away with conspiracy theories and get bogged down in a pointless discussion. There is a dire need to help the victims of the worst flooding since the 1920s (I guess no one had blamed HAARP then!) The US is doing whatever it can to help the victims. We have raised the donation amount from 35 million dollars to 55 million USD. Our helicopters are (as weather permits) running non-stop rescue missions; transferring flood effected people to safer grounds while transferring provision for the standard victims. Instead of spreading rumors it is time everyone should put in a hand in the relief efforts… leaving the conspiracy theories behind!

LCDR William H. Speaks
DET – U.S. Central Command
Here we go with the conspiracy theories again… and always without a shred of evidence to support them. Is your opposition to the US so irrational that you will accept any piece of science fiction that paints the US as the all-powerful villain, despite all evidence to the contrary? Why would a country that has just donated 55 million dollars along with food supplies, water purification systems and storage containers, advance zodiac rescue boats, pre fabricated bridges, helicopters and manpower to help the flood victims create this massive disaster? If you had taken a moment to look at what the Meteorologists have said about the weather pattern in the area you would understand that these monsoon rains are a natural occurrence. It has always rained seasonally in the region, but this year the monsoon rains were severe and unstoppable. Again, why would you reject all of this information, based on science, in favor of conspiracy theory nonsense you read on the internet, without scrutinizing the source?

Michael Marshall reports in the New Scientist that this has been due to static jet stream freezes in place the weather systems that sit inside the peaks and troughs of its meanders. Warm air to the south of the jet stream gets sucked north into the "peaks". The "troughs" on the other hand, draw in cold, low-pressure air from the north. Normally, these systems are constantly on the move – but not during a blocking event. And so it was that Pakistan fell victim to ******** of rain. The blocking event coincided with the summer monsoon, bringing down additional rain on the mountains to the north of the country.

Let us not get carried away with conspiracy theories and get bogged down in a pointless discussion. There is a dire need to help the victims of the worst flooding since the 1920s (I guess no one had blamed HAARP then!) The US is doing whatever it can to help the victims. We have raised the donation amount from 35 million dollars to 55 million USD. Our helicopters are (as weather permits) running non-stop rescue missions; transferring flood effected people to safer grounds while transferring provision for the standard victims. Instead of spreading rumors it is time everyone should put in a hand in the relief efforts… leaving the conspiracy theories behind!

LCDR William H. Speaks
DET – U.S. Central Command
There is no shortage of mental gymnastics to explain the highlighted. It is very entertaining. By the way, how is the daily Bayshore 500 ? Is 'The Beacon' still around ?
ahadeeth told us that dajjal has the powers to control flood, rain, earthquakes and storms..
he can bring back the dead alive too...waiting for this one...
We can't say for sure but indications r very strong that such a weapon might exist....

*When US was forcing Pak thru Musharaf to oblige in war-of-terror,, I watched a fauji-jernail on TV trying to scare masses by telling that US had weapon that could shut-down whole city's electricity & communications... !!! I was like, what-the-heck is he saying...!!!

*Some years later Kashmir quake,,, an uncle told me that it was caused by US,,, I laughed at him..

*some years later 30min before china's quake unusual lights were seen in sky...

*Then quake in iran,,, ppl observed tornado & unusual illumination over sea...

* Then Haiti quake... & we herd Russian official saying that US used it's secret weapon... Then President Chavez of Venezuela said that US used it's Tectonic-Weapon to cause Haiti's quake...

Another Thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...thquakes-china-haiti-now-chile-whos-next.html
my posts


ahadeeth told us that dajjal has the powers to control flood, rain, earthquakes and storms..
he can bring back the dead alive too...waiting for this one...

Defibrilators can make a stopped heart run again... That might be it...!!! Or may be sth else!!!
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Again, if the U.S. could, by pumping a few kilowatts into the atmosphere, create earthquakes that liberate hundreds of megatons of energy, then all we'd need to do is announce the fact and enslave the entire world.

"Yo Beijing, leave Taiwan alone or we will earthquake-zap the new dam and flood millions of homes! BZZZT. See, there you go. Behave yourselves."

Can someone please postulate the mechanism whereby radio waves (electromagnetic radiation) make millions of tons of matter actually MOVE. It defies every law of physics known to man.

Please, let... it... go... It's childish and shows a basic misunderstanding of science.

Even if US installed such system in Pakistan ... how it is going to use when Pakistan is always short of electricity?
Conspiracy theories are fun! ... :D
Frequently Asked Questions about HAARP

How much power does HAARP take from the power grid?

HAARP draws only housekeeping power, used for lighting, heating, and computers, from the local power grid. During research operations, the HAARP facility is taken off the local power grid completely.

General Questions about HAARP

What is HAARP?
HAARP stands for The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The goal of this program is to further advance our knowledge of the physical and electrical properties of the Earth's ionosphere which can affect our military and civilian communication and navigation systems. The HAARP program operates a world-class ionospheric research facility located in Gakona, Alaska.

What is the name of this research facility?
The facility is called the HAARP Research Station, Gakona.

Who built the HAARP facility?
The prime conotractor for construction at the facility was BAE Systems, Advanced Technology (BAE/AT). Major construction at the facility was completed during 2007.
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Again, if the U.S. could, by pumping a few kilowatts into the atmosphere, create earthquakes that liberate hundreds of megatons of energy, then all we'd need to do is announce the fact and enslave the entire world.

"Yo Beijing, leave Taiwan alone or we will earthquake-zap the new dam and flood millions of homes! BZZZT. See, there you go. Behave yourselves."

Can someone please postulate the mechanism whereby radio waves (electromagnetic radiation) make millions of tons of matter actually MOVE. It defies every law of physics known to man.

Please, let... it... go... It's childish and shows a basic misunderstanding of science.


YouTube - HAARP!

Ionospheric Heating and Weather Control

Ionospheric Heating refers to artifically heating the Ionosphere, which is the upper most part of the atmosphere. ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) waves are used to literally boil the upper atmosphere. This lifts and changes the shape of the atmospheric gas clouds and can be used (theoretically) to control the weather.

What are ELF Waves ?

Extremely Low Frequency waves have frequency between 3 to 30 Hz. Human ears can detect a minimum of 20 Hz but 30Hz is mostly inaudible to most human beings. Such low freqency waves have been used for communication with submarines and because they can travel over long distances, they are used in Ionospheric heaters as well.

What are Ionospheric Heaters ?

ELF waves are transmitted by a large array of antennas at Ionospheric Heating sites. These waves are focused on a single point in the upper atmosphere. This wave concentartion heats up the Ionosphere and can create artifical auroras as well, as the Ionosphere is nothing but a 20km wide layer of electrically charged particles.
This re-directs wind patterns at extremely high altitudes and thus weather can be altered. This weather engineering ability was described in the very basic aims of all Ionospheric Heaters worldwide. The sun rays entering the Earth’s atmosphere when collide with particles in the Ionosphere produces Electrojets which are also resposnible for producing the beautiful auroras. This energy beamed via ELF waves is then used to alter the energy flow.
Mainstream media has done nothing but dumb us down.

Technology is 35 years ahead of what we know today. We believe everything we are told and therefore are hopelessly dependent on what the media tells us. The internet and Mobile technology we are using today, has been used for classified military operations back in the 70s. So only Allah swt knows what they have nowadays as classified technology and this HAARP could be a possibility.

Turn your TV off for just 30 days and you'll understand where your brain went. There's nothing like the feeling of thinking for yourself.

We are indeed living in strange times.
Well , HAARP cannot be ruled out

The debate is only *** discussion there is no concrete evidence on haarp usage against Pakistan but ... the talk is a bit worrying and signs

"The air above in atmosphere , moves in distinctive currents , or patterns"

Its a natural pattern that is followed for ages and ages

When the radio waves are sent in atmosphere they warm up certain regions of the atmosphere , and that part of atmosphere, plumes up

When then atmosphere plumes up ~ this will change the path the winds , and systems like moonsoon rain take

If we analyse our weather scenarios

a) We had 1 major typhoon warning in last 2-3 month range
again due to an unusual weather pattern it would have washed
away gawadar and karachi ports

b) We had an attempted espionage attemp at terbella dam just days
before the major floods

c) Finally we had the unusual floodings due to moonsoon rains while
in russia , they had Un heard of forest fires !!!

So why are all the rains only occoursing in Pakistan region ?

I think this has to be investigated

2008 China HARRP attack

Forest fires in Russia happening unusually

Ufo or Haarp circle???

View min 5:00 on ward
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Any attempts to "explain" how a few lousy kilowatts of power can affect the atmosphere fail utterly. The average kitchen microwave might have 1.5 kilowatts.

Energy is energy. To heat, to move, to energize millions of tons of airborne gasses and water requires (shall we say) a bit more than HAARP can do, and to make thousands of megatons of rock dance to create an earthquake is simply impossible.

Consider than the solar radiation and UV/IR energy from the sun alone is probably


or so times beyond HAARP; why not simply blame the sun? Or a super-nova from the galactic core? Anything more than an array of antennas that in themselves have barely any power at all, and probably are mostly receiving antennas anyhow.

This unhealthy fascination with HAARP is really lowering the intellectual quality of this forum. Have they stopped teaching physics in school? Or are too many posters < age 16 or so?
Any attempts to "explain" how a few lousy kilowatts of power can affect the atmosphere fail utterly. The average kitchen microwave might have 1.5 kilowatts.

Energy is energy. To heat, to move, to energize millions of tons of airborne gasses and water requires (shall we say) a bit more than HAARP can do, and to make thousands of megatons of rock dance to create an earthquake is simply impossible.

Consider than the solar radiation and UV/IR energy from the sun alone is probably


or so times beyond HAARP; why not simply blame the sun? Or a super-nova from the galactic core? Anything more than an array of antennas that in themselves have barely any power at all, and probably are mostly receiving antennas anyhow.

This unhealthy fascination with HAARP is really lowering the intellectual quality of this forum. Have they stopped teaching physics in school? Or are too many posters < age 16 or so?

You kinda hit the spot with the last line, add to that the absolute obsessive fascination most Pakistani's have with conspiracy theories, it would put Ufologists and Area 51 fans to shame.
You probably missed the one regarding Angelina jolie and the mind control deal.. :rofl:
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