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Is this indian IQ level, doesnt understand the IK offer to India

This coordination is happening now, who do you think Raza bakir or Hafeez sheikh is for that matter. Why do you think Asad umar was removed, because he was too soft and didn't want to burden the awam. The state knows what condition it is in, and the extremely tough decisions it has to make. To give you the perspective it was an emergency loan of 2bn from China during interim government that delayed the bankruptcy.
Sometimes we have to look to at rationale, and point our guns in the right direction. It is no longer feasible to give subsidy on electricity or gas. We need to ask who signed those electricity contracts at exorbant rates, who did long term unprecidented LNG contracts at extraordinary rates. Why don't we ask them how swam was going to pay for it?. We are in a debt trap, where we have to loan money to pay our interests, not just that to finance our imports, let alone the principal amount.
We were running a huge trade deficit of 36 billion $. We had to reduce imports drastically, we had to stop subsidizing dollar and bring it to market value. These are hard decisions that had to be taken. They do carry detrimental side effects, but they were necessary for the survival of our state.
Don't fret over the credit card bill, introspect on how we got there.
In short at a macroeconomic level our whole economic structure is being retracted from an import based growth to a domestic and export oriented one.

Yes IMF is helping Pakistan
Yes IMF is helping Pakistan
Nope the sad fact it IMF is only showing the mirror to every Pakistani. Its message is 'Son you need to think about how you are going to pay for the expensive electricity and gas you agreed to purchase'. 'Son you live in a rational world your imports can not be more than twice your exports'.
In short stop gloating and bragging about a car on lease and think about the payments. Stop projecting your own shortcomings to every white face you see.
Nope the sad fact it IMF is only showing the mirror to every Pakistani. Its message is 'Son you need to think about how you are going to pay for the expensive electricity and gas you agreed to purchase'. 'Son you live in a rational world your imports can not be more than twice your exports'.
In short stop gloating and bragging about a car on lease and think about the payments. Stop projecting your own shortcomings to every white face you see.

I have no problem being a modern day shephard for deforestation.

IMF is not needed by the people just the government. A kid on the tiger force bahani would tell you that too.

Don't get me started on white face and who Niazi think is Umpire and who financed the NYC concerts. Not interested in magazine stories
I have no problem being a modern day shephard for deforestation.

IMF is not needed by the people just the government. A kid on the tiger force bahani would tell you that too.

Don't get me started on white face and who Niazi think is Umpire and who financed the NYC concerts. Not interested in magazine stories

We all are the sheep not the Shepard.
Then be an honourable man and tell your fellow countrymen to pay for the electricity and gas at full value, your beloved leader now residing in London gifted you. And stop using so much foreign shit.
Ohh I think I broke your glass house? Pity me..
We all are the sheep not the Shepard.
Then be an honourable man and tell your fellow countrymen to pay for the electricity and gas at full value, your beloved leader now residing in London gifted you. And stop using so much foreign shit.
Ohh I think I broke your glass house? Pity me..

dude why do you assume everyone's a thief?

most of the theft is done by business sector. the average citizen is shrewd consumer of power anyhow.

instead of educating people that they are doing a criminal activity, why shall i not question the authorities to hold them accountable?

who should i hold accountable for this governance problem? people or the government?
dude why do you assume everyone's a thief?

most of the theft is done by business sector. the average citizen is shrewd consumer of power anyhow.

instead of educating people that they are doing a criminal activity, why shall i not question the authorities to hold them accountable?

who should i hold accountable for this governance problem? people or the government?
I never said the common man is a thief, I want them to be more informed rather than be so gullible. I want them to know if they are paying 18rs per unit or paying much more for gas who is responsible for signing those contracts. Whose wrong policies led our country into a debt trap.
Hold the right person responsible and accountable whoever it is. This parliamentary system is designed for the influential, no room for a common man.
I never said the common man is a thief, I want them to be more informed rather than be so gullible. I want them to know if they are paying 18rs per unit or paying much more for gas who is responsible for signing those contracts. Whose wrong policies led our country into a debt trap.
Hold the right person responsible and accountable whoever it is. This parliamentary system is designed for the influential, no room for a common man.

to hum ab kia ab hath me hath daal kar duet gayen?
world not run on ethics but on self interests and we are not doing much damage to india on Loc otherwise they not had courage to impose curfew in kashmir and continue genocide of kashmiris which is increasing everyday
Grow up man its trolling and international posturing. Sending message to the world that Pakistan need peace. Whatever we do on LOC will remain on LOC.
He made the tweet in personal capacity not as PM.

PTI is pro Modi party as hinted by previous tweets from this handle.
world not run on ethics but on self interests and we are not doing much damage to india on Loc otherwise they not had courage to impose curfew in kashmir and continue genocide of kashmiris which is increasing everyday

Agreed but world do run on optics and current gov is playing well diplomatically.

Do u think that india will take our help ? Hell no. But we r giving mesaage to the world that we r a piece living country and india is a voilent country. This is a war of perception
if you look at indian media they are using this statement for making fun of Pakistan as our economy is smaller and conditions of our own public are also not very satisfactory during this pandemic
Agreed but world do run on optics and current gov is playing well diplomatically.

Do u think that india will take our help ? Hell no. But we r giving mesaage to the world that we r a piece living country and india is a voilent country. This is a war of perception
if you look at indian media they are using this statement for making fun of Pakistan as our economy is smaller and conditions of our own public are also not very satisfactory during this pandemic
what will be the reaction of foreign diplomats? Will it be same as of Indian media.

Bro this is narrative building which take years to take shape.

Like India took decades to project Pakistan as a terrorist nation and we are now reversing that as a peace loving friendly nation.

This is diplomacy and Indian media is shooting in the foot by ridiculing positive gestures.
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