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Is USA using HAARP System?

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well it is possible ... who knows ... as to chogy and the rest of his clan ... its a fact that some 150 years ago people much like u used to laugh at the concept of radio, television, air travel, mobile phones, the internet and a thousand other things ... that didnt stopped these things from being a reality and today they are like necessities of life ... its also a fact that many conspiracy theories have some truth in them too ... the HAARP technology is there ... it exists ... the only doubt is about its potential ... maybe science has gone that far ... as a counter argument if a few atoms can start a chain reaction that can wipe an entire city ... y cant a few satellite dishes disturb natural balance and bring about weather changes??
the science of all this were it possible is beyond my comprehension and very likely beyond everyones here

i did think that these floods were unusual and unprecedented, thats as much as i am saying

but whether HAARP or not, thats matter for another time, pakistan needs to focus on recovering
Have they stopped teaching physics in school? Or are too many posters < age 16 or so?

This is the biggest problem of today&#8217;s world, we have &#8220;experts&#8221; on every illogical logic&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;I think &#8220;too many posters < age 16&#8221; might become the cause of forumquake one day.
Frequently Asked Questions about HAARP

How much power does HAARP take from the power grid?

HAARP draws only housekeeping power, used for lighting, heating, and computers, from the local power grid. During research operations, the HAARP facility is taken off the local power grid completely.

General Questions about HAARP

What is HAARP?
HAARP stands for The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The goal of this program is to further advance our knowledge of the physical and electrical properties of the Earth's ionosphere which can affect our military and civilian communication and navigation systems. The HAARP program operates a world-class ionospheric research facility located in Gakona, Alaska.

What is the name of this research facility?
The facility is called the HAARP Research Station, Gakona.

Who built the HAARP facility?
The prime conotractor for construction at the facility was BAE Systems, Advanced Technology (BAE/AT). Major construction at the facility was completed during 2007.

Tell me which school do you go to ?
and please tell us how many years of education have you completed?
So the USA is using HAARP for their own mass flooding and weather problems. The colossal flooding of New Orleans was probably a plan to malign Islam. Now I understand everything :hitwall:

its a fact that some 150 years ago people much like u used to laugh at the concept of radio, television, air travel, mobile phones, the internet and a thousand other things ...

NONE of these things violate the fundamental laws of physics. What is being proposed by HAARP conspiracy proponents is akin to pointing a microwave oven at K2 and melting a glacier. The energy output of HAARP is not consistent with the supposed results.

People become a bit overwhelmed with technobabble like ELF and VLF waves (ooooh!) which simply mean low frequency radio. The world is full of 100,000 watt A.M radio stations that transmit at ~ 1000 kilohertz. These do nothing to the atmosphere or anything else except transmit music and voice over distance. As frequencies rise, you can finally (in the microwave region) actually begin to heat water molecules through vibration, and this lets us cook a frozen dinner, but not alter global weather patterns, let alone make megatons of rock move. uWave radiation does not penetrate the ground. At all.

as a counter argument if a few atoms can start a chain reaction that can wipe an entire city ... y cant a few satellite dishes disturb natural balance and bring about weather changes??

It takes more "than a few atoms" for nuclear fission, and it takes an extremely precise set of circumstances to bring about a fission explosion. The energy is contained within the atoms themselves. Mankind has been doing underground nuclear testing for decades. Not a single one has initiated a "pent up earthquake" or otherwise triggered a cascading tectonic response. So there we are, planting Hiroshima bombs in the ground, and none of them create a natural disaster. Are you seriously claiming that electromagnetic radiation which does not penetrate soil can do what an atomic explosion cannot?

The earth is bombarded by a cacophony of cosmic and solar radiation, in energy quantities far exceeding anything some guys with a few Yagi antennas can do.

Put it this way... if HAARP can do what people claim, then it could be considered the ultimate energy source. Somehow, we would be amplifying the energy by a factor of millions. If that were the case, then there would be no need for fossil fuel or dirty fission. We would create free power, cause it to rain in drought-stricken areas, increase farm output by 1,000%.

Its a freaking observatory and scientific experiment, nothing more. There are legitimate concerns in this world. Why be distracted by conspiracies that make Bigfoot and aliens seem legitimate? This is the last I'll say on HAARP. If you believe everything that is on YouTube, then I highly recommend some high-school physics courses. Newton, let alone Einstein, are rolling in their graves right now.

NONE of these things violate the fundamental laws of physics. What is being proposed by HAARP conspiracy proponents is akin to pointing a microwave oven at K2 and melting a glacier. The energy output of HAARP is not consistent with the supposed results.

People become a bit overwhelmed with technobabble like ELF and VLF waves (ooooh!) which simply mean low frequency radio. The world is full of 100,000 watt A.M radio stations that transmit at ~ 1000 kilohertz. These do nothing to the atmosphere or anything else except transmit music and voice over distance. As frequencies rise, you can finally (in the microwave region) actually begin to heat water molecules through vibration, and this lets us cook a frozen dinner, but not alter global weather patterns, let alone make megatons of rock move. uWave radiation does not penetrate the ground. At all.

It takes more "than a few atoms" for nuclear fission, and it takes an extremely precise set of circumstances to bring about a fission explosion. The energy is contained within the atoms themselves. Mankind has been doing underground nuclear testing for decades. Not a single one has initiated a "pent up earthquake" or otherwise triggered a cascading tectonic response. So there we are, planting Hiroshima bombs in the ground, and none of them create a natural disaster. Are you seriously claiming that electromagnetic radiation which does not penetrate soil can do what an atomic explosion cannot?

The earth is bombarded by a cacophony of cosmic and solar radiation, in energy quantities far exceeding anything some guys with a few Yagi antennas can do.

Put it this way... if HAARP can do what people claim, then it could be considered the ultimate energy source. Somehow, we would be amplifying the energy by a factor of millions. If that were the case, then there would be no need for fossil fuel or dirty fission. We would create free power, cause it to rain in drought-stricken areas, increase farm output by 1,000%.

Its a freaking observatory and scientific experiment, nothing more. There are legitimate concerns in this world. Why be distracted by conspiracies that make Bigfoot and aliens seem legitimate? This is the last I'll say on HAARP. If you believe everything that is on YouTube, then I highly recommend some high-school physics courses. Newton, let alone Einstein, are rolling in their graves right now.

People are not saying that HAARP is creating all this energy, they believe that these natural disasters meant for other places are being guided toward target areas.

It is possible to control where a lightning bolt hits, while it may be impossible for humans to generate thunder clouds.

I keep an open mind, if it is possible to control where a lightning bolt hits, why not an earth quake or a flood?
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