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Is US leaving Afghanistan in 2014 or the Generals lying?

India feels that it will be able to juggle all the players against each other to squeeze maximum benefit for India. It's an ambitious strategy and can pay huge dividends if India can pull it off. India is also lucky not to be in the lead and let China take all the flak from the West's nervousness.

We have a saying that if you stand in the middle of the road you will get run over. I think its very risky for india. Especially by neglecting the neighbourhood countries or being half hearted about neighbours Iran and Russia who are normally friendly with India could start moving away. Americans have proved in the past to be unreliable allies
concern or care can you be a bit more specific on this


I am here not for grammar classes. Iranians have negative views only about US/NATO, Saudi and Israel. If Pakistanis really dream that Iran will abandon India for Pakistan's sake then they are wrong.
They are not going to pull back because they need this strategic piece of land for several geo-political reasons as well as economic ones plus is the eventuality of war with Russia, China, Pakistan and incase of Iran's agression with Israel and icase of Irans agression with any other ME country or any other bullshit the US needs this foot hold in the ME and the resource wealth is a bonus factor and i personally in the near future can see the US struggling for an Empire in this area and possibly the quest of Israel's expansion due to the fact that its is the Zionist controlled federal reserve woth govern the us admin its plans and its strategic and economic policies.....
So much for democracy I think that obama and the political leaders have made clear what they want. I think there are rogue elements in cia and american army who are trying to sabotage their civilian leaders but they are subtle about it
Why dont this world give chance to Afghanis to decide their fate ? Who the hell Americans, Indians and we Pakistanis are to decide on their behalf.Americans are hell bent to destroy not only Afghanistan but its neighbour countries calling it a war on terror.Indians are there for so called development which their own country needs the most and we Pakistanis are fighting someone else war from three decades and allowing those fanatic mullahs to come to power again.Please for god sake think that people like us are living there and they want to live in peace too.Stop defending your countries just for the sake of lame arguments.Let them decide what is good for them.Give them a chance.
We have a saying that if you stand in the middle of the road you will get run over. I think its very risky for india. Especially by neglecting the neighbourhood countries or being half hearted about neighbours Iran and Russia who are normally friendly with India could start moving away. Americans have proved in the past to be unreliable allies

And India in past has proved the ability to manage contrasting relationships.. Out of the neighbors, Pakistan and China anyway are antagonistic in nature.. With Russia and Iran, the relationships are decades old and are not mutually exclusive with India's trade with the US
How u know that RAW told u are did u got call from Afghanista lol ?? We have more than 4 million Afghanies in Pakistan... How many in India ? Why not India open there border and ask there beloved afghanies who India care so much about to come in India. Since you know so badly what Afghans want. I tel u what they want they want Kashmir to be part of Pakistan and after that even more....

What you did in Afghanistan was for your own interest, you were getting a lot of weapons and money from the Americans.

If you encourage the Talibs to contest elections, and ask for international observers to ensure fair elections, that is legitimate. But you will never do that because you know Talibs have no support.

If you are aiding non-state actors, then you are an invader.

So yes, Pakistan is an invader in Afghanistan. That is what makes it harder for NATO to leave.
The longer they stay, the more resources they occupy and more money they make perhaps...and Pakistan having no say or share of the gas/resources pipelines.

I think we as a nation are very very delusioned and misinformed about the realities of this war.

Such moves are neither a quick fix, nor just about money. They are about the influence that guarantees a smooth flow of money and other resources through a long period of time, and a wider regional area.

For example, invasion of Iraq had less to do with oil, the US barely got any money out of Iraq. It was more to do with the ouster of a rogue element that threatened to destabilize entire Middle East against the plans of the United States, and it had to do with the burdening the KSA & Kuwait, and asserting US's influence throughout that region for a smooth flow of business (favoring the US business houses, of course).

Similarly, the Afghanistan war is now less to do with al Qaeda or the Taliban (Taliban were never the enemies anyway), and more to do with the stabilization of the area specifically in favor of the United States (and some other large economies). The war in Afghanistan is much more complicated than particular enemies and friends fighting each other. It is about assertion of influence to achieve long term objectives (eg. control over the routes, and regional countries), and from what I think, it is not going to be as bad for Pakistan as the media in Pakistan tends to portray.

When you say the nation is disillusioned and misinformed, then you must understand that every nation has the work force in the form of its population, but the population is oblivious to the complicated geopolitical machinations, and the drivers in the seat are politicians, army, and business houses. However, it may make you a bit sad to know, but the ugly truth is that it is only the general population that is emotionally attached to the concept of nation, those who take it for a ride, are hardcore individualists. Welfare of nation will matter to them only as long as it serves their purposes (which it often does).*

* You should read about the Panic of 1893, and the subsequent Panic of 1907, and J.P. Morgan's role in doling out his assets to fill the treasury and keep the Wall Street in workable conditions.
I knew you were an indian all along.

By the way, the reason why U.S. is in Afghanistan is why all former powers invaded Afghanistan. In the end of the day, they would like to put their puppet government in Afghanistan so they can run the show in Asia.

Afghanistan is the perfect base for them. Central Asia and Russia up north, Iran to the west, Pakistan to the south, and China to the east.

Ask the Administrator of this Site If I am Indian. Your re-buttal is pathetic.

I think you could be Indian. How better to malign Pakistan than show how stupid some Pakistanis can be. :lol:

The problem with people like you is if anyone who offers divergent views, suddenly becomes an enemy in your eyes.

As for Afghanistan, USA is in there, because the Taliban brought in Al Qaeda and they launched terrorist attacks against USA. I support USA going into Afghanistan and taking out Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists.

There are other places in Asia, that US could intervene if it wants to dominate Asia. Afghanistan is a land locked country, how does US improve its strategic position in the region.

You neither have any knowledge on such subject matters, nor you have the intellect to engage in a proper debate, and nor do you have the humility to respect other's people views. All you do is repeat the propoganda you hear on the streets. Good luck with that.
U.S will not leave afganistan in 2014. most probably they will cut the troops number to half or less but not full withdrawal.

And how you think they will able to protect themselves. With their current strength they cannot leave garrisons most of the time and you are suggesting that they would able to survive and control Afghanistan in few thousands numbers. I dont think so!
Most of the troops will be withdrawn but US will never left Afghanistan. They will continue to have bases with few thousands of soldiers, specially the eastern bases. Out of current 94000 US troops, I think 5000 to 10000 will remain in Afghanistan.
Dear readers, although we cannot comment for the Pakistani Generals, we know that we are in Afghanistan on a specific mission, and that is to defeat terrorism and incapacitate the terror organizations that have been creating mayhem throughout the world. Our leadership has set a timetable for our withdrawal from the region. We have been successful in dismantling the Al-Qaeda network and working with our allies to do the same for Taliban and their supporters. The Afghanistan National Security forces have been trained and are quickly becoming self sufficient. Once the process of transferring the security duties to the Afghans is complete, our forces will fully withdraw. We have promised both Afghanistan and Pakistan our continued assistance and cooperation even after our forces leave the region.

Do you remember when we were accused of permanently occupying the state of Iraq? Do you see how that was proven wrong? Contrary to many opinions, the oil contracts have been awarded to the Chinese and Kuwaiti firms, and please remember that it is easy to indulge in conspiracy theories, but facts can lead one out of darkness. Dear readers, today Afghanistan is on the road to progress, and Afghans have the capacity to pursue their dreams. Isn’t freedom a beautiful thing?

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Ask the Administrator of this Site If I am Indian. Your re-buttal is pathetic.

I think you could be Indian. How better to malign Pakistan than show how stupid some Pakistanis can be. :lol:

The problem with people like you is if anyone who offers divergent views, suddenly becomes an enemy in your eyes.

As for Afghanistan, USA is in there, because the Taliban brought in Al Qaeda and they launched terrorist attacks against USA. I support USA going into Afghanistan and taking out Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists.

There are other places in Asia, that US could intervene if it wants to dominate Asia. Afghanistan is a land locked country, how does US improve its strategic position in the region.

You neither have any knowledge on such subject matters, nor you have the intellect to engage in a proper debate, and nor do you have the humility to respect other's people views. All you do is repeat the propoganda you hear on the streets. Good luck with that.

Just forget about that guy man (Omar 1984). He also called me an Indian in a different thread. I think he would have rather called me a hindu or an acchute but i guess he had fear to get banned.
He has absolutely no knowledge in anything. just posts bs.
As for Afghanistan, USA is in there, because the Taliban brought in Al Qaeda and they launched terrorist attacks against USA. I support USA going into Afghanistan and taking out Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists.

There are other places in Asia, that US could intervene if it wants to dominate Asia. Afghanistan is a land locked country, how does US improve its strategic position in the region.

If Al-Qaida was based in Pakistan, would you have support the US launch war on Pakistan?

There's no sense or logic to your argument. The US unilaterally went and attacked Afghanistan after 911 without any UN mandate. Without a trial or evidence of the Al Quaida being complicit in the attack.

The US also went to war with Iraq on false and dubious premises of having WMD's, do u also support that?
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